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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Do you mean like small (rock size) gravel or like big boulders? The house I just bought literally has over 100 12"+ circumference stones, some as big as 1,000 lbs. I am looking to sell some of them if you are interested.
  2. I got one down by campus once while my ex girlfriend was getting her nose pierced. It pissed me the fuck off. I put the license plate on and then sent in a picture and they sent me a picture back of the car without one on, ha. I got caught. Paid the $45 and called it a day.
  3. I've golfed a few times at West Chester in Canal Winchester and it's pretty damn nice. I play in a league for work so I don't know how expensive it is, but it's a medium of the road course. The back 9 has many more trees than the front, so it's a good mix of the 2. I've only golfed formally like 10 times and I usually shoot 10-15+ par on it. I suck. Haha
  4. I leave 3 lights on in my house 24/7. I bet these would be a good replacement for those...hmmm...
  5. Awesome man. Directtv isn't horrible but you certainly have to be aggressive. After that they usually take care of you.
  6. Damn! My entire yard is destroyed from removing the giant landscape rocks that these idiots had before me (over 100). Thanks man, good luck.
  7. Why don't we just do it? I have a tile saw and everything. Noob.
  8. They pulled that shit on me when I moved back in December. I told them to fuck themselves and asked for a quote on the buyout. All in all, I paid $40 to have it moved. Fight it, they'll lower the price. My installer was out there for 4 hours, not worth it to me for a $40 price tag.
  9. What does the yard roller do? Serious question, haha. I am doing some major landscape stuff and could use one....of course smokin5s has dibs.
  10. What kind of shape is it in? Good enough for a rental bedroom or something? If so, please text me at 614-309-2158. I work in Canal and have rentals, so we can talk.
  11. Forrest Gump said it right. Tell them you sold the car. And run Forest, run.
  12. Shit man, I totally forgot to respond back to this. Sorry about that, not trying to be a flake. She is still looking around the June time frame and didn't want to apply and not be able to give it her all, so she is holding off. I appreciate it and may be following up soon!
  13. Damn man, if I had a place to store this thing it would be sold. Sucks.
  14. Or, maybe I can ask this guy the general price he paid and I can multiply it by 11 windows so that I don't have to waste peoples time when I don't intend on doing it for at least another year.
  15. Do you mind sharing the approximate price per window? Just a ball park, I don't want to intrude.
  16. I need new windows BAD in my new house. Just dropped 41k in rehabbing it, so that is truly one of the last things I want to do. I'd rather wait until a hail storm hits and have my siding replaced (aluminum) and then do the windows. I have to keep my house at 75* to be bearable. My windows literally feel like they are a fan on windy nights.
  17. Thanks guys. Certainly don't want to spread false information! I just assumed the benefit of the short sale was that it wouldn't mess up your credit.
  18. Wrong info, sorry man! Best of luck.
  19. Where are you going to train in Hilliard? I train M-F in Pickerington but live in Hilliard and do cardio on Sat/Sun (schedule pending) at Metro in Hilliard.
  20. God I hate when people say they don't have time for the gym. I won't go into what I have going on during a daily basis because I'll sound like a chode, but if you really want to go, you'll make time. That being said- I used to drink around 8 soda/pop's a day. I haven't had one in 11 years (stopped when I was 13 because my teeth were getting bad and I was getting huge). Take yourself off slowly. I'd try to reduce by 20-25% each week or every 5 days or so.
  21. I've lurked on this forum for ~2 years, and Doc has to be one of the friendliest, giving people I've ever seen in my life. This earth needs more like him. Wish we could do the Elise for mine, ha!
  22. How is everyone's NIT bracket doing? Said no one ever.
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