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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Awesome man- that's a phenomenal profit! Riding the wave
  2. Yeah people are panicking. I love it- might buy some more. This shit will go back up.
  3. Same- definitely dodged a bullet on that one. Down $300 now. It'll need to go up to about $260 for me to recoup my initial investment. I did make $300 on BTC so technically I'm still even. Honestly this has been fun as hell. Worth it whichever way it goes.
  4. Yeah, I'm still in though. If I sold now I'd lose $200...
  5. Ouch....might drop below $200.
  6. I'm back to you...the place I want to move to in Arizona is 5% higher than Columbus. Fountain Hills, AZ.
  7. I bought another litecoin at $260 last night. It'll go back up. And if it crashes back down to $0, I lost $1400. Not the end of the world.
  8. I will live in Arizona or South Carolina in the next 5 years...I started looking at houses in Arizona last year after seeing this list, ha!
  9. I looked this up last year, so it appears to have changed a bit. We are in the bottom 10...50% of the days have sun, and 78 clear days. https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/US/average-annual-state-sunshine.php Arizona is #1
  10. I hate the winter. Every year I question why I live in this fucking wasteland of a state. 47th worst state for sun...
  11. I'm really interested in the dialogue on this....based on the fact that I have a business (real estate investment) and a W2 job, I'm wondering how much it'll impact me. I did pay my personal property taxes yesterday for the next 12 months- apparently it's significantly more advantageous to do so in 2017.
  12. Anything can be moved, and typically for fairly cheap. It scares people because it involves drywall repair. I'd say you can have that plumbing moved and drywall repaired for under $1k. If it'll help get you what you want, consider it!
  13. Pics would help. I am rehabbing a house now and one of the bathrooms is fucking tiny. We are doing a corner standing shower with full body shower head- however the master will have a tub, which doesn't sound like you have that option. A standard tub surround is only 60"- you don't have any where to put that?
  14. I sold my bitcoin at 18,200 Friday night. Oh well, still made some money! I'm up around $800 on Litecoin.
  15. Mine cleared a day early. If I sold right now, I'd make $101 lol. I am going to ride the weekend and see where it goes. What does it's trade value on the stock market mean for owners of the actual coin? Not sure I understand. LTC lost steam. Mine clears tomorrow and I might just sell and walk away knowing I made a couple hundred and had fun getting in on this crazyness.
  16. Fuckin eh....that about made me tear up.
  17. Still smiling...wish I would have bought more in the $100's for LTC but still up overall.
  18. Agreed- this one is great. I like the detailer one too.
  19. I am kind of set on selling my BC when it clears on Friday...I only own .15 ($2500 @ 15,577) so for me to make 6 figures, this shit has to increase a ridiculous amount. I'd rather dump it into LTC and hope it goes from to even half of BTC (I now have 5.4 coins).
  20. Need a licensed GC to quote, manage and do the license-required work my latest rehab. Major reno in Old Town East, projected at looking at a 100k+ in rehab. Work (demo) starts this Saturday. Would love to use someone from CR!
  21. That's exactly what I'm doing...I just bought 2 more LTC at $349 each. It spiked at $410 today. I'm $1200 in and basically just used my profits from the first to get my other 2.
  22. Seriously question, why sell? 400% profit is no joke, but it's went from $180 to $410 in 24 hours. Why not ride it out? I'm new to this, so asking to learn, not to be a dick.
  23. I agree, it's crazy, but my ass has experienced 300% gains in 4 days. I'll take it.
  24. Litecoin now at $389. I only bought $500 but still have 3.4 coins. If it goes back to low $300's I'm buying more.
  25. Ltc up to $351 this morning. Unreal.
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