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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I think one issue with all of this talk is this: This stuff doesn't just happen at schools. Vegas, churches, malls, etc. Mass shootings in general are a huge issue in the US, not just at schools. What is the root cause of all this? Mental health. None of these cats shooting places up are right in the head. Ban guns? They drive through crowded areas in a Home Depot van (yes I know that was more religious based). Here is my point: I personally am on depression medication. I go on it for 3-4 months a year during the winter. I have NEVER had an issue with my background check and I own multiple guns. I get approved the same day, no issues, etc. Why? I've always questioned that. Why is it that someone who is on depression medication and has a history of mental health stemming back to 2012, is able to get a gun so easily? PS: for the record, I take the lowest dosage of anxiety/depression medication known to man, usually from Dec-March because of the lack of sun. I don't have actual depression, just seasonal. But my point remains- it's never once come up on a background check.
  2. Never played any of the others...I'm not much a gamer, but I used to play AoE after school (I played Runescape for a bit too when I was like 12/13). It is a great time killer, but I've never played online or anything (I didn't even know you could). Wasn't that the cheat code for a nuke? Sounds familiar haha! I've never been on Steam in my life...I was just thinking about getting this new AoE because for $20, it's a fun time killer that gets me away from Xbox for a bit (but again, I'm not a big gamer so I only play like 1 hour a week). Thanks man!
  3. Anyone ever play Age of Empires way back in the day? I played it for a few years back when I was fat, nerdy teenager and it was fun as hell. Just got an email from Microsoft saying its back...Anyone going to buy it and start playing again?
  4. Thanks Kerry! There may actually be a company coming to pick it up tomorrow that doesn't require an Ohio title. If that's the case, no battery needed. If not, I'll reach back out! PS: I tried to PM you back but your mailbox is full.
  5. It has top poles- Duralast part number 24-DLG for a new one (700CCA's) Last time she drove it it had trouble going into gear (it's an auto). She ended up buying a brand new Infinity so just wants this thing out of her hair as she's moving this weekend and has gotten 2 tickets for it not being registered. Anyone on here can have it for $200 if they want lol
  6. I need to borrow a battery for a 1998 Nissan Frontier for one day. Basically, my girlfriends title for her old piece of shit truck is a Florida title in her dad's name, so in order for her to scrap it, she has to have the title put into her name and then registered in Ohio. The battery is dead, and she's doing all this just to junk the truck. I need a battery for 24 hours to drive it to the BMV, get an out of state inspection, drive it home, remove the battery, and then scrap this piece of shit so I never have to see it's existence again (yeah, this thing has been annoying as you can see). Anyone have a battery laying around? I'll come pick it up and return it obviously. And a 6-pack for your troubles.
  7. Couple of really nice F-150's on there too.
  8. I have an outlet in my truck and could bring my Keurig haha. I'll even donate the K-cups.
  9. JP has been a big hater of BTC so I was just giving him shit. See above- just fucking with you homie
  10. Damn. I'm voting for this even over my own car. Gorgeous pic man!
  11. This might be a dumbass question, but what is the difference between a will and estate planning? I have a will that leaves all my shit to my ex wife...I should probably have that updated. But at 28, unmarried with no kids, do I need an estate plan?
  12. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I got mine with 39k miles, every option known to man except tow mirrors, for 26k. They’re a some really good deals out there
  14. I daily drive a 2014 FX4 and it’s the first truck I’ve ever DD’d, and probably my favorite thing ever. It’s comfortable as hell and I can haul shit whenever I want. For years I had a sedan DD (S4, Cadillac ATS, etc.) and it got so annoying having 2 vehicles because Id have to stop home and swap if I needed my truck (beater). My FX4 is luxurious as hell and I can haul shit whenever I need to. Love the eco boost too, plenty fast and sounds great.
  15. My business partner is a highly seasoned Home inspector. He does all my houses and hundreds a year. Awesome dude. His name is Rob and his number is 614-402-2115. Let him know Brad sent you.
  16. Will Smith is one of my favorite actors for whatever reason, so it was strange seeing him in a direct to consumer way like this. The movie was okay....like 6.8/10. Kind of corny, but overall a good story line.
  17. If it has been a rental for 3 of the last 5 years, it’s considered a rental overall and can be claimed as a profit or loss.
  18. It just got a brand new clutch so I need to break that in, but I'd definitely be down at a track day. I do need new tires soon but I'll have them before any consistent 55 degree weather hits.
  19. I actually think you and I would have a good race (with the 335). I'd prefer a roll race but I definitely think it'd be fun/close either way.
  20. I actually think its a really cool idea, I just worry instantly about liability. I've looked into AirBnb'ing my house while I travel for work, and honestly, they have their shit together when it comes to theft and such. So many measures in place I wouldn't be worried to do it. However with someone using my property (outside of a shower and bed) I start to worry about just general liability. A cool idea though
  21. Lol dude if you think the measure of a person is how fast they can tear down a car and rebuild it, you're sinfully wrong. Am I the most technically competent car person on this site? Hell no- admittedly, probably one of the worst. It's been a long time since I've worked on a car like I used to (and much to your surprise, I actually do know how to). I am educated in a different way (not that it's any better than you. Unlike you, I don't compare my skillset to others like an egotistical prick). If I remember correctly, we are exactly the same age. I'll just say this, and I'm done wasting my precious carpel tunnel induced fingers on your suck hole- we are at DRASTICALLY different points in our lives for being the same age. Like, fucking drastic. And yes, I am implying that I am better than you.
  22. Agreed. I think they need to take it a step further and just fuck.
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