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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Fell asleep at the wheel around the upper PA area and put it into a median. It was pretty crazy.
  2. I'm not a big baseball guy, but if I had to pick, Astros for sure. Especially after what just happened in Houston with the hurricane. T'would be a good story.
  3. Oh dude, trust me when I say I'm literally ashamed of myself. I have missed 4 buckeye games in the last 10 years, all for good reasons. I have NEVER passed out like this in my life, and of course, I woke up to "Game of Century" headlines. Incredibly frustrating, but it is what it is. Guys like your buddy are totally different haha- I would never knowingly miss an OSU game unless it was for a wedding (3/4 of the games I missed were for one).
  4. I honestly will never forgive myself for as long as I live. I drank ALLLLL day and got fucking hammered and ubered home in the third quarter. I had no idea where I was or what the score was- hell, I thought we were winning at halftime. Passed out and woke up on my couch at 12:30 in the morning, only to find that I missed the game of the century. I could live 100 more years and not forgive myself for missing this.
  5. What does a set of 2014 Audi Q7 wheels cost? Black powdercoat. 20" wheels: https://www.google.com/search?q=2014%20audi%20q7&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2nfygqpHXAhUMw4MKHYYNAGMQ_AUICigB&biw=2048&bih=980#imgrc=UN15n1BFr5XXkM:
  6. I don't get what it is. I've read about it online numerous times and just really don't actually comprehend it. Can someone give me the "I'm a fucking idiot" version?
  7. The suspense of where you're going to choose is killing me. Keep us updated haha
  8. Derek is coming to take care of the 335 tomorrow...I love that I don't even have to leave work haha.
  9. Those are owned by the same person? That's awesome- I love both those places.
  10. Suck it lol (I'm 27) I am almost for sure going to get the new COD. I play Halo with 2 friends a couple times a month, but otherwise my Xbox is just used for Netflix.
  11. Soccer Club...it's what they're called in Europe/non US so it's been a thing here lately.
  12. Yeah, I'm pretty fucking nervous. My fear of PSU didn't change one bit after the UM game- I was already terrified. We need Barrett to be at his absolutely best. FWIW- Dobbins is averaging more YPC than Barkley, but his passing threat is unmatched. This should be a game for the ages. I hope I'm so hammered by the start of it that in the moment I won't care one way or the other.
  13. Update: I received everything from RB Turbo on Wednesday and it all looks great. I'll grab some pics during the install to share! Also ordered new front brakes today- they feel a bit warped so I may as well just do it now. Cross drilled/slotted with ceramic pads. I still drive this thing frequently and it's a blast. Can't wait to feel it with the inlets and turbo's installed.
  14. That's fucking insane. After owning a Colt (obviously the one you built), I'd shit myself at that speed. They're like roller skates anyways...can't believe they are capable of going this fast and not launching to the moon. You're the man JP. Very cool.
  15. Slightly ($450), but there's been some solid interest and it's a good deal already.
  16. Damn, what a dumb way to live your life. "I'll sit around and wait until 2027 to pull the trigger on something".
  17. Bump- I had a ton of interest in this but I was going to Mexico and couldn't show it. I'm back and available for "showings".
  18. Clitjizio to the rescue. You available at 9:30 tonight?
  19. Those are my 4 teams as well. I think Georgia drops one before the CG and then ultimately losing to Alabama (which they will) will put them out. Like it or not, Alabama is the best team in the country right now, shitty schedule or not. They've earned the benefit of the doubt given the last 8 years of football. Ohio State is clicking on just about all cylinders right now. I don't care what anyone says, Saturday night had all the makings of an upset- 3-3 team that has nothing to lose, night game, away game, etc. Ohio State fucking dominated that game from start to finish and JT Barrett's confidence is at an all time high. Saturday the 28th will tell. Whatever happens that night will make or break our season.
  20. Love it! That color looks phenomenal. I actually like the wheels too but I'm sure you'll pick something nice.
  21. Dude I swear I do that all the time at work too LOL Does anyone ever say "Bless You" when someone sneezes next to them? It's always something I think of doing but never do.
  22. They're going to fuck around and waste an amazing season. Even as a Reds fan, I sure hope not.
  23. Zx2guy19

    He Gone

    Sorry to hear that buddy. Glad you got some quality time towards the end.
  24. Yeah I can't wait...I think you're forgetting the stickers I'm going to add to bring it well over 500. The Nankangs are rated to 101 mph so I should be all safe and tidy!!!1!!one!
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