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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. man thats cool. matt brown is doing classes in columbus also.
  2. mitch has a warm ass..... but not as sexy as NB's
  3. karens gonna love it and will put red interiors in all of them
  4. venezuelan bingo... great name. I look forward to see how the decklid turns out and what you have to do to get it there
  5. makes sense. still baffled at the amount of cars in columbus I see driving around on the freeway at 70mph on a spare/s tires.
  6. I seriously owe are trash guys. Had 20 ft of demo trash from the house and they took all of it in the snow. hats of to them
  7. well when I click on the image above nothing happens. I admittedly suck at the internet
  8. I wasn't around during this time, but did the same life in hawaii during that time. Thank you for the videos. Brought back alot of memories for me in Hawaii. Dat trance track in this video (now if I can only remember that track name): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BHvqTNPAzIb5c7mp8D0Gbll8gPT7Llbt
  9. I mean if a 19 year old in college that isn't able to work somehow can afford tattoo sleeves and fake dreadlocks that may raise a red flag. Maybe time for old Gene Smith to finally get the boot along with Urban and his fake morals. Lauren..... here's your time bud to fix your bets and troll.
  10. You sir have set the body modication fab standard for cr in the next years to come.
  11. dam shame that happened.
  12. umm not quite. I was on a full scholarship then a partial at a smaller school... never once worried about food or being homeless. If I wanted to have extra night time money, then I knew I needed to suck it up and work some hours. I worked 20 hours a week, practiced 4-7 hours a day, and took 18+ hours of college credit for 3 years year round. It's doable. No different than a non-athlete with a child who is a full time student and works a full-time job. Just as with school teachers... if an athlete is that unhappy with the payment they are receiving then choose a different job. problem solved. Good for the NCAA to agree to allow student to receive payment for services outside of the school. Stil unreal that system is allowed today. Just imagine the blow back if you replace term "athlete" with "minority" or "refugee" and see how fast things would change due to the pc world of today.
  13. reaching 4.10 was the happiest day of Mcmurray's life.
  14. I will ask the guy in my class thats into stream line phone without all the fancy shit and get back to you. good or bad.
  15. I came across a panhandler at the popeyes on broad. I asked, what is your plan to move forward from this and I will grab you a cheeseburger for answering. Guy actually sat on the curb with me outside and shot the shit for some time.
  16. I did search and found a few post from last year. Looking to replace the electrical panel since ours is outdated and cant find the circuit breakers anymore. Any recommendations for an electrician who can service the Gahanna area? Thanks in advance
  17. fucking unreal. sounds like a great trip
  18. man I'm officially jelly of your build.
  19. i mean valid. if any of the 3 have sunroofs, then go with the biggest one you can find. Regardless, we're jelly you get to do that drive.
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