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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. then the carrier would be personally liable for damages if norwalk did not know in advance they were. If a facility has a sign that says no firearms allowed on property and an employee goes on a shooting rampage, then the company is not liable. The same could be said for sam's club, costo, wal-mart etc. I don't see much protesting pushing to keep them closed.
  2. good discussion topic. Sadly I do not have a great option for that. The gov should close borders to the country to those that are showing signs of some type of contagious sickness. Unfortunately due to our buy everything from stores approach, anyone that walks into a store is a risk and including police who are there to enforce laws which make them a carrier. At some point, people have to build tolerance to it. On the flip side, the hand santiser push years ago created strains of colds that were way sicker. As the current approach to cigs or alcohol, just take the approach of do what you see fit and face the music down the road if it comes. To even add another layer to it, laws in a given area typically tend to lean towards one religious party which can create a vague seperation of church vs state.
  3. there are plenty of mutations of the flu that there are not vacination for. Obesity isn't a stretch since the arguement pushed is that people are dying and I already agreed that it isn't contagious. It's not about one particular death type, but more about goverment over-reach.
  4. obesity kills more people and is not contagious. The flu also is contagious and kills more people but were not shutting down the country is you want an apples to apples comparison.
  5. I agree it's a catch 22. The problem is that obesity and related illnesses for example kills way more than corona. If were going to take the same actions across the board for other life threatening issues, then anyone labeled as over weight should have mandatory exercise program according to the government logic with corona. At what point does the government reach stop?
  6. cool story. I remember to this day the helicopters warm up rattling our windows
  7. Kerry if the poor are not working then it makes it worse for them since they are financially more at risk unless we want to keep them poor and at risk. Unfortunately there is no "were all equal and protected" when dealing with health.
  8. interesting quick read regarding corona's impact on wealth distribution: https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200412/coronavirus-may-accelerate-income-gap-experts-fear
  9. message Coleyounger3 on here. He works at a dirt, mulch supply place and gave a dam good price.
  10. Yea I saw that from a research article in Italy last week. They are suggesting oxygen instead.
  11. I am worried about the impact of over use of hand sanitizer and cleaning products ends up making next years flu worse. We will hit july 4th and we all will have moved on.
  12. Very unfortunate what happened to the japanese during that time. I can see that a social distancing order (although I disagree with limiting travel) would survive given dui check points now have legal precedent.
  13. oddball discussion topic. Is social distancing constitutionaly legal vs the right to protest as a group?
  14. I briefly talked to one of them waiting for everyone. He said they are part of the Columbus Exotics group. No idea if it's facebook, insta, etc.
  15. Cool line up for sure. No idea how it happened, but glad your boy had a great turn out for his bday.
  16. For anyone who didn't make it, absolutely great turn out. I had the semi-daily bmw convertible wayyy in the back. Didn't expect all the exotics to show up.
  17. who would have thought corona would have made personal freedoms, guns, and manufactoring in the usa cool again.
  18. I'm up for it even though it's not a fancy car.
  19. Right. They also live in a nice area and really only go out to hardward stores since they just go down there to work on the house, but still.
  20. not just the young folks. parents just flew down to new orleans for the 2nd time in a month.
  21. howard has been hanging out with Mitch Exotic too much.
  22. I agree that isn't good. It can domino effect to Pearl Harbor if they port there and San Diego when they get back. A good portion of enlisted sailors live within 6 blocks to 2 miles from where they dock if they are at the regular docking stations.
  23. 1st off thank you for your service. 2ndly I never said it was one sided as far as moving forward or that it was your side was to blame in not moving forward. After going down the worm hole again with a shitty post playing the same game as others have on here including yourself, I decided it was time to take a step back and take a different approach.
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