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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Alittle out there for a response. I've met Kerry in person and he's a good dude. Yes we have had dozens of run in's in the political section, but he is down to earth if you meet him in person and don't talk politics. He literally volunterred to come to my house to help me with my project car.
  2. may as well move this thread to das kitchen. lol
  3. and wearing flaring shirts without being able to do a push-up.....lol this could be a skit in letterkenny
  4. columbus, ohio.... capital of mini-malls and driving on spare tires
  5. how did the mirage do at the shootout? I saw your run in the index racing online. Couldn't make it up there. Yes Gerg it's thread shitting all over the front yard
  6. Just blame the russians. It's what all the cool kids do these days
  7. 10phone2

    CR decals

    well played and eat my ass. lol
  8. 10phone2

    CR decals

    silly question, how would I get one if not on facebook along with paying for it?
  9. Hi Lauren... Welcome back and please clear up last years bets.
  10. whatever dudes name is isn't coming back. he tucked his tail and ran
  11. 10phone2

    CR decals

    Not on facebook but I will take 2 also
  12. 10phone2


    man thats great on your part. kudos to you
  13. my g35 I can run 89 octane any months outside June-August. During those months and it will low key ping if its not 92/93
  14. good to know. thanks. I will try to make it Saturday depending on if there are any home projects I brain farted and forgot about.
  15. What days are you going to be up there racing? I'm going to try to swing up
  16. AWW$SHEET...... glad your back to columbus lawn and garden
  17. ray charles just said I can't see shit. lol
  18. "When he pulls out he will find out if it's man or woman". . . . . viva la chat box
  19. pagging BIGGU, Farkas, Not Brian, Mitch, or Howard........
  20. Dam thats a great car for the money. GLWS
  21. not at the tracks in hawaii. shorts and flip flops. lol kick ass run
  22. you sir are correct. even if the legend tinman lightens stock parts.
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