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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. great. I likely ended up on a watch list reading that. lol
  2. back when otis nice I think was yenner.
  3. the used car market sucks rights now unfortunately for sellers with good buys.
  4. It happens. Ever thought of a cross country drive to spend time and get her appreciation of the outdoors going?
  5. 10phone2

    BMW 2002

    Regardless of our previous history with others and I have been guilty of this, can we all stick to mutual respect at a bare minimum?
  6. You bring up a valid point about conservative Blacks who are called racist for saying there own neighborhoods needs to take care of there issues. I mean shit, even Geetoo said I was racist against Blacks even though I'm Black. The best advise that my dad says he receives to this day was from his grandmother... "don't wait around on white people or anyone else to take care of you because it isn't going to happen."
  7. If we say Trump is in bed with the Russians and the Russians influenced the presidential election, then how do you stop that without ensuring each person is a valid, breathing citizen who votes?
  8. If were going with consistency then Israel should have open boarders, take down walls that protects their sovereignty, and openly allow people of Palestine or any heritage into their country regardless of background.
  9. Those links do not break down the data enough to prove anything conclusive due to the populations of higher education and income before coming to the country skewing the data. Do you have anything that breaks it down to the level of country of origin, education, yearly income in country of origin, etc? There is a lady from Haiti on my team that her parents were granted political asylum. Both her parents have phd's and strong morals. I would literally trust her with my children and think highly of them. Her entire family is amazing and are successful. I think what Tim is getting at, is why allow low income and low education immigrants into the country when we already have our own low income/skilled minorities that need the help 1st.
  10. you and your crazy talk of liberty and freedom. lol
  11. Here's a few curve ball questions. What if party differences was nothing more than a ploy to get consumers to ignore their financial peril to have them continue to spend themselves into oblivion or that adding a 1-2 mile jog a day to schools curriculum would solve most our health issues down the road.
  12. I just saw BYU lost to Northern Illinois. shoot me.
  13. I have voted Democrate in the past believe it or not. This is my view point on any political party.... if your going to use the moral card then it needs to be consistent for calling out your own party or atleast be consistent. My issue with the Republican party is that they allow businesses to gut pensions or retirement when a company bails and declares bankruptcy. At this point, African American inner cities have been failed under Democratic leadership for far too long and are pushed to the back on the line to promote open boarders. At some point, regardless of where immigrants are coming from, we can't afford to bring in more when we continually fail the lower income in our country.
  14. jesus the prices for scrap cars have dropped. I remember getting $200 3 years ago for a LS400 shell.
  15. Thank you for stating from what I see at work of people under 40 who take health a priority vs those who don't and their ability to effectively utilize their down time at work to ensure they don't encounter any short term stressful issues.
  16. just due to the lack of rust and the honest upfront from mace means the car is worth it. GLWS.
  17. I will have to politely disagree with you on this one. I have proven at work that I have long term been able to drive a team to improve revenue to 20-30 million a year in handling calls for harder accounts over years and still face the obstacle dealing with cuts due to incentive changes that are geared to normalize performance with the purpose to reduce pay. A wrinkle to it though, is that regardless of position or title, life is more stable when pursuing excellence regardless of job role/focus.
  18. the super crew 4x4 priced itself at 30k in Columbus, unless there is a dealer mark up. Not too bad. I have thought about bringing up to the wife that one of our daily's is a smaller super crew truck.
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