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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Care to share an links for insight into this. The problem with the current cd/savings account rates is it's still not enough for someone to live off of if they have a million or more with 0 effort. The flip side is that if the prime rate is higher to support that for the wealthy, then the 1st time home buyers are hosed. I can't be all in for the wealthy when the 1st time home buyer is how we financially stabilized after starting over in Columbus with just luggage off a plane with alot of work.
  2. a retired guy on my team has a suburban with a 5.3 and loves it. He said that if he takes out the back seats, he can haul 4x8 sheets of wood/plywood.
  3. greg... can we just all move on? The board has been alot better since the political bickering has stopped. No president or political party is worth insulting or getting bent out of shape over. At the end of the day, people will have different political differences and nothing is wrong with that.
  4. why not just have a daily thats good on gas for the family and a beater weekend toy for funzies that you give 0 fucks about? Either way you do have some great options.
  5. ^ sound advice. When I went to tucson, it was a time capsule of older cars.
  6. because that konig rim and jlw6 12's with radio shack tweeters lyfe.
  7. they maybe around but not that many are for sale atleast on craigslist.
  8. I agree. Alex, being able to go through the path of hard work and getting to success is something that no one will ever be able to take that experience away from you. Time and time again I see at work people who suck, have never been successful at anything, and have zero idea how to get it out of it since they have never been successful at anything. I still to this day, regret not spending more time after college to train and turn pro. I had 50 tennis courts and the keys to the facility with permission for 24 hour access. I allowed myself to get to busy tied down with running lessons and now second guess if that was the right thing to do.
  9. That sounds interesting. I will have to check it out. Thanks
  10. that's a tell tale sign. I have spotted for sale adds from before that are listed a 1/3 of what they should go for and the photos all have the same resolution.
  11. I admit it's love and hate with them. I think part of the reason they grew on me is that they admit they are idiots and make a mockery of sports journalism. Also, they break up the routine of osu is the greatest university ever.
  12. i may have not heard the carpenter noon show. By that time, I am over hearing for the 8th time how Urban combed his hair a different way to day. At this point, just put back on le batard show and mike jr can eat a bag of dicks.
  13. I may catch crap for this, but anything on before common man during the day on 97.1 is terrible. Same story just repeated over and over.
  14. Great car and you will get to enjoy it as your daily when shes over it.
  15. please don't change with wanting to be better every day. The struggles I see with even successful people at work that are okay doing what they always have and the problems they create for their own personal life with complacency. Darkside, thank you for your service
  16. I haven't been to Italy, but to me just find a remote beach with a nice view and chill.
  17. that's how I ended up with the Corolla. I just showed my wife what was on craigslist and that it didn't make sense with no intention of buying it. She said your stupid if you don't get it.
  18. 10phone2


    if only the messages about equality were applied to taxes that were all the same.
  19. 10phone2


    parents are going through that right now and will sell within two years max since they are close to retiring. The only home they will keep is in Hawaii because property taxes there are a fraction of what they are in Ohio.
  20. and ymca closed the gyms in columbus at 10am because of the storm. great
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