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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. I have 0 car goals this year. I have to remodel another bathroom, kitchen, laundry room, and maybe do a fence around the back yard.
  2. interesting quick article about health care success in cuba: https://getpocket.com/explore/item/how-cubans-live-as-long-as-americans-at-a-tenth-of-the-cost
  3. a co-worker has a friend that owns a machine shop that does one off aviation machining over by rickenbacker (sp). I can ask them what the shops name is if you want.
  4. maybe it's not up to one political party to fix health care, but more of the individual to be active to avoid the traps of health care cost regardless of what political party is in control.
  5. let's move past the democrat vs repubclian debate. are you saying that people who are not active have less health issues?
  6. pretty spot on there. The problem that Columbus is going to face down the road is that with the high taxes and increasing traffic... does the pay in relation to cost justify being here
  7. He does great work and the prices make it worth it.
  8. dan lebatord apparently is saying Urban to Oklahoma and Oklahoma's coach to green bay. interesting.
  9. At the end of it all, Urban had a good run.
  10. car looks great. Random question..... how are the tiles in the garage holding up?
  11. pacific island's have seen snakes, birds, etc destroy there natural habitat.
  12. Yea I personally wouldn't teach my kids to go into IT. To me, she would be better off to have a strong math back ground, enough computer science classes to do data structures and algorithms, computational logic, statistical modeling, and a finance degree. People that can do data modeling based on business issues to create solutions I can see being in high demand for years to come. Even if that isn't her cup of tea. . . knowing how to weld, do basic framing around a house, wiring, and drywall/plaster will give her the options to rebuild just about anything in her house down the road or do it as a trade.
  13. not a bad move on his part. The amount of money that companies received via the tax cuts versus payouts to employees was likely pennies on the dollar.
  14. pretty spot on. I doubt my wife and I will ever buy a new car unless she had to travel stupid miles for work. The prices and the tons of options the new cars come with that i have zero use for is will likely always keep us away.
  15. your seeing a conclusion that isn't there. The system will never be perfect no matter what political party is in control and people would be better off spending there time bettering themselves. I have said this in previous post regarding the advise my grandmother gave my dad when he was young, "son don't wait around for white people to take care of you because it isn't going to happen." Keep in mind they grew in the heart of the segregation era.
  16. not quite. It's more of if a person is not actively engaged in making more money or better themselves then no political system will help them long term. I work in management in a call center and it's unreal what you learn about society when on a good year 25% turn over when historical averages what 60% plus percent. Through my own failures and having to start from scratch due to my own piss poor decision making, I started to see a different way of life. Time is an investment and no one can improve ones financial future without them being engaged in moving forward. The "system" to keep you down is beatable if your focused on beating it. Just look at how enlisted soldiers built financial stability through gradual long-term sound decision making.
  17. lol. that made my day. I mean I can atleast say I haven't gotten a ticket it 9 years. Unreal how life changes.
  18. or maybe cancel all political gear and just worry about saving money to move forward. No political party will be a savior.
  19. because the stance vaping bro's may fall for it.
  20. pretty much. people who live in the area will complain about noise, but would they wouldn't complain about the money coming in.
  21. do it. make a night of it like it's your last one.
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