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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. upgrade electrical panel in home, redo small bathroom, and pay off debt. Nice part is back pay from recent pay increase hits before taxes.
  2. +1 I took a picture on 2/14 last year with snow piled on both sides of my driveway and it still snowed weeks later. Can't complain too much even if we got 6 inches of snow today.
  3. paul have you checked to see if your discover account has a sales transfer/high value offer on it if you have one?
  4. god lord I didn't realize you had that much garage space when we talked. Must be nice and good luck with the new place.
  5. I appreciate all the replies. This is more than enough to point me in the right direction for quality help. My wife wasn't all too pleased to see me slowly going through an exercise in the kitchen after work.
  6. considering Braxton's throwing shoulder issues and no chance at making it as a quarterback in the NFL, he may consider changing positions.
  7. I am in the Gahanna area. I have not seen a knee doctor in the past. There was a point that I couldn't jump without pain for awhile. I just attributed it to being on the tennis court 3-8+ hours a day teaching lessons and never followed up on it due to still being able to be on court. Thanks for the replies. I have to speak to my insurance folks at work to see what all they will cover
  8. I'm at the point that I am tired of dealing with set backs. My right knee isn't super swollen or that I can't walk on it without a slight limp. On and off since 2002, anytime I consistently do plyometrics in combination with any type of strengthening conditioning two times a day, I can feel a pull behind my knee cap and I can no longer push off it without being in considerable pain. In the past I would ignore it until I could barely pull my foot off the ground, this time around I would like to see a doctor to see if my knee needs to be cleaned out or if I have a slight tear that needs surgery. I know that if I keep pushing it, I will end up to the point that I cant do sprints or sudden push. Can anyone recommend a doctor who specializes in knee injuries so I can finally get a handle on the injury in columbus? The frustrating part is the 1st time since I felt that my body was back to normal years ago, I felt the pain come back and I'm back to square one.
  9. if you dont mind hanging on to the 275 tires till next weekend, I can grab them. I need a pair to test fit in the back for sheet metal work
  10. that cressida brings back memories. Im at a toss up of another mx83 or an older volvo 240 for a family hauler for spring.
  11. Sold to Mr. TimTaylor. Lock it up please. Thanks
  12. still available. I honestly haven't worried about it since our housing situation stabilized. just pm and we can go from there. I should be home all late afternoon and night either cleaning our carpets or in the garage.
  13. lol. how did you stumble on that one?
  14. just curious.... what would a fuel pump/s running e85 setup to support 600-800 hp cost approx on a budget if that exist? I'm not looking to start diving into the fuel setup until early spring depending on my back half comes along, just curious to see what i am looking at ball park wise. pm if you feel that would be more appropriate
  15. fan who ran across the field during the OSU game and didn't have a happy ending.
  16. Tim, it's 29 3/4" tall give or take a few.
  17. Sorry I don't have a truck. As a reference, I live over by Easton off of Stelzer road.
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