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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. as long as it does not give the right to pull over random people under its umbrella, it can be a wise move to punish drug runners.
  2. my worry is yes the case gets dismissed, but you still have to go through the process, get pulled over based on an assumption, and put your life on hold while everything works itself out.
  3. +1. Nice loop hole to pull over anyone with a dangling wire, duz fasteners, or even the appearance of a body kit.
  4. If OSU doesn't get in the championship game, Urban Meyer should make a public statement that we will bus our team down to the national champs stadium and play them in two weeks regardless if they accept the invitation or not. I'm sure private donors would fund it.
  5. If OSU doesn't get in the championship game, Urban Meyer should make a public statement that we will bus our team down to the national champs stadium and play them in two weeks regardless if they accept the invitation or not. I'm sure private donors would fund it.
  6. Puts things in perspective of when you think you are making sacrifices.
  7. comes down to lack of respect of the Big Ten conference. Until the Big Ten does better against other conferences in bowl games, nothing will change. I wonder if it would be better long term perception wise if this year OSU doesn't get into the national championship game so everyone moves down a notch in the bowl games. That would short term be sucky for OSU, but if the Big Ten would then do well bowl record wise at the end of the year, the conference will get more respect... easier to get into title games down the road for years to come.
  8. wait. People vote for politicians because they are black? Who would have thought.
  9. So I am finally starting to have time to dick around with my car. I need to cut down a dropped cross member to size and I don't trust the cuts from my chop saw. Decided to run down to harbor freight with a 25% off coupon for giggles. The reviews online highly recommended getting a bi-metal blade since the one that comes with it sucks ass. The total came out to around $225. Seems like it was packaged good enough and it's a heavy fucker: http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1103131750_zpse7638b45.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1103131805a_zpsb849ca5b.jpg 1st step is to dive in the directions to make sure I don't fuck up things like I likely will end up doing. Found a few gems in there: http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1103131815_zpsffc8b377.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1103131814_zps071c03dd.jpg http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1103131813_zps5ef1ceaf.jpg Got threw a couple of pages and tossed the directions to the side since they don't make an ounce of sense and pages were missing. Next step is to start bolting things together and came across this shitmess off all the nuts/bolts tossed in a bag: http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1103131819_zps86404238.jpg Up and running with no problems: http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1109131718_zps27d6ff66.jpg 1st cut came out surprisingly clean: http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/1109131819_zpsb419146d.jpg Outside the poor directions, the machine is shockingly put together well. I'm not a pro so I don't need a high end machine for daily work. I need it for the occasional cut that I can't afford to be off. Pretty happy with it and I make sure to double check the measurements without relying on what is on the machine since it's likely off anyways. It even has a small metal table that I can bolt on so I can turn it into an upright bandsaw. What I am not use to, is how quite horizontal bandsaws are. I can have it turned on, close the garage door, and wont even know it's on. I'm sure my neighbors will appreciate that. All-in-all, pretty happy with the outcome.
  10. what happened to your supra?
  11. congratulations. now your wife will force you to get a mini-van
  12. nothing happened move along.
  13. thats unreal. Hopefully things get better for her.
  14. Sorry to hear this. I know from what you posted, she has had health issues for quite sometime. Hopefully this is the last of it.
  15. its as entertaining as watching a stripper fall off the stage: http://news.yahoo.com/obama-administration-knew-millions-wouldn-t-be-able-to-keep-insurance--report-222249311.html
  16. just to add to the fun: http://www.kaiserhealthnews.org/Stories/2013/October/21/cancellation-notices-health-insurance.aspx
  17. may want to check the address to see what type of business. STD clinic likely is not a wise move.
  18. mind blown and great pick up. Reminds of an offshoot of a infinity m30. How hard is it for those to be legal in the US?
  19. Rally Pat is correct about small communities around upgrading harbor freight tools. There is some pretty impressive stuff online. You can lose days on homemadetools.net. I bought a bead roller from there with the hopes of reinforcing it and adding an electric motor. It just depends on how much time you want to put into it. By the time you blow hours and hours dicking around online, you could have bought the right tool 1st shot. Comes down to whether you want a project or buy it once.
  20. no. I bought a used Hobart 135 off craigslist and had zero issues. If I ever need parts tractor supply has just about everything I need or I make a quick run to the welding place in downtown columbus. I bought a chinese plasma cutter and it's a cluster fuck just to order consumables.
  21. the 1st two minutes of the second half will decide who wins the game. If Iowa can come out firing then it's over, but they come out flat they will get run over.
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