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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Passenger does quick counting, but shit it's a nasty car
  2. god I remember the days of the front of my vw vert being that low... pain in the ass and never again. I learned that I had to be accelerating somewhat to lift the front up so I wouldn't pick off reflectors when changing lanes. Scared the shit out of me the first time I picked one off. There are options to fix the camber in the rear for the car in the pick, but it would be some work.
  3. Some of you may remember a turbo Mustang ("Wolverine") years ago going after Supras and having good results. Turns out the owner is in deep poo poo for an odd ball charge http://m.wftv.com/news/news/local/report-convicted-felon-posed-dea-agent-intimidated/nbNbj/
  4. man this is going to be a fun project.
  5. sooner or later I will have to get another mkII supra, but a beater for fun http://i1151.photobucket.com/albums/o635/Ask92/IMG_20131003_170307_zps831c06ef.jpg
  6. U of Hawaii football is a fucking joke right now and will still be. Norm Chow ran out any decent coaches and can't recruit worth a shit. If UH could simply recruit consistently the offensive/defensive line from Kahuku and Waianae public high schools out in Hawaii, they would be top 25 in the country. The problem is June Jones(two coaches ago) pissed off quite a few local high school coaches out there so they are going to the west coast schools instead. Hawaii is on there simply for a recruiting perk. Get to go there for free, chase around mixed asian girls for a week, and enjoy the over the top night life.
  7. I'd say fuck it and go for a ride. No patrol means fun times.
  8. I have to throw in a thank you also. Within a year or so, I can see you doing it full-time. The link below, if there was a frame next to it so you could see the rest of the track would have been two titties up(almost like two camera's next to each other).
  9. after two fumbles and a pick, it maybe Kenny G time
  10. would fit perfectly in the living room.
  11. shit thats my bad. I just went by when it was uploaded. Even if he was 43 at the time, still remarkable.
  12. Even if its a laid back game, still pretty amazing (O.J. Mayo is guarding him)
  13. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/3y3t4_zpsb5250032.jpg' alt='3y3t4_zpsb5250032.jpg'>
  14. would the RR driver be legally cleared if he said multiple people pulled a gun on him?
  15. Yenner, I'm late as always but I wanted to say congratulations.
  16. good shit. I will have to finish the video later, but it's worth a watch.
  17. I am in no way shape or form an OSU fan. So I am about as impartial as you can get. Kenny when given the chance, has done what he has needed to do and then some. I have never understood why Braxton has this lock hold on the starting position when he hasn't won any championships. An undefeated season doesn't mean squat to me if you don't have the championship when it's all said and done.
  18. Braxton has to come back for his senior season. He's on track to be a bust if this year doesn't pan out considering how much hype he got coming in.
  19. I'm going to play devil's advocate here. Why should they be given the same rights as legal immigrants that followed the rules and went through the legal process without lying and taking advantage of the system?
  20. lol. jet engine strapped to the roof of the car at 2:16
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