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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. nothing new. dipshits even shut down the golden gate bridge doing same garbage.
  2. I do agree that both republicans and democrats have gotten us into this shit mess. I could be wrong, but the tea parties goal is to reign in gov spending, lower taxes, and put the money in the pockets of the citizens so they can decide how to move forward. That in combination with stimulus programs could possibly be the game plan and I could possibly be dead wrong. My big concern is that gov will get so big that we are basically working to maintain their spending and lose any shred of personal freedoms that we have left. Yes I know it's simpleton approach. Reigning in the welfare/unemployment programs can start now without an impact for another year or two. Current people in the program will not be effected and those coming in will be under different rules that are not completely gutted, but lets say 5% reduction over a period of time for each wave of new applicants. Getting people motivated will ultimately decrease the numbers who live in poverty, increase those who are contributing to our country, and increase those paying taxes. The sad thing is there will likely never be any decent deficit reduction due to both parties use gov spending to secure their votes in their states.
  3. I do agree with you that we are in the exact position that you described. The problem that I see now is that increasing the tax rates will lower the profits being pushed back into the economy and more into banking accts for individuals to sit on. Our economy did not fall apart when the military went through contraction in the 90's. I can see the benefits of a stimulus program to focus on building the infrastructure of our country, but to keep spending for the military at the same levels when we are no longer holding two battle fronts is money being wasted that could be spent on other aspects of our country, like infrastructure. If a stimulus program is enacted, why not offset the spending with cuts to welfare, unemployment, etc so individuals are forced to move on?
  4. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/21699186.jpg
  5. so your admitting to insurance fraud by staging a wreck with your car?
  6. How is military spending cut today worse then the base closing of the 90's/early 2000s? My honest big concern is that we will continue to allow the military to stay at current spending when we are no longer facing the same strain on the military as of 5 years ago. Let's use the housing bubble that busted for example. According to your logic we should have allowed it to continue and kept everything status quo so no one will have a tough day. The problem is that the longer it was allowed to continue, the more lives were ruined by it years down the road.
  7. I'm glad that you feel special for a play on words and avoid statements at the same time. We all get the liberal stance, cutting spending will crash the economy and just printing money will fix everything. Makes perfectly good sense.
  8. so spending money we don't have is now a good thing? I thought I heard a liberal politician rambling about it on cnn in the middle of the night, I just didn't think it was possible. The good thing is we can get so far in the hole that we can create even more welfare programs so we will all be taken care of at the end of the day.
  9. A local radio station in my home town would have hourly updates as to where the unmarked vehicles were at for the day. I'm sure the city appreciated it. They ended up being taken off the street because people were receiving tickets when they were not the ones driving.
  10. make sure you stay away from any jobs with Garden City Group in Dublin.
  11. no. boobie pictures made the last thread die.
  12. the shitty thing about the whole situation is that if we default on our bills we are bad, if the goverment/politicians do it then its okey dokie
  13. in before The Buster starts a thread wanting to buy a 10k car.
  14. it's a competition between the buster and imstock2
  15. buster, have you factored in that your will have to pay insurance for two cars?
  16. I haven't been to all of dayton, but you can rent townhomes on the air force base for decent money. Dad lives there and he likes it
  17. I'm sure there will be a law soon against light flashes coming from your bumper area.
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