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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. I would honestly just take it to IPS and be done with it.
  2. See if it's getting power when cranking. The problem is it sounds like you have a hornets nest of wiring to deal with. I would check to see if your fuse panel is getting power, fuel pump, ignitor, etc and go from there. Cars with swapped engines are always a PIA to trouble shoot. If you want it gone cheap, I can have it towed away to my place dead serious. You probably just need to take a few minutes to cool off so you can focus on getting the car running.
  3. it maybe. check to see if it's getting power. Since your over the car I will give you a $50 bucks for it, lol.
  4. you should enter your maxima next year
  5. he won't race you because you have tint and that technically makes you a drag only car.
  6. comedian who specializes with moronic jokes about stupidty on SNL years ago. Jack Handey time are painful statements that you just shake your head about.
  7. tornadoes are no joke. I'm glad things worked out.
  8. imstock, you should really take this comment seriously. He's as laid back as anyone you will meet is a dam good person. Since you have been on this board, you have annoyed more long time members who have been on here almost 10 years(I'm not a longtime member) then maybe even Wiggs with your know it all attitude. If you know so much, then go work for Nissan to develop the GTR or Chevy so you can take the all holy corvette to the next level. If not, no one gives a shit and drop it. Let's be honest, the fastest you have been is 12's and just because you decided to blow money on a vette when you no longer making the same money in the military does not in any way make you know more than the next person. What you are forgetting is there are people here who are master mechanics, own race shops, tune cars for living, go 7's while traveling the country, etc. People that actually make a living professionally with high dollar builds/clients. Just do us all a favor and drop the I know everything act quickly because it's wearing thin. Just because you live online at message boards, doesn't mean jack shit to anyone. Your demeanor honestly reminds me of a know it all Honda-tech member who thinks they are the king shit of the Wal-Mart parking lot. You knock Thebuster for being a ricer, yet you do everything possible to act the same if not worse. Atleast he is willing to admit he doesn't know much and wants to learn more at the end of the day. I'm shocked you don't tYpe LiCk ThiS Yo. This will be the last thing I ever type to you because your either going to get it or continue to waste space on the internet. Being on this board is privledge(sp) and I consider myself lucky to stumble on it because it's a great resource to pick great minds, meet good people, and business'. Your finding every way possible to piss off quite a few of them in the process. You should really step back and take a look at your arrogant ways because the way it stands, it's a toss up between you and Wiggs as to who is the king tool bag on this forum.
  9. don't forget the tribal flames the import mexican tuners do here on the side. even though it may have rust issues as with 90% of everything in the midwest, they run dam well for a daily.
  10. the big square deal from Marco's Pizza on Stelzer is stupid good for the money. How about run the poll for a week and then replace the ones that get 0 votes with recommendations?
  11. for me it's not the time, it's odds and ends that I have to buy. My wifes tuition is due early january and it's out of pocket since financial aid won't kick in yet. Were trying to avoid blowing through my credit card/savings to get it done. So things like welding tank/gas, coil over shocks/sleeves, end links for rear, turbo, add up. If things work out, then I'm game. We'll just see.
  12. it's now time for deep thoughts by Jack Handey
  13. if it's the end of jan I maybe ready for it, but that iffy at best.
  14. the only thing I am worried about is with the wet snow we do have, if we get some wind that may mess with the power.
  15. dear god. I'm not sure whats worse. Dumpster diving for diapers or the pokeman outfit
  16. the more posting that is done the more I am wondering if the following equation holds true thebuster = wiggs = imstock2
  17. 10phone2

    been a while

    great story. There has been some over the top updates this weekend from folks, including this one.
  18. fucking awesome. Did you also throw in pirate impersonations?
  19. I am really happy for you. Great trip
  20. can someone go to my in-laws for me? lol
  21. yes it does. I will put up the compression numbers the day after christmas
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