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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. you should really be careful with your logical post.
  2. who said you need all of your lugnuts. 3 out of 5 will be fine per wheel, trust me.
  3. do you still have the supra engine mounts from earlier?
  4. I still think it would be funny as fuck to drop in a chevy inline votec 6 in a supra, auto, big boost and go troll fools at txtk13 with a license plate that says 2JWHO
  5. Atleast Ohio has tracks that you can race at. My old neck of the woods had one track on the island and it was closed due to finances. If I wanted track prep, I would have to boat my car to california. To come from a place with no tracks to a state with tons and still her complaining is out there. At some point, your going to have to accept one of several things: A. knuckle up and enjoy the ride B. travel to a track that meets your standards C. build something AWD, full a full chassis, and a bubble so you feel safe D. sell everything and find another hobby. E. set up your own track rental so it's up to your standards When a car let alone a truck is going 8's-9s, it's going to be dicey no matter which way you slice the bread.
  6. lol. didn't even catch that. I'm guessing it was stevie wonder doing the focusing. You can hear the announcer say 8.93, but I'm not 100% backing the claim.
  7. How about PETA pushing the media not to blow it over when another troop dies in the middle east on behalf of our country.
  8. can it be a tax write off since it technically is a car used for your shops promotion? lol
  9. How long do you have to be a member before you can post in the new member section?
  10. Reckless driving, luckily wasn't taken to jail, and was reduced to illegal lane change. I had another reckless driving charge pending at the time also. I revoked my license on my own and then went to court stating I revoked my license voluntarily due to I knew that I was wrong. Judge reduced one to an illegal lane change and the same happened with my other since I went before the same judge. Left court and got my license the next day after both were cleared up. It's possible to get out of drag racing charges with a good lawyer, but what will bite you in the ass hard for years to come, is your increased insurance cost. Nothing that I was racing was worth the trouble and even if it was for money, it didn't offset the cost for years to come of higher insurance and possibly having to explain to a future employer about lots of shit that shows up on your driving abstract.
  11. he did get down to run a 8.93
  12. I have been critical of the coverage regarding the storm, but at the end of the day they are people just like everyone else and I do wish them the best of luck.
  13. you forgot a picture of a dirty hippy environmentalist and a hipster with skinny jeans
  14. Good combination. Ford mustang/thunderbird has a gazillion chassis and c4 parts. Combine that with a 2jz and it's cheap fun.
  15. Not a shocker considering getting in weekly pissing contest with mods usually don't end well. Seems like a good guy, just likes to tangle with mods. What ever happened to Jones? Grant I give him shit occasionally about driving an Audi, but he is funny as shit.
  16. pretty soon, you will be considered a terrorist if you are proud of your country. The UN wants to disarm america and Obama is doing his best to slowly downgrade firearms that are legal. Bush originally signed the patriot act so it's not a democrat verses republicans deals. It all means more government contracts. Just about anything now these days online are monitored by NSA or other agencies for various "suspicious activities" that has never been set in stone as to what the means. Also businesses monitor activities online to enhance marketing opportunities and bank routinely share personal information to target important customers. If things weren't monitored then why did we/US build a large monitoring center in Utah?
  17. next thing they will want is a moment of silence when you want to cut your grass
  18. then folks if it's redneck November remember to light from the bottom and not the top of the pipe.
  19. It's too bad you can't do an offbeat article about your stories of Wal-Mart at Piketon and car rental repo experiences.
  20. I take it he is on an extended vacation?
  21. I'm 50/50 on this one. For myself, if a college team is that important for myself, then I spend the time to either attend the university or play for the team itself. On the other hand I can agree that if one grew up with their grandpa watching a team how it can be a part of their life or if let's say you are raised to cheer for West Virginia. I personally will never wear another school or team logo outside of my university since that is where I got my NCAA team titles from.
  22. I'm on the fence about it. I do fully agree it does help the community to keep drunks off the road, but considering how much some towns over patrol areas, checkpoints are iffy regarding there effectivness. Here is the thing, we as citizens keep accepting more and more intrusion into our personal rights in order for a supposid good cause for little in return. It's possible within the next 10 years for law enforcement to push for random traffic stops across the country and scanners for major interstates while people are driving since we already allow it at airports. The scary thing is New York city already allows their officers to randomly stop people without being under suspicion for committing a crime and I wouldn't be shocked if other cities follow soon. Yes it's the boogie man is watching you talk, but at what point is the line draw for personal rights?
  23. thanks for the link. Since my computer is from the stone age it doesn't have the video format, but I will find it.
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