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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. Do you have any more info about it? Thats the first I have heard about it.
  2. my dad and family is originally from there. One of the homes he bought for his mother before she passed away and the other is in the garden district as an investment property which was purchased after Katrina. Due to the flood insurance check he received the first time, it paid off the home, paid for the rebuild, and extra cash. Now if he decides to sell it then its 100% profit. It's nutty, but he is hell bent on keeping property down there since that is where he is from. He used conferences and interviews for jobs to pay for when he flies down there most the time. They were stationed in Hawaii for years and placed a bid for their 2nd home there without taking it serious. They were selected and ended up selling 1st home for profit and now keep the 2nd since they go back throughout the year. They bought the home when the market was way down, now the market keeps going up so they will likely never sell it unless they come up with some hair brain idea.
  3. barrack obama didn't land on plymouth rock, plymouth rock landed on barrack obama.
  4. lol. In before 5,000 word post blaming Obama
  5. Jesus. The guy probably spent more on water filling his lagoon than what median homes are worth.
  6. You did mention a good point with Andrew. Something that was interesting was that some of the home owners in the affected area by Sandy are finding out they may have a 5-10k deductible for the damages now to their homes. My parents for example only have flood/hurricane insurance because they figured that by the time they paid for home owners insurance for 20 years, the money paid could have paid for their home 2-3 times over. The money instead is routed into a separate bank account for future home damages.
  7. I'm shocked you didn't write 5 pages blaming Obama Guess my parents are professional victims who rebuilt two homes in new orleans from the foundation up and still fly to their 1.2 million vacation home in hawaii on a regular basis. FYI, retired military do fall under that 47% group you keep harping on.
  8. big difference between 70% of the city was 10-14 feet under water, thousands were trapped in their homes, and large portions of towns outside of New Orleans were wipped away for good just like numerous times in Florida. It wasn't over hyped made for tv drama like what is happening for Sandy. Things are so bad in NY that they are still having their live tv shows One good thing about the news being worried so much about Sandy is atleast there is a small break from the election BS
  9. was anyone in new orleans prepared for this or have the proper building code? http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/imagesqtbnANd9GcSQRA6fl1TE4MRRjXx5qS1ShQ6Aa_m3e2qgoJRUk4AInBoo8PD3vg.jpg The world can also end tomorrow, shit happens. Several of my dads family lived less then a mile from this, lost a house, got on a bus not knowing where you will end up, started over from scratch, and did fine without the dramatic hipster/gay weatherman crap of what is going on with Sandy. I'm convinced that tv news stations are creating useless frenzy to generate views, sponsors, etc. Also because the storm hit areas that are have large populations of wealthy white home owners, the media will be flooded with sob stories. Let a redneck outside mobile lose their 3rd home in 20 years or a poor black guy and everyone just moves on like normal.
  10. I would look into petroleum engineering as a degree, move to texas for oil companies, and bang blonde strippers in the ass on weekends.
  11. I can't wait for this Sandy BS to pass. Real hurricanes have neighborhoods disappear. Oh my god a tree fell down and there is water on the ground, the world is ending
  12. I thought to be beat wiggs you just had to have a car that started.
  13. wtf happened to Ohiosupra's? is it coming back?
  14. wheres jones rambling about f-body lol?
  15. I'm mistaken then about the track. I could have sworn there was quite a distance between the field and stands. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/XAOWUGMCWUHJWWV20070724160451.jpg There is something up with the stadium design/layout that makes the crowd subtle and feel distant.
  16. I can only speak for LSU's stadium, but the crowd is literally on top of the field. When LSU beat Florida in the 90's at home, it literally registered on the richter(earthquake) scale. Also the money SEC schools blow in athletics facilities is unthinkable. At LSU, under the Pete Marinovich(sp) dome where they play their basketball games, they have a full court and gym underneath the fucking stadium that is only for athletes. Any idea how nutty that is considering it's swamp land. When your on the field, your lucky to see the sun. Due to everything being close and going more straight up, it use to suck major ass to have a curl bar with 45 plates on your shoulders running to the top of the stadium from the field.
  17. I see the kitchen is dead with all the trolls banned
  18. they could also get rid of the track and move the crowd closer to the game. The OSU stadium has the feeling of watching the game from the top row of seats at the Super dome in New Orleans.
  19. has he been reincarnated as Joe Bauserman? lol
  20. I would say meth heads, but that would be an insult to meth.
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