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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. no way in hell OSU will be the AP national champs. There schedule has been complete horse shit, it's not there fault that the big 10 has gone in the dumpsters this year. Without them going to a bowl game and proving anything will stop the votes from coming in.
  2. Woo hoo, that was such a big deal and required so much sacrifices. He was only cleaning up another persons work. What did he do over Libya?
  3. the energy drink are no different then any medication. A small sample size of test subjects on anything will drop dead or have serious side effects. I wouldn't be shocked if a class action lawsuit against McDonald's comes up due to people had no idea you would have adverse health effects by living off it for 10 years.
  4. and after the court sides on their behalf against the union because they were close to closing.
  5. see if your credit card company has a return guarantee for up to a certain amount. Discover started theirs on November 1st.
  6. You are right the body and interior is super nice. It just depends if you want to dump 2-4k an extra in the engine/turbo/stand alone/etc.
  7. there is a black magnum r/t in the columbus picknpull that one could pull the trunk from.
  8. Have you folks ever lived in an area that requires safety, emissions test, or reconstruction permits(for modified cars)? I get the point that you want more junk off the road, but it's not as if Ohio has a higher accident rate then other states due to no safety check. If those are passed then you can forget driving a modified car on the street without having to worry bout tickets even though you are going the speed limit and driving safely. They will be abused so police can randomly harass people only because there car appears to be 1" lower than stock.
  9. jesus I couldn't imagine seeing that shit. When my 3 year old had to go into neonatal for surgery, seeing homeless looking parents strung out on meth put things into perspective real quick that things could be alot worse.
  10. so you want to have to pass emissions test?
  11. you may want to track down a mazda 332 gtx for cheaper awd turbo fun
  12. obama has no backbone and will not stick up for any of our allies.
  13. two dogs banging and the guy dog more than likely dies while doing the dirty.
  14. next time around when you are buying a daily beater. I would recommend finding out what are the common problems for the car(easily fixable and if tools are available), if parts are available without giving an arm, and if you can find message boards specific for the car to help.
  15. http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc510/chrisj011/imagesqtbnANd9GcT9LKHSliS26A_DueLIDYGwnR3Zc4vczJeVHGfqo3gwasUJ-9tBcw.jpg
  16. pretty ironic he was complaining about seeing dick in chat roulette.
  17. pass on the rims and put the money towards maintenance on the car.
  18. paging Paul to drop the Accord and get this
  19. Just stumbled up this gem. Over 6,000 new government regulations in the last 90 days. Instead of finding way to figure out our tax code or improve the economy, lets think of ways to impede it. http://www.regulations.gov/#!home;tab=search
  20. Doc I agree with you. At the same time, why would I spend that kind of money for an Audi? Audi has greatly improved, but for myself it's still 3rd or 4th ranking wise for German car makers.
  21. fuck Toyota. Until they bring back an inline 6, they can go to hell.
  22. he was missing shifts with an auto?
  23. Subject pretty much says it all. Please pm me with if you have anything willing to separate with. Thanks, Chris
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