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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. by chance does this kid drive a Maxima and is considering putting a body kit on it?
  2. badass. I will try and take my oldest daughter to it.
  3. I was pretty shocked when I saw the actual video
  4. Cinci is a quality school education wise. There sports programs are not consistently at major conference level, hence why major conferences avoid them. If the school would be at Boise State level football wise or have the fanbase of BYU, then the stadium size would be easily overlooked.
  5. poor taste, absolutely. I could be wrong but you will not get a month in jail for first offense of simple assault, DUI, low level drug possession, spousal abuse, etc. I am on the fence, but I am leaning towards a DA trying to make a name for themselves.
  6. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57555889/ohio-man-jailed-for-mocking-disabled-girl/
  7. I'm surprised the spider stayed there and didn't move. It would have been funny as fuck if the spider jumped on his face.
  8. best advice so far. I know way too many enlisted folks that bought all sorts of stupid shit when active and were dead broke with a year of getting out.
  9. can't be any worse then sportscenter filled with hours of analysis from over the hill mediocre former football players.
  10. Indiana does look pretty dam good. OSU will have a solid season and pull the choke cord at the end in normal fashion.
  11. 10phone2


    insurance/police report and see if they can be charged with breaking and entering. I would also tie them up in small claims court and suck them dry.
  12. lol. Wait, I'm the fastest stock block Honda with a different color red fender in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. jesus christ. Leave the rims, body kits, and ricer shit alone. Spend the money on fixing the car. If you don't, within 4 months you will be back on here whining about your car is broken and how you can't believe you were ripped off for the 20th time. Another option is sell your maxima. Take that money, add it to your ricer part fund, and get a way better car that will last you for years.
  14. phil, get this man a molley martini. Happy birthday.
  15. 10phone2

    True Debt

    Should we then give any resident in compton or anyone poor $100,000 so they are tame?
  16. 10phone2

    True Debt

    my feeling is eliminate social security(pay out what is owed), unemployment, food stamps, section 8, and any form of welfare. It's time to knuckle up and make the cuts necessary to get the debt under control.
  17. seems like you are set on a DSM. Hit up JP and see if his latest project is for sale that just went high 10's.
  18. great post. You folks are right that the maintenance is what you make of it. Having had a vw 1776cc Gene Berg cranked engine running 48ida's daily, you just know you will have to spend sometime to keep it running right.
  19. No one cares about who was at UC before they came famous.
  20. you're right. Now they are finally trying to go after the main precursors to the chemical families. Sort of like banning sassafras oil, which that leads to MDMA. It will work for sometime and someone will find a back door that is basically over the counter legal.
  21. since you can be stationed at various army bases around the country, I would personally just get the vette since you know that you will be able to find parts easily all across the country. regarding the girl, lay the pipe right and you can drive a moped if you want.
  22. I'm guessing by the comments, California.
  23. not shocking. They are more worried about twisting the laws for revenue versus protecting the public.
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