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Everything posted by 10phone2

  1. I know which one your talking about. It wasn't until I was right behind I realized it was a maxima. It did look pretty sharp
  2. was urban checking out the refs butt at the end?
  3. lol. nice try. I personally think the guy is smart to have the two combined. The few minutes spent here and there adds up over a year.
  4. So then Doc is a retard because he has his play area connected to his work?
  5. I CAN ALSO TYPE IN CAPS TO FEEL SPECIAL. lol The additional time going back and forth from one location to another would be wasted.
  6. going to have to disagree. I would personally would have a get away room that was a machine shop/garage/flow bench etc regardless of wealth. For myself, if one just passes the buck onto others to complete the work then how can they be a true enthusiast.
  7. The difference in the price isn't the engine per say(variable in availability), its your transmission options. If you go 2jz, then expect to spend 500-700 for the bellhousing/flywheel to put a r154 or w58 behind it. 6 speed is great, but people usually want their second born child for one. To save you time if you ever need help with fabrication, I would honestly hit up Alex. Guy knows his stuff.
  8. alex, as always great work.
  9. Nino, since you have an 82 corolla, I would also check out the 3tc forums since puerto ricans are always doing over the top shit with anything corolla related. You want to see how if you can find any 2/3rz engines(2.4-2.7cc 4 cylinder) locally cheap from Tacoma's. They bolt to the w58 and the r154 just needs a spacer to work.
  10. build high hp motor, keep stock clutch, sound about right.
  11. I decided that I had to go a few odds and ends at Lowes. On the way I noticed I really have to take a shit. Of coarse I get stuck behind a cota bus while greatly increasing the odds I will shit my pants. For some odd reason every person in Columbus decided to go to lowes leaving me at the back of the parking lot. Grab the two year old and rush to the store. I am honestly thinking I probably going to shit my pants before I get to the bathroom. Low and behold the greeter at the front actually gave two shits about me and kept asking if I needed help or what I was looking for. The 30 second delay was a deal breaker. I luckily made it to bathroom. Barely get my pants off past by ass and mother of god does it break loose. The half the spray hit the toilet and the other half hit the wall behind the toilet. I am amazed that I actually didn't shit my pants. Stand up clean as a whistle only to realize I have covered atleast 4 square feet of wall with shit spray. Left Lowes without buying a thing since I couldn't find a reason justifying a stall filled with shit.
  12. that sucks. The good thing is she is at the hospital and hopefully it can finally be figured out.
  13. you can also try Gahanna Hardware if your close to there
  14. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v280/exacerbating/gif%20love/facepalm.gif http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/GIFsforhire/Facepalm/facepalm.gif http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k576/photobucketjim69/unused%20big%20gif/0a0aaaMFM-Facepalm.gif http://i824.photobucket.com/albums/zz165/Reajeasa/Watsonfacepalm.gif http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m422/AlucardFangirl/Animated%20GIFs/Wrestling%20Gifs/paulheymanbrocklesnarhbk5.gif
  15. seems like sound logic
  16. yup and fuck hipsters.
  17. sucks it happened to you wifes suv. What makes it worse is that a person has a problem and does a bitch move by scratching your folks car.
  18. germain engineer walks around vw plant and wonders what in the hell are we going to do with this surplus of parts. . . . . answer is rehash into Audi. lol
  19. lol. it would have been titties if cartman had an obama shirt and talking on an obama phone.
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