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Everything posted by crummer

  1. Tesla S vs. BMW M5 Tesla Model S - 443 lb-ft torque @ 0-5100rpm, RWD, 0-60mph 4.4s (factory quoted), 4,647 lbs F10 M5 - 502 lb-ft torque @ 1500-6560rpm, RWD, 0-62mph 4.4s (factory quoted), 4,288 lbs
  2. crummer


    ^really? Truth team rolls out the Bird? Ironic.... Is that the way he felt about the results? Would you borrow from China to support the Bird?
  3. crummer


    Romney appears to be addressing each specific topic that is brought up. O seems to wander a little bit with his responses. He is also night and day when speaking to facts or personal stories.
  4. crummer


    First question on the economy took 23 minutes or so. Jim can't keep a lid on this thing already.
  5. crummer


    2 min into the program and O sounds much different than 4 years ago.
  6. If you are at or near capacity, you may want to look into raising the rates to increase margins. Seems like demand is there, maybe slowly roll into some rate hikes at 3% a month. Good work is hard to find and almost anyone would pay a small premium for that. Just my .02
  7. Great pics, was there a cage in the 427 zr1?
  8. At this point nothing he does should be a surprise. I was disappointed that it still not running b/c it will continue to get publicity without even setting a wheel on a dyno.
  9. I guess the French didn't like the "Tour de Lance" shirts. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=tour+de+lance+t-shirt&hl=en&safe=active&sa=X&biw=1440&bih=714&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=uuh_M52tiQXQcM:&imgrefurl=http://heckletees.spreadshirt.com/tour-de-lance-A911968&docid=5y88x7ukoJHB3M&itg=1&imgurl=http://image.spreadshirt.com/image-server/image/composition/973617/view/1/producttypecolor/1/type/png/width/280/height/280/tour-de-lance_design.png&w=280&h=280&ei=K7w3UNb3D4Lg8ATX9YC4Ag&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1183&vpy=244&dur=1239&hovh=129&hovw=170&tx=126&ty=109&sig=117374334160511255394&page=1&tbnh=129&tbnw=170&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:100
  10. Would like to see some corners in the comparison other than a straight line drag.
  11. It only took 200 years for China to claw their way back, and as much as you can try to blame it on "open trade" you can also attribute it to how the government in China has become more open in regards to business. http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/06/the-economic-history-of-the-last-2-000-years-in-1-little-graph/258676/ As far as this too big to fail stuff goes, and if GM goes down the whole industry goes with it due to supply chains, I don't buy it any longer in the automotive industry. If you haven't fixed the fundamental processes that took you down to begin with, you in effect have not solved anything. GM started cash flowing negative back in 2006 as they had reached a point where labor costs were out stripping profit margins and they were handcuffed by the decisions made by leaders 10 to 15 years before '06. But with the classic attitude of "kick the can" neither man nor leader would look to the future and make the right decision. So it sounds like we are back at a precipitous point once again, and I am inclined to let the current leaders fail. Because someone, somewhere in the world will buy the assets, patents, and brand from bankruptcy court and GM will once again be enabled by passion instead of greed & stature.
  12. In for updates, would love to tell TW, WOW, ATT that they are not relevant any longer.
  13. ^This "The ultimate driving machine...."
  14. ^ good point, always a fact of life anytime you go NA to boost.
  15. So hard to find one that is not a rust bucket...... great little trucks if you can find a decent one.
  16. Here is a great article on the pros and cons of the s65 and s54 and boosting both. The s54 is a solid motor and can do 600hp on the stock internals, so can the s65. However the s54 can do 1000+ on the snail, where the s65 is maxed at ~650 to 700 on a supercharger (turbo option not yet developed due to space constraints). The article also does a great job of giving context to "why" the progression happened from the I6 to the V8. http://www.bimmerboost.com/showthread.php?1165-S54-vs-S65-Overview-history-comparison-and-power-potential One word of caution to your buddy, the cost of modding a BMW begins to become exponentially expensive, even more so than a VW. He may be fully aware of this but it is worth the call out. If he wants a ride in an s65, give me a shout :-)
  17. RIP, his legacy inspired many car enthusiasts past, present, and future. Loved the line about the v12 and the cathedral. Riding in a v12 Daytona is the equivalent of traveling to the Vatican for car enthusiasts.
  18. Broken transmissions not = to wheel spin AWD is not = to two wheel drive Less weight is not = to slow Slow is not = to less horsepower Downforce is = to top end speed These are facts of physics, and in the end it all turns to an equation where one is greater than the other. Scientists spend years of getting it wrong before they get it right. Unless you are going to strip the Merci and turn it into a tube chasis you have no chance. My prediction is the best tuners will use the adaptive aero on the aventador to balance traction with speed. You are a couple of platforms late, unless you build a purple unicorn and defy nature. Best of luck.
  19. Just had 6 cubic yards dumped in the driveway this past weekend. Ohio mulch triple processed black @ 29.99/yd plus 49.99 delivery charge. Sadly that wasn't enough, I needed at least another yard or so. Maybe next year....
  20. You didn't describe the application or how often you would be using the tool. But I downloaded this app on my droid and purchased the OBD II bluetooth adapter off of ebay. All in I spent ~$70 and it works on just about everything OBD II. You can clear codes, log data, and monitor engine vitals in real time. Webpage http://torque-bhp.com/ OBD II adapter options http://torque-bhp.com/wiki/Bluetooth_Adapters
  21. They are liars..... in Mexico..... edit: they pay more in Mexico.....
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