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Everything posted by bmwohio

  1. Could go in and try all there stuff on PIMP driver suits Ehl oh el Mmmm, Hooisers..... Upper right helmet is what F1 drivers wear - $5500.... ...and HOLY CRAP it was light These pictures don't do justice of how PIMP these AIM displays were More CNC porn....I sat and watched this machine for about 5 minutes....these things are so cool Awesome wheels Forgeline (also awesome wheels) Looked at my phone at the end of the day, and we ended up walking 5 miles through the whole convention....pretty cool
  2. Went to PRI in Indianapolis yesterday. First time there, was a cool show. Would recommend if you get the opportunity to go. Cosworth Steering Wheel Brembo Booth Every single piece was cutom made...can't imagine the man hours and planning to build this F1 Magnesium wheel. Describing this wheel as 'light' is an understatement. Danger to Manifold!! BBS FI-R 20x12 weighing in at a whopping 16 lbs only $2300/wheel CNC Shavings ....from this machine Random shot of the layout Parts Tumblr Pano of just about an 1/8 of what the show looked like New racecar for my son
  3. http://www.quickmeme.com/img/54/546a8290dcb45258699a1a963a155f602a745fcc8af28c8fe74c9d716ed8c3b2.jpg
  4. Subscribed. Good luck with the project. Liking it so far. Some nice torque #'s on the M62 4.4....this thing will scoot!
  5. nice dorito http://www.jeece.net/ForumStuff/avatars/DoritosRotary.gif Welcome.
  6. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7pb3up8SR1qdlh1io1_400.gif http://file.answcdn.com/answ-cld/image/upload/w_688,h_457,c_fill,g_face:center,q_60/v1414428372/tnpgcm5sdfziubwlixaw.jpg http://file.answcdn.com/answ-cld/image/upload/w_688,h_457,c_fill,g_face:center,q_60/v1414428617/lkccobriosoqeuyvje1f.jpg
  7. just get a laser pointer and starting pointing it at the helicopter....that should keep them away
  8. Yea, I would avoid planet fitness like the plague http://i.imgur.com/mkNmDUQ.jpg http://www.cuttystrength.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/lunk1.jpg "You gotta lift weights quietly" "This is an older person gym" :dumb: http://new2.fjcdn.com/comments/Anything+and+everything+about+planet+fitness+is+a+fail+_9110d9c89435f5a7a588dd36da60eda2.jpg
  9. Yea....I think we have a winner :fuckyeah:
  10. Probably my favorite yet :dumb:
  11. I feel like this picture is the best description of how you feel when you are out there....just you and the cones, and everything else is blocked out of your mind....
  12. Ok....LAST option, I promise.....this adds the cone back into color, to give it a little more width and action.....thoughts? http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/2014%20Solo%20Nationals%20pics/kale-8b_zps7a1dc5ac.jpg
  13. Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I'm stuck between these two at this point. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/2014%20Solo%20Nationals%20pics/kale-8cutoutcopy-3_zps76b59cb1.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/kale-8cutout-crop_zps854abed2.jpg I may have both printed and hang them to see how they look. The hard part has been finding a frame in that size WITH the correct matting to match. I know Hobby Lobby will cut custom mat....I may go that route. Thanks again, for everyone's feedback.
  14. I thought that I really wanted the 6+, and then I borrowed my friends for about 20 minutes and tried carrying it in my pocket, and it was pretty obnoxious. I think if you're a girl with a purse that you can throw it into, you're fine, but I think the 6 is plenty big if you're carrying it in your pocket most of the time. I went with the 6. Just my .02.
  15. Had a request from one of my friends for even less sky....thoughts? http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/2014%20Solo%20Nationals%20pics/kale-82_zps0cb2b431.jpg
  16. http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/2014%20Solo%20Nationals%20pics/kale-8cutoutcopy-4_zpsc90f44d7.jpg http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/2014%20Solo%20Nationals%20pics/kale-8cutoutcopy-3_zps76b59cb1.jpg
  17. Here are the others I have to choose from. The one I posted kind of 'spoke to me' the most. Unless you guys think one of these others is a definite winner. Thanks for all the input, guys. Headed into the gym, so I'll check back in a bit. http://s976.photobucket.com/user/bmwohio/library/2014%20Solo%20Nationals%20pics
  18. No offense taken...don't mind constructive criticism at all. That's kind of the 'look'....not sure how i could dial it down. That's the RAW image....
  19. Didn't have the heart to point it out publicly, since he was helping me. You're such an asshole, Clay!
  20. Thanks in advance for your help, CR. This is a shot from Nationals this year, and I was going to do an 8x10, 11x14 or a 9x20 pic (for the one option) to frame and put up in the new house. Just curious what you guys think of each. This is a hi-res shot, so won't be grainy. Thanks for your input! #1 http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/kale-8_zps0657f456.jpg #2 http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/kale-8cutoutcopy-2_zpsa2b71751.jpg #3 http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/kale-8cutoutcopy_zpscde1cb4e.jpg #4 (this would be the short and wide frame) http://i976.photobucket.com/albums/ae245/bmwohio/kale-8cutout-crop_zps854abed2.jpg
  21. Those pants are like the male version of 'mom jeans' http://www.hulu.com/watch/10333
  22. Full vid If you say it enough times, you'll get it
  23. Ever worry about a dashcam working against you? I would consider myself more of an 'offensive' driver than most, which is why i'm tentative to get one. If someone saw your dash cam from an accident, can they subpoena it for court?
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