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Posts posted by bmwohio

  1. My name is Josh


    A buddy referred me to this site to get info on the local race scene

    I would consider myself a hot rodder & am building a street-able 1930 Ford that I will do some weekend racing with one of these days.


    have been down the track in a few cars, on a few bikes, but I'm no one that is good enough to be known... just like to have fun.


    Signing up blind here since I cant see any of the forums until I get the secret hand shake email, so I hope this is a good forum, with minimal BS.... I wont start any bs either.


    Just looking to learn a few things, maybe share some of the few things I know about & meet some worth while locals who are similarly minded.


    I suck @ intros.... hope this one meets the grade







    Nice fab work.....welcome

  2. ^Awesome.


    LOL where is that for sale?! Want!




    Awesome site, they have a new shirt out every week that is 'auto/racing' related. Just sign up at the site and you get an email, but they only do one run of the shirts and then it's usually gone forever. This particular one got so much attention that they are doing another run, so order quickly. Looks like all they have left is L.....

  3. Unfortunately, I agree....


    Hence the reason for this shirt....this is all we are now.....Just like the 'roll up' window, this too will go away some day......



  4. I was at the LA Fitess/Urban Active Saturday morning working out and there were definitely some folks from the Arnold in there getting a little pump going. Not sure if they were letting people in for free, because there were about 5-7 of them (could tell from fake tans, never saw these people before, and the chick looked like a dude....she was SCARY)


    Heard it was crazy packed and the aisles were all supplement comapnies, as usual, and you could barely walk through there.

  5. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/64174_479954265393687_339125201_n.jpg












    For my boy, Das Borgen :lolguy:



  6. http://3432-boston.voxcdn.com/files/2013/02/beastmodetoinfinity.gif



    That woman tossed that table like a champ. Link to full vid?


    Booyah bitches




    A fashion show in Charlotte North Carolina early Monday morning ended in a less than fabulous way. Police are investigating a fight that broke out in Charlotte’s Historic Arts District. The “NC Awards Ball Aftermath” ended with a number of people throwing chairs and one woman going beast mode by throwing an entire table!


    Word is that the event was going as planned until one contestant didn’t agree with a judge’s decision. The contestant hurled a chair and all hell broke lose.


    As you will see in the YouTube video below, there isn’t much room to get away from the chaos as chairs are flying from all directions. One women decides to escalate things and picks up and entire table, hurling it at a group on the other side of the room. A barrage of chairs come flying in her direction, but she defends herself like a pro, blocking one and catching another all while holding her purse in one hand.


    Police are using the uploaded video as evidence in there investigation. Unsurprisingly, no report was filed or charges made because no one on scene would cooperate with them. Snitches get stitches…or something stupid like that.


  7. We can handle it for you. Best way to go about it is a custom Y-Pipe to a Exhaust already built for a Cobra.


    My .02


    I'm not taking away from anything Mad Hatter does...they do quick, cheap, patches and fixes. I would not want them doing a custom exhaust project for me on something I cared about performance on. That's just not their bread and butter. When the flex pipe fails on the Audi I know for certain I'm driving to the hood to have them do it again. It's pretty much an every 2 year thing.


    Tinman, Alex, Jason @ IPS would be the first few people that come to mind for what you're looking to have done. They will work with proper materials, mandrel bends and get you something well thought out with great fit and proper engineering.


    ...but don't bother Tinman for a couple weeks he might be tied up with an exhaust project on a certain yellow car I know.



    Roger that...thanks

  8. this shit just got personal.








    Last 10 seconds of this video with Tom Morello addressing reunion of RATM......'No'.....





  9. Wife and I stayed at the Grand Ole Opry Hotel when we went, the place is HUGE and they have a bunch of stuff inside the hotel, and you are just a short walk to the GOO. It's like a little village in there.


    Where we stayed --> http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bnago-gaylord-opryland-resort-and-convention-center/


    Downtown is usually pretty busy and that's where most of the people go. Try and find a bar where there is music playing, as all the 'musicians' down there are pretty good. We did the trolley tour too, and it took us around Nashville and it's a hop on/hop off tour so you can stop at different places like the Parthanon, or the American Pickers store is on that route too. Cool tour if you're into history and shit.


    There is a Hard Rock, a Coyote Ugly (or something like that) and a ton of other bars. Not much else to do, IMO. Wife and I like to 'people watch' so it's fun looking at all the idiots downtown with their cowboy boots and hats on. BTW, only tourists wear those and not the locals, so if you wear one they spot ya a mile away.


    Oh yeah, we did the Grand Old Opry tour of the Opry house and I think that was pretty awesome. You get to go in back where all the dressing rooms are and they let you stand in the famous wooden circle on stage.


    Concerts there are amazing, and as long as they are not video taping that night ANYONE can go right down next to the stage and take pictures, no matter where your seat is in the house. But you can only stay down there for a few minutes, snap a few shots and then you have to leave. Wish I would have know that when we went.


    Have fun!

  10. I run the Super Sport A/S on my E39 during the summer and blizzaks in the winter. I have these tires because the PO had them on the car when I bought them. They are ok, I have no complaints about them so far. I have the M3 when I want to hoon with Star Specs.


    Why do you need a tire that goes north of 160?

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