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Posts posted by bmwohio

  1. You talking about Dax in that pewter C5?

    I saw it out at Autox tihs year? Must have happened later in the year when I wasn't out much. That sucks ass.



    Yeah, he was at one of the last track days at MO with PCA and motor just died going into T7.....no sudden kaboom or anything, motor just shut off and he thought it was the alternator.....ended up being worse.


    Good news is, he convinced the wife that he needs a GT3 now :lolguy:

  2. Alright, got to work early this morning and got a wax topper done!


    I'm PATIENTLY waiting for the sun to come out so I can REALLY see how this looks :tappingfoot:


    I did a little experiment if anyone can tell........


    I did Liquid Sovergn Wax on one half of the car and Natty's Red Paste Wax on the other half.......


    Can you tell the difference..........





  3. http://imgur.com/aRhHq.jpg



    I will typically give people the "what the hell is your problem" and headshake or in some cases the finger for doing this......this is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves....take the half second it takes to let everyone else know what you're doing!

  4. Thanks everyone, I appreciate it. I can tell you first hand this is HARD WORK, and I understand now why guys who do this for a living charge what they do........


    This whole process took me about 12 hours over 2 days........It really does make a difference with soft and hard clear coats. My wife's MDX was a soft clear coat and really spoiled me on the ease of correction and end result. My BMW was much harder (literally) and I really needed to work at it the whole time.....


    More pics coming soon.......

  5. Ok, all finished. I'm exhausted so here a some iPhone pics. I took some with the DSLR too and will post at a later time. Will do wax topper tmrw.


    Wash and dry




    Menz 4500 (PO85rd) (only on larger body panels)

    Klasse high gloss sealant glaze

    Wax to come: nattys red and souvergn


    The 'set-up'




    Here's what bird crap etchings look like. This was on the hood.




    Trunk before




    Trunk after



    Finished shots.....





    Was starting to rain ever so slightly. You can see drops on paint.



    De-badged since I was going to polish anyway







    Trunk deck lid





    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

  6. http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/303649_455603024495478_2004173308_n.jpg



  7. I hate being a dick, but If I don't like what someones ad says, I simply move forward and let them drown in their own dumbassery.

    That's just me. If I knew they were full of shit I'd not waste any time


    Totally agree and that's typically my play, shit just pisses me off sometimes, and should piss off other people on the forum too when people try to make money off their 'friends'.

  8. Your posts were removed as part of a bullshitstorm clean up, you can still be active in the thread.


    I would suggest PMing the OP.


    Also, coming into the kitchen to start something like this is not your best option.


    Paul, you are such a potato you should come with a bucket of parts.


    Copy that, thanks for the clarification....nope still 'removed from discussion'


    Why is what he paid for the item any of your business?


    Because I know he's selling it for quite a bit more than he bought it for and put a shit ton of rounds through it. Just un-ethical if you ask me. Seeing if he would be honest with everyone on here.


    Whatever, it's done. I'm not buying it. We can all move on with our lives. /drama

  9. the fs glock thread. BMW man in here was asking dumb questions that he could answer on his own if he wasn't such a lazy worthless kunt and just looked on the internets for 30seconds. Now he's mad because ppl got tired of him wasting space in some guys fs thread.


    couldn't be more wrong, but thanks for playing.....just asked OP what he paid...question wasn't worded correctly the first time and you you wanted to be internet crime fighter. So actually you were the 'worthless kunt' clogging up the thread

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