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Everything posted by mustangman2011

  1. Looking good did you get a sweat deal because of the 13's?
  2. Good job what year is your car? If you dont me asking ball park price range?
  3. I am starting to see a lot of Mustangs around in the gotta have it green. What do ypu guys think yea or neigh?
  4. Ahh I see maybe file for unemployment and take some classes if your tired of the field. If not Huntington was hiring not too long ago if you want to stay in that general field.
  5. What field are you interested in? Kind a confused though you still employed or not? You said previous employer didnt like your style? Were you on a leave or something?
  6. Wow lots of crappy advice in this thread. Id say Time Warner is most bang for the buck. Yes new customers get the best rate promos. BTW they own Insight now and offer internet as fast as WOW's 50 MB.
  7. Agree with Killjoy. Here is some info for you though. In Ohio custody automatically goes to mother if your not married until you go to court. So after you file something on her be prepared for not seeing your kids for a few months. If you were married you have equal rights and could through her ass out and keep custody until you went to court. Either way unless she is a crack whore you odds at getting full custody arent great. Good luck to you though.
  8. Any links to the 9 second one? I couldnt find it by search.
  9. how about the cloud whatever from tv ..any users/input?
  10. Good luck what is that exactly?
  11. firm on the rental price?
  12. So what do most car put out with these mods?
  13. Where is this at? Never heard of it before.
  14. I am with everyone else 6500. How are you extending it past the stock limit?
  15. not the worst grammar I have seen
  16. Maybe ask if you can check out the area..ask for more money
  17. scratch that white with Red stripes..What is the sticker on this beast? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2013-Ford-Mustang-Cobra-GT-500-Coupe-/370616911358?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item564a7d45fe I should of scrolled down more sticker is 63K....they want 10k extra..hmm bring back old memories..the old SVT dealers used to do that actually came up a term...
  18. One of the local dealer has a red one..believe it is the one on Morse
  19. An hour is what the recommend for Columbus. Some other airports are 2 hours.
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