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The Other Nick

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Everything posted by The Other Nick

  1. Nice to see a fellow mustang guy who likes the odd ball small ford combinations. Great build cant wait to see it in action.
  2. it looks like total shit. i would never buy one.
  3. ill be at the hangout by 9 and the girlfriend is coming as well.
  4. true true. i honestly bet the motor he is putting in will blow by lets say july. anyone else want to take bets.
  5. In ill be out after work since im right there.
  6. Im pretty sure if mark was to put all of the above ^ back on he could still be faster. Just sayin.
  7. I ran over a deer once only damage was poop all down the side of my blazer. The deer hit me though.
  8. I want one even more now lol.
  9. Well at the time it says no fatalities that doesn't meen nobody died later on asshole.
  10. Wtf i wonder if they survived that.
  11. They had alot of trouble that race, lots of cars seemed to be popping the blowers off and making for intresting races.
  12. ouch. that makes my wallet cry.
  13. here we ago again let the shit storm commence:dumb:
  14. Well he will probably find your address since some how you received money from him then he will come and sue you. Which i hope happens.
  15. In for hangout no dinner for me though.
  16. I have agree the low tones dont come out as well on camera but when you got into it it sounded badass.
  17. Except he is not. Obama was elected by the people who didnt want their meal ticket taken from them. Look at the obama phone videos these are the leeches that are draining our society and voted him back in. As far as the electoral college its another way for the government to monopoly its people. Its supposed to be put into place for what reason, to make states with smaller populations have a fair chance. To me this is wrong we should vote once and majority rules nothing more to aid in who gets elected.
  18. Sweet hope to have the car done by the first one. Maybe get a 1/8 mile race in there that might be fun.
  19. Im so sorry for your loss. I recently had to put my beagle down at 16. She was like a sister to me. She had the same as yor dog. Just remember they are running around having fun and probably avoiding random pools up there and you will get to see them again one day and enjoy that lick of the face from your bestfriend again.
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