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Green Bastard

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Everything posted by Green Bastard

  1. If you are paying for a yearly renewal does it mean you can drive it more than the standard historical tags allow?
  2. I saw this on facebook and was wondering how long it would take to show up here. Looks like it will be a blast when you are finished.
  3. This is that polished finish that I was talking about. It is a good look and the epoxy that is typically used is strong as can be. We have some floors here at work that are finished like that. We roll heavy units across them with metal casters and they hold up pretty well (the coating scraches and looks foggy after a couple years here).
  4. If you are going for the polished look, no. In theory you could just put a good thick epoxy finish on it and it should last. If you are going for the polished look though, you have to have the machine to do it (you may be able to rent one if you are trying to do it yourself).
  5. You can polish the concrete then put a clear epoxy over it. It looks nice and the finish lasts for quite a long time.
  6. I know the regular chain stores (such as advance) still test them. Is the rectifier removable (had an old ford truck that I swapped the regulator on and it worked), if it is, swap them and see if it works.
  7. What about an rx7? Fc's are cheap and you can drop damn near any motor setup you want in it. Also they are pretty well balanced, like a miata, only a little heavier.
  8. This made me think of a locost 7. A kit car based on the lotus 7 but with rotary power.
  9. Well, if your looking at it like it is in the picture and the post on the right is positive, then if you still have it Friday I'll take it.
  10. I would have a look at the rubber hoses while you are in there.
  11. Green Bastard


    Ray Hughes. 614-390-8585
  12. I had one as a kid as well, they are uncomfortable. Although, if she truely needs one, it is easier for her to have one while she is younger as it is more painful when the child is older. I also had the bar after the expander (to hold them in place until they set I guess) for a while, it left a perminant impression on my tongue.
  13. It looks about like this '34 Chevrolet to me. http://paramountpicturecars.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/34-Chevy-black-rear-1100x674.jpg Edit: I think it looks more like this 33 Buick Victoria sedan, the hubcap and wheel seem to match. http://topclassiccarsforsale.com/uploads/photoalbum/1933-buick-80-series-victoria-sedan-runs-and-drives-well--5.JPG
  14. I just started watching this the other day and I am 4 episodes in. So far it is pretty cool but it has not grabbed me like other series' I have gotten into. I know it is off topic, but I just finished season 4 of Wentworth (kinda like a darker version of Orange is the new black), that show is really awesome. I will continue watching Stranger things because it does have my attention now.
  15. I saw the houses in the field last time I drove by, I was just referring to the area in general, but it sounds like there is growth all over lewis center now.
  16. Knowing how Toyotas run, it is probably still on the road today.
  17. I grew up in Lewis Center (right down the road from Shanahan middle school) and it was great. Always quiet, farm fields all around (though last time I was through there it looks like they are being sold off), kinda country but everything was close. Olentangy schools was a blue ribbon school when I was going there if that counts for anything for you. As others have mentioned, Westerville and Worthington are great places to live as well.
  18. Any chance you have a 3.9 r160 rear diff? I have a buddy that is looking for one.
  19. Maybe the guy who dropped it off may be able to give you info if you could ever get a hold of him. Otherwise I'm not sure what you could legally do, just drop the car off somewhere on the side of the road and let the state deal with it...
  20. Are you able to put a mechanics lein on it? Have you tried calling the bmv and explaining the situation to see uf you can get a hold of the next of kin to see if you can sort it out with them?
  21. What is the difference in amount reported based on race at a national level? Most sheeple only see what is reported and take it at face value.
  22. All I have been seeing on social media lately is how everyone is standing with the black community with their loss and the whole black lives matter thing. Somehow I am the asshole when I say that it should be all lives matter and that the media needs to quit race baiting. I told someonw that they need to look at the statistics of people killed by police based on race, one lady said statistics don't mean anything...
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