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Green Bastard

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Everything posted by Green Bastard

  1. Something to think about, although idk if it applies to guardianship or not so it wouldn't hurt to ask, is power of attorny (sorry for the poor spelling) for medical purposes. When we had my son before the adoption was finalized (the courts had him legally placed with us) we had to have it in order to make decisions for his medical care. He was also not able to be added to my insurance until the adoption was finalized, it could be because he did not have a social security number until he was officially ours (if birthmom would have gotten it done, we would still have had to), but still something to look into.
  2. It would be cool as hell to have a motor like this in my rx7, but it seems fairly pricey for a motor that needs torn down and gone through. Although I do understand that it is for a rare italian car to witch I know nothing about pricing (so it could be a very fair price, but I wouldn't pay it).
  3. Yeah, they should be smooth. If you can feel it, I wouldn't chance it myself. I assume not all the cam lobes are worn like this (i.e. it was not designed like that).
  4. Buckeye lake. May not be as nice as some of the other places listed, but in a year or two when the lake is fixed you can sell and probably double your money.
  5. I was a bit disappointed when I opened the thread expecting that too.
  6. Welcome, post up some pics.
  7. I'd keep the na myself and sell the nb, but that's just me.
  8. Blow your budget out of the water and go with a Juke R.
  9. This is what I was trying to get at. I wasn't implying that you should bring in new customers to milk them, more just to show that you can be an honest shop, something people think doesn't exist anymore. I guess what I was trying to say was a little lost through the keyboard.
  10. GM did a bunch of cool things with the Beretta chassis, but the Firetta was the one I kinda wish they would have put into production, even as a low numbers car. That car was one hell of a sleeper.
  11. Well, I know it works for a lot of the bigger chain stores, just thought I would put it out there. The only other advise is join a group on facebook called The Wrenching Network and ask this question there. There are quite a few shop owners there that may be able to give you some good advise.
  12. I get what you are saying, and I thought about that a little when I originally responded. Yes, you will get the cheap bastards in that want nothing but the cheap service, but being more towards the Dublin area (from what I can gather), you likely won't attract too many bottom feeders like you would in the city. Also, maybe just do a special that includes a free inspection with certain services and no pressure to fix anything when you present the results of the inspection (people would likely feel more comfortable coming back if they feel you are being honest and not pressuring them). Basically, something to attract people and just do the quality service that you normally would to bring them back.
  13. This may seem pretty basic, but for the automotive repair industry it seems to work. If you decide to put out flyers in people's mailings, advertise a service at a hefty discount (oil change, alignment, ect). You will lose money on the initial service, but it gives you the chance to upsell, or with the quality work, create a returning customer.
  14. Steve is right, it needs to be done properly. Don't get caught bleeding it to atmosphere, it is illegal and you could be fined. I am waiting for the adapters to show up for 134a (my wifes car needs done), I could probably borrow the stuff from work and charge it for you some weekend (after my adapters show up) though you would probably need to get the cans to charge it.
  15. I know this is a bit off topic, but I wanted to make a comment about adopted children (because of the responses earlier). My son is adopted and I couldn't possibly look at him in any other way than him being my own. To me he is seriously one of the coolest people on earth. When we did adopt I was concerned about possibly feeling different about him than a biological child (I have seen this happen with a friend that was adopted), but with my daughter coming along recently, I don't. Also, there was a statement made about adopting rather than having your own, seemingly in response to child support. If you adopt as a couple, you have the same responsibilaties after a divorce as you would have had if the child was biologically yours.
  16. I'm not sure that car completed would be worth 8k.
  17. The longer car loans are a good way to get upside down if you are replacing something every 4 years or less (also a good way to throw away money if you are able to afford a shorter term loan). Another reason I love my wife, we just replaced her Durango with an Equinox recently. We paid cash for it and it was pretty cheap (05, 108k miles, out the door for 3k), of course it needed a couple things, but I have a good reliable vehicle for years to come for under 4k invested right now, which makes her happy.
  18. For a beater you can't go wrong with a Honda imo. You can beat the piss out of them without a care in the world, they are cheap to buy and parts are cheap as well.
  19. Thanks again guys, her and mom are doing very well. We have an adopted son so we were hoping for a girl, but once we found out she was a girl my wife changed her mind and wanted another boy (too late lol).
  20. Meh, toss the tires in the back of cleetus with no tailgate on and go hit that pot hole. Let the city "accidentally" have those bad tires lol. Seriously though, that sucks, but it is about what I expected.
  21. What are the symptoms? Maybe we could give you a couple things to check out on your own if you have a little spare time.
  22. Thanks everyone. Here are a couple pics. http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w392/uummm1/Mobile%20Uploads/20170602_120113_zpsmmfotkzj.jpg And one with big brother and myself. http://i1073.photobucket.com/albums/w392/uummm1/Mobile%20Uploads/FB_IMG_1496438550420_zpsimcr6oim.jpg
  23. Our son, Elijah, is 4 and we now have a daughter, Elianna. Thanks guys.
  24. I just wanted to share, just had a baby girl at 11:54 this morning. Both mom and baby are well. I will post pics later after my son gets a chance to meet her.
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