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Everything posted by M0nk3y

  1. Absolutely insane to comprehend
  2. E46s in that price range usually need a lot of work done. Tom's E36 M is CLEAN. I highly suggest you pursue that route.
  3. Carrying a gun w/out a permit can land you felony charges. To add onto it, it's a no gun zone...which is criminal trespass for people who do have a CCW
  4. The whole area is a CPZ as well. Not good. News here are really over reacting. OMG gas mask and bulletproof vest. All legal things to own
  5. Kimber guns with $1000 price tag still suffer from stovepipe issues all the time. Pretty sad when a $450 polymer gun can cycle consistently and Kimber people need to look for better mags and make sure the gun doesn't stovepipe every other round. :lolguy: And to back up the ammo argument with this: http://ammo.ar15.com/project/Misc_Images/DocGKR/Handgun_gel_comparison.jpg .45 really dominates :dumb:
  6. Need more front camber. So awesome.
  7. I carry a M&P 40 Compact with Hornady XTP 180 grain. Gotta get a gun that you trust your life with, simple as that. Go and shoot multiple guns, don't go to any conclusions from us. I shot this gun and loved it. Bought one, ran 500 rounds though it before even stripping and cleaning it, never jammed or failed to feed.
  8. Disregard. I thought it was a car care product.
  9. You'll love it. I'd pick up a 35mm prime first and go with that if I was you. 50mm on a crop sensor sometimes is too much zoom. Play with the focal ranges on the kit lens and you'll see. The D3100 is no joke, IMO all it takes is a good noggin. My D3100 w/35mm Prime http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7191/6945441365_6db73a23d9_b.jpg Rear End by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7002/6614084239_9b04a18446_b.jpg Reflections v.2 by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr
  10. Ughhh....what? First off, what's your primary purpose for this cleaner? If you can't find it on a major site, chances are it's probably not too good.
  11. Grand Am/ALMS has identity. NASCAR isnt close
  12. You can get Blazer aluminum from cheaper than dirt for like 12.67 or something a box Buy a 1000 and it's like $60 in savings versus $14.99 + tax a box
  13. Alarming on the exit doors (not guard) is the only valid point. Everything else though is retarded and in total disrespect for the people who past away that morning
  14. How fast was the dyno running at though? The rubber (if there was any) from the roller could easily have an effect on the tire. It's hard to find a tire in a 15" size these days. I was going to suggest Hankook, as I've had good success with their Venus V4s, V12s, and currently have their R-S3s for autocross. If you're not doing any digs or anything, just find a decent tire with some speed rating, and when you're going to dyno throw the slicks on.
  15. Usually tires have warranty periods to where you can get another tire within a certain timeframe if a defect occurs. That's with tirerack, I have no clue what Jegs will do. I wouldn't be telling anyone that it was on the dyno if I was you. Edit, it's a 130 mph tire...how fast were you dynoing it at?
  16. These images are actually pretty old... But they guys tried to steal copper from a sub-station....lol
  17. Im up in Cleveland...its at a local range. If you look at ofcc (ohioans for concealed carry) forums sometimes they list those things
  18. It appears through other media he will keep his job...but the owner of the pizza shop made it clear to all employees that if anyone was robbed, to give it up. I participate on shooting events. Almost like IDPA but not official. They always set up different courses like holding a baby, drawing and shooting with 1 hand, shooting off hand..reloads, in surrender mode...and drawing and shooting. Let me tell you, when your in those situations accuracy drops off the roof. Much different than static shooting
  19. Way to give everyone with a CCW a bad rep. People like you. I hope you fail the test and qualification, you dont deserve it
  20. Im surprised he didnt shoot more...adrenaline kicks in and you wont hear the shots anyways
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