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Everything posted by M0nk3y

  1. How I do handle the off-season? Find more parts to buy and watch my videos again, and again, and again.....and again.
  2. You don't need a car with HP to have a ton of fun. I was able to drive a Honda S2000 during a autox up here in Cleveland and it's a damn fun car. You can toss the thing right or left and it does what you tell it to do. Don't need to worry about weight transfer, and can just hammer it anywhere. They are perfect driver cars (miata).
  3. The 2 and 3 are different thicknesses. IT SUCKS! (I'm really jelly). For the fact that it isn't cleaned up, that color shines. Andy, your car is awesome
  4. M0nk3y


    Let me have your SS #, name, where you live, and description of yourself. A picture of you will also help. After all, you have nothing to hide right?
  5. Very cool race to watch. Couple years I want to make my way there for a HPDE.
  6. End of Q3 was exciting to watch, I thought Hamilton was going to nab it. The start of the race will be interesting to watch. Some teams were saying they want to get odd number grid spots to stay in the track where it has rubber.
  7. Nothing I can part with, but if you look hard you can find a 870 Wingmaster for right around the $300-350 price (which is much better than a standard 870)
  8. Watching the race and being so close to the course is going to be fun when cluster-Fs start to begin. Madness will truly be madness...lol
  9. Absolutely stupid. BTW - This was posted 10/1. I haven't heard any updates on it though
  10. M0nk3y

    Gun Belts

    IMO belts like that aren't made to hold the weight from a gun. YMMV, but I wear a dedicated gun belt made from thick leather.
  11. Sounds like you need to go to Colorado.
  12. I'll play: http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5330/6999799634_d2eecc5a1d_b.jpg C&C May 5th by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6110/6235695861_a66dd4835a_b.jpg DSC_0444 by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/208931_3666957640774_692205377_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/292347_3756819047253_1522883597_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/545066_3666962600898_917273684_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/532580_3666972361142_521291880_n.jpg Videos:
  13. M0nk3y

    AR15 vs

    Indeed. As well, trying to compare a certain manufacture to an AR-15 is impossible
  14. I like where this is going Kale. Doesn't this bump you out of STU (if you do decide to go that route)
  15. I hope the people in this thread realize that DUI checkpoints are hardly successful...and mostly a waste of tax money. They would be more effective if they were actually patrolling the streets. If you were actually smart, you'd realize that LEO are required to post the locations of DUI checkpoints 24 hours prior to conducting. By being polite with the officers: Have you had anything to drink tonight? Yes! About 6-7 an hour ago You're under arrest For drinking water? Just FYI: Avoiding a checkpoint with a legal turn does not justify a stop. There is a lot of case law on this. Any tickets or charges will be dropped because the stop was unlawful.
  16. Is it illegal to do so? Not at all. There was no crime committed around the area he was at, no MWAG call...there is no reason to stop a law abiding citizen. It's like saying a cop has a right to pull you over and search you because you drove through a high drug area...even though you are driving the limit and not violating any laws. How is carrying a gun legally any different? ORC 9.68 says it is not illegal to openly carry a gun, and no city can make laws against it
  17. No they cant....it's called a Terry stop. Research that
  18. Probable cause to stop someone because he is openly carrying is unlawful. No crime was being committed, there was no MWAG call
  19. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2917.31 http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2917.11
  20. Follow this thread for all discussion and updates: http://www.ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=65251 Absolutely outrageous. PC my ass
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