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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Don't watch much TV aside from Breaking Bad but, 1. Breaking Bad 2. Modern Marvels 3. How it's Made 4. Top Gear UK Past: 1. NOVA ScienceNow (specifically when Dr. Tyson hosted this) 2. Price is Right with Bob Barker. I used to skip school to watch that guy.
  2. Thorne, if you're scared go to church. Otherwise divulge your secrets.
  3. It's crazy to think how much stuff has even changed since then. If it were to have happened in this "day" of technology it would have been accessible to see at the few movements of thumbs. "Back then" you would have to find a TV to see it. Crazy to imagine that "world" even now. Incredible what has changed in the last 10-12 years, not only relating to 9/11 but in general.
  4. This will make some feel old, and it will show how young I am. I remember getting in trouble that morning on the bus for throwing a football around, I'm almost certain the attacks on the towers made the driver forget entirely about my onryness that morning. I was sitting in class as a 4th grader when suddenly a teacher burst into the room in tears. Not quite sure what to make of it I sat still and listened as intently as I could to see what was happening. All I heard were the words " under attack." Still being so young I render my first thoughts were something to the effect of a columbine shooting, as earlier that week we had covered school shootings and what to do "when the bad guys show up." All three 4th grade classes (a total of about 80 students) got shuffled into a room where a tv was already playing the news, I still remember sitting there hearing the teachers sobbing and a few students sobbing. At the time I had no idea just how much this would impact the world, let alone why anyone would do anything like this to innocent people when America had not done anything to anyone. It took me a solid year or so before I fully grasped these events. I remember my dad picking my up from school and basically sneaking out a back hate at work since he worked as a civil engineer at an Air Force base. I still remember asking if we "would see any cool tanks driving down the road on the way home." Needless to say his talk trying to explain these events to me went right over my head. We lived in a direct air path to an airport, it never dawned on me until about 5 years later that I went outside to play after getting home and never heard a plane every 5-10 minutes as we normally would. Its still crazy to think it has been that long ago, it feel as if it was only yesterday.
  5. You should care.. More turbo car weather :gabe:
  6. Sooooo when are they gonna do something about 71 at Polaris?
  7. Wood reed agin/10. But it isn't surprising to hear that he helped someone out.
  8. In my eyes if you pay for a service and you didn't receive what you paid for you got ripped off. Take it back, get it fixed.
  9. Ill be at QSL near 7:30. Look forward to seeing whoever shows.
  10. Canes sounds good to me, especially with all this canes talk on here the past week...but I'm open to anywhere.
  11. Anyone have any interest in meeting for food before heading to Sawmill? Should be a great night to spend outside.
  12. Bump. Any interest? I'll start it up if I can get a few interested and if I can figure it out lol
  13. http://i.imgur.com/mzrzbFI.gif
  14. It's a 1/2 mile away from my work, and about 3/4 mile from my apartment. I've contributed most of my weight gains in the year since I've moved to Columbus to Caniac's :lolguy: But it is damn good food, any friend I know from out of town I insist on a meal at Cane's. They always walk away saying it was the best meal that they have had.
  15. Buster, if it is wired in right then you should have no issue with the battery draining. Did you buy one of the little harness's AutoZone sells?
  16. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lutkd0LA9Z1qdlkgg.gif
  17. I texted him the other week and trolled him A lite. Ill find some screenshots. Hilarious that an XSPower turbo is considered "top of the line."
  18. Wagner, Ill cross the P/N at work on a few different resources I have and see if I can find anything just in case.
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