I'm hoping that if anything, this trial shows some people that if you want to act like a thug, be prepared to get treated and profiled as one. This doesn't apply to white, black, Hispanic, etc. but really anyone regardless of race.
I think it would be awesome if a leader in the black community in that area piped up and said something about this case, and how the judicial system works since apparently people don't think "justice" was done. It seems that instead of this, they continue to egg on protests and demand "justice." Do most schools not teach the branches of government? Checks and balances? The point lf jurys? Maybe it is an Ohio thing or just happened at my school, but the system of checks and balances along with my constitutional rights were harped upon time and time again during school. It seems people aren't understand with this case "innocent until proven guilty." No proof or evidence exists (that was brought forth) shows that Zimmerman did not act in self defense. This isn't to say Martin was black and therefore a thug. That's a flat out ignorant assumption on anyone's part. His social media appears to show his life a little different than the cutesie lifestyle everyone made it look to be. I have no solid proof, but from what I've heard is he tested positive for more than just dope. But who are any of us to judge. It's his life.
Undoubtedly, this is a sad case. I feel sorry for TM's parents as they lost a child. I also believe it is unfortunate that a young life had to be taken in all of this. This does not mean that I feel sorry for TM at all. As said, he acted like a thug, and may have well been up to no good. Also he may have been just walking home. Zimmerman was innocent. The case is closed. But of course, some people seem to have never learned that in life you don't always get your way, crying and bitching about it won't make it change. It just makes you look like a fucking idiot.
Edit: it's a damn shame that people get all riled up about this. Then the government has a load of corruption and scandals, no one bats a fucking eye.