Think I already answered most of your questions..
Guess I'll elaborate though.
Grew up north of Dayton. Played sports n chit. Was exceedingly good at quite a few. Numerous local, conference, district, regional, and state awards at the personal and state levels both for individual and team accomplishments. Had quite a few options for college athletics. Injured knee in football, ended up blowing it at the end of basketball season senior year, unable to run track. Not long after knee blew out, learned my dad had stage 4 lung cancer. As he become progressively worse over the course of 2-3 months I decided to stay close to home at WSU help out the fam. Hung out for a year. Dad passed away, got a job working full time to help mom pay the bills since she can't work or take care of a house with 10 acres alone or pay for it, let alone afford to pay someone to. Year later, money gets settled, she moves here, I come along with so she has help getting settled in. Now able to go to OSU like I originally planned on ending up, just a year later than scheduled with a few less credits.