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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Car looks amazing Scott. Thanks for making me want to get back into another F-Body
  2. "When one resorts to grammar is useally because they have nothing else to say so they nick pick. Or go find a YouTube video."
  3. Kale, I didn't know who was driving as the "guest" driver. Just so Jones' can't steal the spotlight... Took this video as well. If I make it out to another event I'll bring the good camera and snag some pictures and video! Also as a sidenote, I expected the Beetle to be quick, but not that quick. Thing was freaking insane.
  4. Pretty certain I saw you driving at the AutoX at IFO today. If it was you, damn good driving and nice car!
  5. I'm not crying. I'm stating a fact. I have a limited availability. Apparently since no one has realized this, it was a joke, Apparently that is something that went way over at least someone's head. And that wasn't a height joke since things need to be very specific to avoid any confusion.
  6. Maybe I don't have something that runs stupid fast times because I'm in the bottom 1% of incomes of the 1,070 active members on this site possibly? Not everyone on this site is making $40,000+ a year believe it or not. Apparently if you feel the need to butt in on a joke that didn't involve you in the slightest form then you need to get a hobby to take up more time, or read some celebrity magazines to fulfill your apparent need to get your nose into other people's lives and conversations.
  7. Just as a reference so whoever reading this knows, AutoZone does rent out a kit similar to the link Cordell posted for "free." You basically put a deposit down on it (equal to the retail price with tax and all), and when you bring the kit back you get every penny of the money back. Not many people know about it, but it is a great thing to take advantage of honestly.
  8. Lol, if I had a car worthy of competing with the cars running im sure I would come out if I felt compelled, but don't really have either.
  9. FILL is a lot shorter IRL than he acts online. It's okay FILL. Someone has to be a wee little lad. :gabe:
  10. Geeesammy

    april 20th

    In this thread, Beta's talk about illegal activities while Alpha's boost confidence even more. Keep tokin'.
  11. A. Looks clean, professional and to the point. Exactly what it needs to be. The colors blend good together. Personal opinion but I always prefer seeing neutral or darker fonts for logos.
  12. Geeesammy

    april 20th

    :dumb: I guess this is 'Murika.
  13. Finally got on BMRF. I'll have to met up with you on there. Invested in a mic/headphone combo. Which server are you on?
  14. God damn it feels good to see Obama have his jimmies rustled up a bit. The actions of Biden right before Obama spoke are hilarious as well. I'm assuming this is the video that was talked about in the first few posts.
  15. We are talking about 4Chan here....Seems like every time something happens someone comes out with some story of being able to stop it or heard about it before, but didn't do anything and now they have a terrible guilt but don't to talk to authorities about it. That site is filled with more troles than about all the sites on the web combined. http://i.imgur.com/bknH788.jpg
  16. If I could get off work that day I would most definitely be attending. I'll see what I can work out today to possibly work something out.
  17. Wiggs- "Never underestimate the power of internet stupidity! So, we get messaged that apparently there's a rumor about Stig's block being junk due to excessive heat from welding extra supports to the engine. So we track down the rumor and find out that the source is an employee of a 'competing' shop; not surprising given what jealousy does to people. But what makes it HILARIOUS is the fact that these supports are apparently magical. First, they were welded onto the block back in February of 2012 at the very shop whose employee started the rumor. Then, they allowed the block to work perfectly and run in the video we posted back in September. And now, they have gone back to ruining the block! Jealousy is a bitch!!"
  18. I'm in for sure. As long as I have two weeks out notice I can make it. But my recommendation is get a poll of dates and see which works out best. A Saturday afternoon may be best due to so many people of Columbus Racing attending Cars and Coffee.
  19. DAMN! Terrific work. Dat ISF :megusta:. Loved every car in this though :nod:
  20. He posted in ChatBox too...unless somehow a mod trolled that. A classic phrase he likes was used.. [12-04, 22:42] imstock2 "bitch made"
  21. It's actually 7 months if you want to get specific.
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