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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. This talk of GT-R's not having marketing for their cars is fucking idiotic at best. Like Jones and me have told you before, they didn't NEED IT. 99% of GT-R's sell ABOVE sticker price. Know why you can never find one at a dealer? Because as soon as they get one in, it's gone the next day. I go past Chevy dealers and see at least 5-10 C6's just sitting, and they are even marked down usually. Find me a C6 for 22,000. I'm really curious now.:dumb:
  2. This guy....he gets it. I thought to myself..."is Wiggs trolling on this account?" Then realized that the grammar and spelling are just so fucking awful it was impossible.
  3. You can test fit before you buy if you please.
  4. Obviously your jimmies get rustled a little too easily. Its the internet man, if you are throwing a hissy fit over this shit then I feel sorry for you. 2 years truly isn't that much of a difference. Maybe if you quit trying to turn it into a contest most suitable of your needs vs. the majority's benefit..
  5. :lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy::lolguy: Doesn't matter, he has a twin turbo C6 that will decimate all. So powerful the dyno numbers are unable to even be WRITTEN. Eat the AMS! You Alpha Omega package ain't got shit on imstock! Don't even wanna get started on UGR!!
  6. I don't have any idea. I'll look to see if I have any pics of it installed on the car so you get an idea of clearance. Is it a 102 or what? I'm sure some guys on LS1tech will know
  7. Need garage space for a new toolbox and cleaning out some boxes and cabinets of useable stuff, so I'll start with these three... UMI Strut Tower Brace-$55 OBO Applications listed on their site. Minor stratches http://www.umiperformance.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=7_112&products_id=189 http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/IMG_3083_zps9ad8a636.jpg http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/IMG_3084_zps278c3fcc.jpg Gauge Cluster- $80 OBO Roughly go for this on eBay. Originally from a 2001 Trans Am. Bought it at T/A Nationals last August, I believe it has just under or at 100,000 miles on it. When I tested it out all gauges and lights worked. Fairly dirty, could use a decent clean. Minimal scratches. Planned on sending it out for the MPH conversion, paid $85 or more I believe. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/IMG_3078_zps0f1a61af.jpg http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/IMG_3079_zpsf638648a.jpg Spare Tire- $30 OBO No clue what to list this for, just tired of seeing it in the garage. Came out of my old T/A. No jack, just the spare in the picture. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/IMG_3074_zps4b3ff3bf.jpg http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/IMG_3075_zpsbed29a8b.jpg
  8. Believe it or not I've actually considered it just to troll the fuck out of people and make it like a cheap 1000. If I did it, I would come to you for the entire deal. And I'm not joking when I say I'm strongly considering it.
  9. Shot what? Are you referring to spraying? Nothing that I own has ever been sprayed while I've owned it, and until I'm out of school none of it ever will be. It's way out of the budget and too much of a risk for me to take
  10. Explain to me how you are likely close to double my age but still trying to do some dumb fast and furious shit? Shouldn't this be the other way around? :dumb: Seriously, listen. If you don't like the terms being set forth then don't sign up, it's that easy. Make your own contest and own rules. No one is holding you back
  11. You do realize a stock K7 600 makes roughly 100 at the wheel, right? (109.3 per SportRider) A 2.4l has four times the displacement.. Allow me to put my education to use... 2.4 Liters is 2400 Cubic Centimeters. 600 cubic centimeters goes into 2400 cubic centimeters 4 times. So 500 horse on 2400 cubic centimeters would be equivalent to 125 horse on 600 cubic centimeters. I could run a fucking 25 shot and be there and that's on a stock bike :dumb: I have a Power Commader and exhaust, so even with a tiny shot I would be giving it a competition. If you are having such an objection to all of these terms then make your own god damn competition with your own fucking rules. Rather than bitching about smaller motors with less money in them that will be kicking your C6's ass on all contests involved for a fraction of the cost. It's not rocket science here, either accept the rules as stated and nut up and shut up..or just move on and stop trying to turn the competition into "imstock2's flawless way to win 99% of the pot" I honestly think my Supra would out-do your C6 on whp/L, and it's Jank as fuck, And it has lawn-mower sized turbos on it. But then again, you won't tell any numbers soooo....
  12. It would be the most competitive motorized creation I have. Shit id be over 100/hp per liter
  13. Strangely I would be saying the exact same shit if my money was on the line. It would frankly be a waste of my time and the record keeping to enter in. Especially knowing what I'd be going against.
  14. Maybe if the dumbass media quit giving these fuck the attention they set out to get they would be less prevalent. It's a tight spot because attention needs to be brought to the lives lost and not swept under the rug, but all these psychotics are out for IMO is the nationwide attention where their name is known or mentioned in every household.
  15. This thread is turning the V8 folk into Honda guys. It's not going to be fair to everyone, it's called life. Only way it would be fair to all is if you cut it down to classes separating it by cylinders, and power adder type. I4 N/A I4 boosted I4 sprayed 6 cylinder n/a Etc. By then it won't be a king of the streets, it will be a king of each class per cylinders. Compete with what you've got. It's life not everyone will be a winner. If you are thinking about whp/lb smaller cube cars for the most part will have the same advantages. A boosted Honda hatch comes in and takes the cake.
  16. Anyone want anything to do with a small 6 cylinder? 3800 has a lot more cubes...Regardless nice build..I've never seen a boosted V6 'Stang, seen a few f-body's however.
  17. Might be a little wild of a suggestion, especially given the fact I wouldn't be entering..but I know some AutoX sanctions multiply turbo cars displacement by 1.5 to somewhat "level the field" for N/A cars. Just something I felt I should throw out there.
  18. So buster, do they let you install headlights and batteries at work?
  19. Jank Supra has dibs. I think there are 6 lanes or so by sawmill :dumb:
  20. I believe it was Cavalier. You yourself said "The base lt1 interior is nasty.. " But carry on with the facts pulled from thin air, ill be here all day.
  21. I've seen maybe 2 or 3 f body's that have. Iirc I never said the C6 had a bad ride, the only thing I mentioned was the shitty interior quality. GT-R's don't have 3 cars out of the entirety of the platform running those times.... EDIT: AMS' shop car ran an 8.62 @ 173.81 on 35psi with room to increase it. That was at TX2K12 and anyone familiar with it knows the track isn't necessarily "fully prepped."
  22. I know myself and most my family sleep within an arm's reach of our cell's. Best thing I could offer you to do is call the local Butler Co. OSHP station and see if you can get any info. At this hour I'm not sure if they will have a dedicated "receptionist" for lack of better term, but usually each outpost has minimum 1-2 officers on location if I've been told correctly.
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