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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. These will be what I'm getting. I'm a big guy (6'6" 260-265) and I need my room and reclining. The wide series is a little pricey, but I like the comfort they will have for a daily. Nice replacement for my stock seats falling apart with provisions for a harness. http://corbeau.com/products/reclining_seats/lg1/#
  2. I was just thinking about this the other day before work... This literally makes me feel sick
  3. I'm not mad, I have nothing to be mad about. The rest of this is just too illiterate and I don't feel like dumbing myself down to try and comprehend it.
  4. Not sure how many Formula 1 fans their are on here, but I love these race edits, figured I'd share for any other fans. Definitely can appreciate the work put into these, kind of a cool and alternative perspective as well.
  5. Geeesammy


    I've told you, get to Trails or a closed course and ill roll race or do whatever race you want. My car is out of the equation, it's a few years away from historical plates and the motor is older than me. The bike is for go fast fun. The car is just to toy around in and have something to occupy My time.
  6. I said something like this a few pages back. I'm interested to see the classic imstock "oh well i didn't mean it like that when i said that all the way back heres youtube vid and then i said it differently so it doesnt matter the same anyways but said you" back-peddle.:dumb:
  7. Geeesammy


  8. Geeesammy


    If you want to sound like a total dumbass then that's your call. I think an iPhone would do better since all my posts are from one, so find a better excuse :dumb:. If your biggest worry in life was a free t-shirt at the time, then I'm no sure whether to feel sorry for you, or be happy that nothing else was going on that could be any worse than that. No you don't get cash back, and we don't have to give the military discount, and on shit loads of stuff it doesn't apply (Oil, sparks plugs, special order,etc.). Buster can get you 10% and that's it. Maybe Buster could hook you up with a job, then you can get paid to look up even cooler shit for your AZ Special 'Vette, AND get 20% off!!
  9. I can bet you my entire worth that an amateur driver or unskilled driver will always pull down a quicker time in a GTR vs. a C6. When I sat In the GTR it was more comfortable for me, which is a hard thing for me to find (6'6" 265lbs) To each their own I see minimum 2 C6's a day. I may see 2 GTR's a month. I guess I should have phrased that as less common I've always been 100% Murican, and to be honest, the GTR brought me around to the import world.
  10. Geeesammy


    Lies, I've looked it up :gabe::gabe: We had something. Forget what. But I had to be that guy. :fa:
  11. If Doc opens up someone post up por favor.
  12. Was this the same guy you brought to Doc's that asked me "What pound injectors are you running on your Supra?"
  13. I understand progress, but I'm sure I could do the same with my car, go big single without going to a standalone management system, or bigger injectors and fuel pump. Then after I blow it up due to lack of being able to tune the power I could do a 2j bottom end. It could work, but I'd rather save my money and do it correctly the first time and go from there. Trust me, if I had the time I would be able to work on fabrication and welding, but unfortunately with 17 credit hours and working 35 hours a week, that's just not going to happen anytime in the near future
  14. H/Cx 3 on 3 different fbodys. Complete JDM swap on a 92 twin turbo stealth 5 speed swap N/A Z32 SR20 S13 RB25 S14 Should I also include head gaskets for a friends shop as well? I understand the trans is In the rear, I was never under the impression the rear end had to be dropped in order to swap a clutch, It looks like I was mistaken. I'm sure I would have done much much more but I have had a few more things to do in my 21 years than dick around with cars and blow all my money on them. I'm sure if I had a dedicated daily other than my Supra I would be able to do all sorts of shit, but I'd rather write checks for my tuition than be a complete fucktard and throw it all on loans.
  15. I wasn't saying "this is hilarious" in reference to the drivetrain, but rather imstock's conversation in general. Like I stated, I've never worked on a C5 or C6, but I'm sure if I owned one I wouldn't start throwing random parts at random times at it.
  16. If you need new plugs after a month you've got some issues. Hell I run rich as hell and burn oil in boost but don't go through them that quick. Just pull one, post up a pic and we will tell you whether to keep or pitch the save yourself the time and frozen extremities and just do one.
  17. Sister had the same year maxima as you, i looked it over, cleaned the components Cordell suggested and it helped for about a week. Ended up testing the alternator and was getting inconsistent readings on the tests so I swapped it out and it fixed the issue. Drive it to work and hook up the handheld battery tester to it. I'm sure you know but you can test the alternator and starter with that as well.. She had a disconnected vacuum line as well I noticed, but not sure if it was something I did or not. Good luck regardless.
  18. You had to drop the rear end for a clutch swap? I've never done one on a C6, let alone a C5, but this is hilarious. :dumb: Obviously you went into this car with no true plan or any intentions of what you wanted to make it into, let alone knowledge of basic fundamentals or repairs. Maybe you should do like everyone else and either learn how to do it correctly, or pay someone who knows how to do it right. If you can't accept either of those (which you clearly haven't yet) then maybe this whole car modding thing isn't for you. Kudos for attempting an install of a cookie cutter turbo kit in a shed, but it isn't enough to keep nut swinging like you've built flawless race cars for years. All mods you've done are bolt on's in my eyes with no major skills other than reading and turning a wrench according to what the interwebs says. The turbo kit may have required a little more work, but their are write ups for days on LS cam swaps making it so easy a monkey can do it.
  19. That is why you should have taken it to a shop. 8 times in three years goes to show shit obviously wasn't put together correctly or with a plan. I would type more but that's about as to the point I can get
  20. Oh shit, forgot about Smokey and the Bandit and others. Maybe this should be a two night ordeal.. 1. Smokey and the Bandit 2. American Graffiti 3. Gone in 60 seconds, new
  21. 1. American Graffiti 2. Two Lane Blacktop 3. Gone in 60 Seconds, new. Just my opinion. I'd think the first two would be mandatory for any true gearhead..although Two Lane Blacktop can be somewhat boring at times, it's still great
  22. Ill head out, it'll be nice to meet a few more people in CR that aren't the usual's at Doc's.
  23. Imstock. The biggest ricer on CR. Yet, drives a Corvette.
  24. You are as arrogant as I originally figured. You do realize your douchebaggery and know it all attitude impresses no one, right? Don't even get me started on your grammatical and spelling shit...I know it's an online car forum but I expected a little more from a Military guy. If you like being considered a complete fucking idiot by all of CR then by all means keep the dumb 16 year old bullshit up. All you are doing is giving yourself a bad reputation and getting people to not even want to associate with you, which brings me to my next point...if you are going to keep this stuff up, then why both with even staying on a site like this? It's local dude, not a national forum where you likely will never meet but one or two people. Why do this to yourself? Are you really that desperate for attention both for you and your car that you have to get it like this?
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