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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Gerald Washington is involved with this how? Oh...wait, forgot, he must do crossfit...that's how he got like that..I forgot I had to be as cut as a collegiate/professional athlete to NOT be considered obese..
  2. I'm sure for the price you'll pay for the 4.3 V6 longblock and ecu you could have a fully built LQ9 swapped into your f-body by IPS
  3. Not to be that guy but one statistic (in my eyes) is off. The obesity definition is kind of broad. I'm 6'6" 260-265 and im considered overly obese. I have been in that "realm" my whole life. I don't consider myself anywhere near obese. Now, if they came to that number by dong a body fat percentage test, then I could agree.
  4. PM Sent on motorcycle stand
  5. Just buy a 12v truck.
  6. All of which requires more money than I will be seeing for a few years :fuuuu:
  7. That's what I did wrong....bought a six speed..next go around I'm going with an auto :megusta:
  8. What mods do you have done? Maybe I did something wrong, but I had over $1,000 into mine to get there. TSP L/T's, ORY, SLP LM2, SLP Lid, and LCA's and a Frost Tune, and I was around 12.8 in ideal conditions on poopy Kuhmo's
  9. Say the words "9/11" and "consipracy" in the same sentence, people look at you like you are a suicide bomber:dumb:
  10. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s474/geeesammy/jimmies-rustled-this-much.jpg
  11. I'm just saying, for most people I've known that have gotten into the Crossfit scene, most don't have the first damn clue of anything involving putting on muscle or increasing strength, and just buy into the first thing they are told and hold that as the golden world. Sure their are cases where people do know what it takes, but I'd say a majority are cubicle rats who hear from a cohort about this and join in. The when they blow a knee out squatting down so far to make their ass touch the ground with oversized rubber weights on the bar...:lolguy: If this doesn't rustle jimmies not sure what else will :gabe:
  12. In for the lulz in 5-10 years when crossfitters joint are fucked and try to blame it on the "trainers." The vids I watched looked like something my powerlifting coach in high school showed us as examples of what forms NOT to use :lolguy:
  13. That's interesting. The thought of that makes me knee feel like its going to blow out again. I know i won't be doing crossfit :/ lol
  14. Off topic as fuck, but im somewhat confused as to why those girls are going so low on the leg exercises? Maybe I was told wrong all along but I heard anything past 90* is potentially detrimental to the knees...
  15. Geeesammy


    Those forums are so well known now it's going to be almost as bad as Craigslist. The idiot who offered me 2 grand has since flagged the post. I never put my number on that shit show anymore. At least I made certain the Honda disclaimer was hard to miss..when I put my trans am up every text I got was "trade For my db16ybahdk Honda plus 1k cash?" If I don't have any luck on CL by the end of the year ill put it up on a few forums. I'm just more or less testing the waters right now.
  16. Geeesammy


    Why? I'm just putting it out there to see what offers I get...I'm still up in the air about what I want to do with it, I'd rather almost just sell it, buy a beater and focus on school for awhile, then get a nicer toy when I'm done.. Already had a "well, the bluebook in Excellent condition is $2500, would you do $2350?"
  17. Geeesammy


    If I wasn't working at 615 tomorrow morning I would head out to the hangout..
  18. Posted that in the CB last night. Bitch looks like she needs the bacon took off her ass
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