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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Great trans choice, poor engine choice
  2. No redesign but man, any of them older than 6 or so years just need SO much work.
  3. Trade it for a Supra mang. This sounds way better than a C6z
  4. I think this guy is what you're trying to go after. I cannot stand this guy but might be worth checking out. https://www.youtube.com/user/rstuningdesign
  5. Any text that is obv made in movie maker is just no for me. I would rather see nothing or just a spoken explanation that read that stuff but thats just me. As far as length of video unless it is a video game I really cant sit and listen to someone talk about something for more than 5-7 minutes and that is stretching it
  6. Fixed. Nice car, maybe once i have kids ill get something safe and reliable like this. Until then its junkyard cars with no airbags.
  7. Lol subframe bushings needing done is far from a project. Glws
  8. http://www.redwingshoes.com/red-wing-shoe/415-red-wing-shoes/415-red-wing-mens-6-inch-boot-brown Worn these boots 10+ hours a day on average for almost a decade now.
  9. Do this and get air bags for the rear so it doesnt sag if you tow
  10. Thats an extreme example, but 90% of places will say "hey we will hire you, give you paid training and we have basic tools you need to get you started and here is a small sign on bonus to help with tools" As far as the not qualified to take any job thing, it doesn't take any qualifications typically to work retail other than being willing to help people as much as you can and don't be a dick.
  11. Thats a real thing too. Many people I know of want a job but don't want to do anything that involves the slightest amount of physical labor. They want a desk job paying 55k+ a year and able to be on FB all day.
  12. I'm not arguing the need for education, I'm arguing the constant push of "you need a 4+ year degree to do anything with your life" We are at that point where you need at least formal technical training to get a decent job, but if I am getting more training, why isn't my pay increasing along with my education level? Ask any tech who is 55+ and they will tell you how they made as much or more in the 80's than they do now, even without adjusting for inflation. My old manager was getting $29/flt rt hour in 87 at Chrysler, which when he said that our top guys were getting $27.75.... Not to mention tech in newer cars is just stupid, not to mention all the infotainment garbage. She can and has resisted the drugs, she can't resist being around the morons who do hard drugs, which then leads her back into it. She knows this yet still finds these sketchball dudes and before you know it she is back into rehab. For 2 years+ she has been in and out of rehab, each week I go to my moms and her(sisters) stack of bills from just that week is literally 30+ envelopes. I'm not saying someone smoking weed isn't a valuable employee, I'm saying someone on hard drugs is more than likely going to steal your stuff at the very least. More than likely they are going to be a massive liability and just a ticking timebomb to at least damage property, and hopefully no one. If I owned a business and a dude popped for weed on the drug test, it would literally be a "Hey man, so when do you smoke?" type thing, if he says a couple times during the week at night I honestly would rather have him than an alcoholic who gets blasted nightly and is fucking worthless until lunch, assuming he shows on time. I think training/rehabbing people who genuinely WANT to be a contributing member of society if they have fucked up is a great place to start. Obviously molesters, rapists, murderers, etc. need to rot in a cell, but someone who got busted for pot is IMO generally speaking 100% capable of being a contributing member of society. Make working in a trade desirable,rewarding financially and mentally. Being understaffed in a shop where it is numbers driven is racking mentally. The expectation that someone can do the work of 2 for months, years even on end is absurd. All these companies don't want to pay dick, yet they are willing to have vacant jobs. Plot twist, if you don't have employees you can't make any money and your competition is taking your work because they are willing to pay. I'd rather overpay someone a little and make a little less than not have ANYONE to do the job and make nothing....
  13. If you think drug testing isn't needed Kerry lets have you work on a car on a lift that a person in questionable mental state put on there. No checking to see if the car is stable, you just have to start workong on it and whatever happens, happens lol
  14. I mean a huge war against doing anything that doesn't require a degree was waged and now we are seeing the fruits of that labor. No one wants thise jobs. You kinda proved my point Kerry. If people wanted to work they'd put the bong down and drop the needle, but they haven't. We can get unqualified guys all day long in at $12/hr to change oil and inspect interiors, but we've got 4-5 spots open at $30/hr+ where cant get any remotely qualified applicants. Even if they cant put down the drugs im not going to hire them, it isnt really discrimination in my eyes, it's just real experiences. I've seen what drug addicts do, my own sister is one. If she was willing to steal her own widowed mothers wedding ring and pawn it for heroin cash then what is she willing to steal from me at my company? Everyone I know who would be qualified is over workong in trades and everyone my age in the trades is more than reasy to move on. I mean look at the conversations on here and how many times myself and other guys are basically "retarded techs" until someone's BMW is making a clunk and they dont want to pay someone to fix it because paying $100/hr+ for years of experience and thousands in tools isn't a bargain.
  15. Shortage for labor, especially skilled trades. Meanwhile skilled trades haven't had a raise to speak of in over a decade It's just no one wants to work. I could do sidework under the table and work half as much for the same or more money as I make at work dealing will PC garbage and douches.
  16. No, but this was during the assault weapons ban years, which literally proves everyone's point that banning assault weapons will do nothing to prevent mass killings. If someone wants to kill they will find a way. No cool down period, ban, or whatever will fix this. I personally would rather trying to stop a guy with a gun than have to guess which van the explosives are in. And before you put an extremist CNN type twist on what I said, what I AM NOT saying is that I think we should hand out guns and change nothing. All I am saying is that a gun is easier to stop than a fucking bomb.
  17. Stole this but applicable School Safety Ideas Nobody Wants to Talk About 1. Fatherlessness needs to be addressed. Kids need dads- most shooters don't have an involved dad. Can we connect boys without fathers to father-figure mentors? This is also a theme in the inner-city, less-publicized, yet more-frequent gun crimes in minority communities. 2. Adults need to be held accountable. The Parkland shooting last week is 'Exhibit A' on that. Dozens of adults at the school, local law enforcement agencies, and even the FBI knew about this kid and what he said he was going to do. Another adult, the SRO on duty, could have stopped it while it was happening but never went in. How many adults around this situation will be charged with crimes like negligence or manslaughter for their blatant failures? My guess is zero. How many will lose their jobs? My guess is zero. Nobody does anything because you risk nothing by doing nothing and get in trouble if you take a proactive approach and try to do address things before the blood is spilled. This is up and down our education and law enforcement systems. 3. Boys need safe environments to fight and let out their physical aggression. Young men involved in physically violent sports like football, wrestling, karate, etc. typically do not become mass murderers. I feel like our present culture is trying to take the fight out of our boys, but it's still hard-wired into them. Where no healthy outlets for this natural aggression exist, unhealthy ones will take their place. We need to stop shaming our boys and applying negative labels to boys that have a strong urge to fight. We need to guide and encourage them to find a healthy outlet, not tell them they're broken or bad. 4. The role of pharmaceutical drugs in mass shootings needs to be thoroughly investigated. It's too common of a theme to be ignored as a potential factor. Too many of our kids are getting drugged up instead of getting the care they really need. Right on the labels of these mood-altering drugs are side effects like "Hallucinations- loss of contact with reality." and "Suicidal thoughts." Yet we don't immediately ask about the prescriptions these kids are on, instead focusing on what kind of gun they used. 5. Training kids to huddle together as stationary targets on the ground, HAS TO STOP. It's stupid and getting our kids killed in greater numbers during these events. If they can't get in a secured room separated from the shooter, they need to run or fight, period. Get out the window or tackle the shooter etc are all way better things to teach. There are great programs to better train our kids on how to react to this threat. 6. Empower and encourage teachers and school administrators to have a plan, have the support of the district, and secure their classrooms the way they're comfortable with. Too many wonderful teachers with hearts of lions for protecting their kids are fearful bringing up their desires to their bosses whom will point to policy and liability concerns over common-sense solutions the teacher needs and wants. Teachers, if you don't get the support you need, do what you need to do anyways quietly. Damn the system. Keep our kids safe. There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer here, but all kinds of things could help like: ways to block/harden doors, weapons (gun or non-gun) to have a fighting chance if a shooter makes it through the door, and additional escape options like rope ladders for 2nd story windows teachers can deploy, etc. We can't have a cop everywhere and even if we do, there's no guarantee they won't be taking their sweet time outside like the Parkland SRO did while your class is in the crosshairs. Teachers are right there and the first line of defense and they need to think about it and take it seriously and not get in trouble if they do. 7. Finally, and most importantly, we need to improve the culture of our nation and our schools. We need to value human life highly. We need love. We need kindness. We need compassion. We need to look for the kids that are becoming isolated and need help and go help them. We need more than just anger at what's wrong, we need to celebrate the good stories and champions of kindness. Kids that care for one another don't kill each other. We need to touch the hearts of kids and train them up in morality and virtue- not just pack their heads full of information. This is exactly what we focused on when I worked for Rachel's Challenge, one of the top anti-violence programs in the country, and we saw tons of lives saved by changing the culture of schools from the inside out. (would-be-shooters with kill lists turning themselves in, gang members laying down their colors, suicides planned for that night canceled, etc.) Invite them to your school as a great way to start this cultural transformation.
  18. Think that's what I've been seeing a few on steam play.
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