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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Geeto, I think everyone is just saying "we have enough frontbutt trolls, please leave"
  2. Not sure how I missed this until now. Awesome thread
  3. This is what I've done/ I'm doing. I just started getting my feet wet in investing outside of retirement funds in January, and I asked multiple friends in finance and investing as well as a family friend who has made a living investing for something "hands off" and every single one responded with ETF's as the best choice for something to just throw money at and let it grow.
  4. Not at all. Talk with someone who currently does or has done financial planning to get a brief summary of things. Investopedia and other online resources have an abundance of information. Quite a few on here I'm sure do. One comes to mind but I won't mention any names.
  5. 401k is only worth it just to get the company match. I would invest into a Roth IRA before a 401k. That's what I do at least. My work sponsored 401k performs terrible and I am in the "aggressive" group.
  6. How long have you been on CR? It's a troll fest, let it pass. I would just let it grow and keep it neatly trimmed with a beard trimmer unless you grow a lolzy beard. I do not like shaving at all and just trim or have mine trimmed every 2-3 weeks. Unless your employer or profession requires a clean shave, in that case I have no advice. I haven't completely shaved my face in 5 years.
  7. Have you started selling prints of these yet?
  8. Pretty sure I know who you are talking about, lube tech's don't count.
  9. If only drugs were illegal, damn. War on drugs: 1 Everyone else:0
  10. Aaaaaand people still want dumb money for 2jz GS's. ES350 is starting to sound appealing
  11. 350's are okay. Never thought about this but GS300 would fit my bill nicely....
  12. Firestones usually have them. Unfortunately they usually dont have a tech who knows how to operate them.
  13. Hate to say Clay is right :gabe: but he is. This has gotten sidetracked a little. I mainly mentioned the Regal GS as a high end option I would get if I found an absolute killer deal on it, like 20k miles for $13k kind of deal. By fun I just mainly meant something that has the ability to keep me engaged in ownership with it. I get bored with any car very easily and I need something for the long haul. A CTSV or GTI would be amazing, but I cant leave stuff like that stock. If and when I get time to make my Supra right that can be all the fun I'll ever need but until then I just want something that isn't awful on gas and reliable as can be. I can fix the broken shit when it happens and afford to pay someone if I cant, its just the downtime and hassle of it that would be the nuisance. All those I have seen with headgasket issues have been 100% stock. I have seen a few under 80k miles where it's been obvious the gaskets have already been done and they are still seeping noticeably. I like the newer Mazda 3 and 6 lines, not sure when the newest gen came out but they (Mazda) seemed to have really upped their quality on the interior and the styling inside and out looks phenomenal.
  14. I havent, every other Subaru at work seems to have Head Gasket issues so ive always been scared away. I may look into them as I was set on a passat sportwagen but lack of manuals made me sad. Sludge beasts and eat turbos. Nope nope nope Nice cars other than that TLX is out of my budget Id think. I like fits, just too small for me.
  15. If the back seat existed I would love to. Those cars are phenomenal
  16. See above Fusion's are nice, GF has one, the issue I have is they are too narrow for me around the steering wheel. GTO's are too boaty for me.
  17. I like Vic's, just not the front seat feel. Hard to describe. I've debated one, I haven't looked into them recently but I am assuming they are a tad out of my budget G35 is a no go for me, the sedan styling is meh. Mk5 GTI's I feel like most will have highish miles and have been well worn, Mk6 all seem to be low mileage examples out of my budget. I know you can find anything, just kind of using a blanket statement. GTI is a little too much for me, then I'll get tempted to do all kinds of shit to it Awesome info, thank you so much.
  18. Staying away from TDI until this dust settles.
  19. So I'm looking to get rid of my 2500HD. Its been nice to have a truck when I've needed it, but the fuel economy is killing me, plus I would like something a little more fun and easier to drive, more specificaly find a parking space for. Im really looking for something reasonable, practical and something that can hold my interest more than a few months. No kids, only consideration for cargo is a Black Golden Retriever named Bear. I've tossed around a few ideas. Most are unicorns or hard to find for a reasonable price. I'm not looking to spend more than $14.5- $15k on the car, I feel for that price I can find something that fits the bill rather easily. I'm really open to any ideas. Not too much in the domestic market I like currently. Requirements -Must be reliable. Note that I said reliable, if it is a maintenance whore thats one thing, I can deal with that as it's a forseeable event I am will be capable of performing 99% of the tasks myself. -Decent fuel economy. I would like 23-26 combined, I guess I could go a little lower for something fun I haven't thought of? - Good seats. I like a little more aggresive seat than what some manufacturers offer. I dont need a race seat but something with bolsters is nice. - A usable back seat with me being comfortable in the front. Outside of an LS460L this will be difficult since I'm 6'6". Civics dont work, Cruzes don't either. Most larger cars like an Accord will. Even Jetta's. A few examples of what I've been debating - Mk6 Jetta 2.5 5 speed. Neat cars..or at least I think. That 5 cyl sound will keep me interested in it. 5 speed can make it feel fast and fun. Decent options. -G37 I feel like you get a lot for the money. "Luxury" car with a solid drivetrain. All wheel drive with the X models, seats are amazing for me, backseat is useable. -VW CC Kind of a quirky car I feel, more long than narrow but for me it works out. Seats are a 10/10, one of the few cars I've wanted to own for a few years running. Heard mixed reviews about certain years of the 2.0t, have yet to know anyone that owned one to confirm them. The VR6 option isn't one for me. Great value, they have seemed to get hit hard on depreciation. - 2012+ Accord Honda so reliability is there. Prices seem to be a little high for what they are in my mind. Interiors are nice, seats are very comfortable. Seem to ride very nice, great economy for being a large sedan. - 2013+ Altima I was a Nissan tech for awhile so I am a bit biased towards these. I like the looks of them, economy in the 4 cylinder is great but dat CVT kills me. Seats are okay, I would need to find a great deal to get one though. - Regal GS Small, almost too small but they have some balls for being your grandparents car. I can give the backseat a pass due to that. I feel like it would be very hard to find a clean one without 80,000 miles on it for my budget. With a GM tune they still retain warranty AND make some high numbers for being a Buick? WTFLOL Open to ideas, let me hear what yours are.
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