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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Being influced by street outlaws. Tell him to pick up golf.
  2. Touchdown shouos have been called back. Ball dropped before the endzone. Dumbass
  4. FWIW his name cant get much worse than what it is now.
  5. I have no desire for any stock welding. Mainly tig, my mig skills just need to be meh at besst Awesome, thanks for the info.
  6. Sounds cool, wish I had the time. As a side note do they ever do any welding classes? Specifically TIG? I wouldnt mind taking an actual class to improve my skills
  7. I think newborns being raped is illegal tho
  8. I'm a diehard OSU fan and it really struck a chord with me they did that. Anyone who is upset about someone saying what you did is worse than 10tv.
  9. My thoughts exactly. That couldn't have been more disrespectful.
  10. Ask a financial expert what you should buy new, a car or house.
  11. Looks awesome! Keep up the quality work, I really enjoy seeing someone actually put forth some effort into doing things right on something like this aside from taking the car and a check to a shop!
  12. Going to see Sulley at 8:30, may try to move my tickets up to an earlier viewing.
  13. Buying something that someone undervalued due to their lack of automotive mechanical knowledge and the owner was just sick of and willing to take any offer in the realm of "whatever" to make a quick $1500-$4,000 off of is something that literally benefits less than .00001% of the population. So by the numbers, cars are a horrible investment since the remaining 99.99999% of the population lose their ass most of the time. There are basically no cars out there worth close to what they cost new accounting for inflation. I'm sure Geetard67 will chime in saying something about some crazy one off example though.
  14. Have any links to this study? The people I know for sure are on Heroin or whatever (one being my sister) started on RX painkillers that were sold on the streets and moved on to something harder. Her boyfriend (who is in jail now, but that is irrelevant) and her quite literally sought out Suboxone (which is one of the many drugs that can help with Opioid withdrawals) via Facebook, begging friends to buy it no matter the cost. Why? He was on probation for having possession of Heroin and paraphernalia years ago. I know he is on probation so I am pretty sure he has to piss for the probation officer, when he was trying to "get right" he went through awful withdrawals to piss clean, then he stops going to the probation officer a month later (hmmm, wonder why) and goes back to jail, gets out and does it all over again. Part of the issue in my eyes is the discrimination of the inner city poor in the judicial system. They get popped for a minor possession charge initially, it sticks because they either can't afford an attorney, or can and get a two bit hackjob who couldn't give a shit less since he got his retainer fee. Public defense only offers so much defense. I could get further into it but no use. I've ranted enough.
  15. Staying in as usual. I have no desire in listening to 10 year old rap all night and seeing douche clouds being blown from the Subaru area.
  16. CSCC has an automotive program, Sinclair in Dayton has a very good GM program.
  17. Just best to buy a drum or two from a reputable fuel dealer online.
  18. Remans are faulty 30% of the time in my experience. I would look there assuming the alternators are the same as far as connectors, pulley, amps, etc.
  19. Agreed. Check youtube, there are quite a few films on the company and him
  20. Anyone seen this yet? Im not huge on exotics at all but this was a cool watch. The cinematography was very impressive as well as the insight into what really goes into making those "poster on the wall" cars. Trailer:
  21. Sounds like it should have been totalled
  22. I mean whatever. Just wait until Hil is in after the frontbutts on here that write novels vote her in.
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