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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Well what sort of sales is everyone in? All I'd be capable of doing effectively would more than likely be car sales? Not saying I'm switching to it right away or at all, just curious.
  2. Every person I know who went to a religious school turned out more fucked up and "sinful" than those who went to a public school. Dat sheltered life
  3. Listing my girlfriends parents Fusion on here. The listing pretty much says it all aside from it being essentially a one-owner car. Her mom got it through her company as a company car, then purchased it after the agreement was up. All maintenance was taken care of it as Ford recommends throughout the life of the vehicle and needs nothing. PM me if you are interested. $6500 firm for CR https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/5397939231.html
  4. I think I would be okay with sales, I've just never personally known anyone in it and have never had an idea how to get into a different sort of sales other than automotive. I get the whole idea of customer relationships and trust building. As I said, I just have never known anyone personally in the sales field and the things I've heard haven't been good, so I guess that is another flaw I should correct by not taking some internet Trolls opinion of a career and listen to someone who actually has and does do it.
  5. Just because I said I didn't particularly want to do something doesn't mean I don't have ambition, if I didn't I wouldn't have made this thread. I don't have a limit in terms of money or responsibility, the sky is the limit. Saying my mind is closed couldn't be further from the truth, I made a thread with an open mind, I guess I spoke too harshly on the healthcare idea and after thinking about it I guess I'm just biased against it from my experiences in the past and I shouldn't base my opinions on the profession from my limited and poor experience with it. I also believe I said I'm not against sales, just sales in a retail environment. I worked at autozone and hated that, given that is likely another bad experience since I'm dealing with pissed Off people needing to buy expensive stuff they didn't plan on for something that they need fixed quickly.
  6. Im not saying that I am anywhere near the top of anything automotive technician wise, however I am saying that the position I'm in now I don't forsee leaving in the near future, for at least 2-3 years for reasons out of my control. This is why I've grown bored of it and Its mainly my own fault. I took a job I knew would be below my skill level while getting a pay raise to do so while thinking that would offset the feeling I have now, but it didnt. Now as a result of that I'm just burnt out on being a mechanic. I've pretty much lost interest in anything at work. I'm a highly motivated usually, but once I lose motivation for something it's almost always gone for good. my white supra can attest to that
  7. I wouldn't call Jegs inside sales a sales gig, more along the lines of retail. There seems to be little incentive for anyone to up sell anything to anyone in a retail settint, aside from a promotion that you might get. I guess what im realizing as the thread goes on is I am trying to find a rewarding career outside of dealing with fixing or upgrading cars or selling parts involving that. I'm well aware of my past work experience, thank you. I've debated that but I feel ultimately I'll end up feeling the same 5 years from now. I hold virtually no interest in Healthcare at all. I'd honestly rather stay where I am before I went into all healthcare field even if I doubled my income. You want info, so here is the easiest way I can lay it out on my phone. I want a career, not a job. I have no issue starting out being the entry level guy making $30k a year to learn the ropes unlike 95% of my "millennial" counterparts who think they deserve a 6 figure salary and management position straight out of school. I want something that interests me and challenges me. Something new, I don't and wouldn't mind sales, just not at a retail level. I'm trying to get away from cars, it's basically the only hobby I have that can hold my interest and either my work suffers from being burnt out on cars or I hate life because I'm burnt out on cars or both. After some thought last night and talking to a friend ive known since I was born I think I'd be a good Civil Engineer. Id still have a feeling of doing something productive while not breaking my back to do so and it is something totally different than what I am doing now while still somewhat similar in the fact I am having to troubleshoot and solve a complex problem or achieve a big goal. I'd still be away from a computer and on my feet some of the day, I can't imagine myself sitting at at desk for 8,9 or more hours per day. Any civil engineers on here want to weigh in?
  8. Welding interests me. No schools around Cbus though.
  9. Don't you realize a LS dropout with a 4L60E and harness is under $1500? lol
  10. Something that would challenge me. I like working with numbers, creating something with a set goal in mind, working towards something and not just putting out little fires here and there.
  11. I'm just looking for ideas, not someone to tell me what I have to do. 2 people I know did the railroad neither are working right now both laid off. Gave it a thought awhile back, too tall to fly. Air Force wants me to be like 220 otherwise I'd do that lol
  12. Except you've got an art degree........ Which still opens more doors for you than I for the most part.
  13. Looking for career advice, I'll try to paint as best of a picture as I can. I feel like a douche for airing my stuff out on here to strangers, but whatever. I'm 24, have a pretty good job for not having a degree or any formal training and just jumping into being a mechanic and flying by the seat of my pants and getting lucky along the way with being able to think critically and quickly on my feet. I started off in this to get caught up on bills and pay off some debt which I've done, but I'm starting to get sick of it. At first it was fun and challenging, now I am stuck and kind of overpaid and underchallenged which most people would love, but I don't. I don't have much to work towards anymore and without having a challenge I get bored very quickly. The constant bullshit and volatility of the auto industry is irritating at best. I understand everywhere you'll have to put up with a boss, unfairness, etc. I truly get it. Lately I've just not been challenged by much and I don't have much room to move up where I am unless I decide to stay where I am for years. I have it about as good as a mechanic can get it, tools are supplied, Air Conditioned shop, hourly and very easy work and I'm still growing bored with it and not too interested anymore and just have a "meh" outlook on it at best when I wake up in the morning. I've always despised the idea that I'd need to give someone money for 4 years to give me a fancy piece of paper with my name on it saying I know something, but it seems that to get anywhere anymore that's what I'll need to do. I've searched around for something that interests me, I guess I should just pick something and go with it? I've talked to a few people about my situation, I think I'm too old to go back to school but in reality I know I'm not. This is going to come off extremely douchey and Narcissistic, but I've talked to the same people I've known for years and all seem to give me the advice "pick something and run with it, you'll be excellent at whatever you choose." I've seen friends and old high school people graduate with worthless degrees and regret it so I know the mistakes not to make I guess, but still skeptical of college. So where I'm going with this all I guess is what is a good career field to get into now? My girlfriends parents and family all think I'd be excellent at something along the lines of Actuarial Science or something in the finance field, which really interests me, but I am always worried about being laid off with some crazy high student loan payment. I'd ask mine but neither of my parents went to college and no aunts or uncles did either. Her family I guess I could say is a little more versed in the education and professional area whereas mine just kind of roughed it and made things happen somehow. Health fields are of no interest which seems to be the hot area right now. I've taken about 4 semesters worth of a M.E. degree right out of HS, but not sure if I'd want to get back into it, it seems like a Mechanical Engineering job is hard to get anymore without a masters, which I'd like to avoid right now. Any recommendations or advice, either positive or negative is welcome. TL;DR: I'm 24, seeing the painting on the wall that being an ogre working on cars for the next 40+ years isn't going to end well and looking to do something now.
  14. Yep. You are a piece of fucking trash jump. Get the fuck off here with that shit.
  15. Did some things Ripped out the entire interior of the white car, found some interesting rust so this was for the better. Planning on using that in the new roller. Also had to pull the dash, switch wiring harness from the 92 dash since it is canadian to the 90 wiring that is in the 88...confusing but it works. Also had to play mix and match with the gauge clusters, speedo from this, odo from that, etc. Worked out perfect in the end. The dash in the roller has a pretty bad crack above the gauge cluster and the cluster looked like it had been shot through. Some pics Start http://i.imgur.com/drq5ZwM.jpg Middle http://i.imgur.com/i2sWRci.jpg End http://i.imgur.com/f8tMRAD.jpg Also sold my Megasquirt, buying ProEFI 128 next week or the week after I hope.
  16. Inherited this thing, held on to it for 5 years thinking I'd have a use for it, never have to selling it. New they are around $200 for the 15' model which this is. $80 obo
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