Update just for Paul.
Put my new Brian Crower valve springs, Titanium retainers and valve stem seals in.
Along the way found a broken valve spring, some odd pitting on 2 cam journals which I have fixed as well as I can without taking the head off to a machine shop and good news being I don't have to drill out rivets to remove my baffling inside my valve covers to get them powdercoated.
The OE bullshit
The good shit
First set of springs and valve stem seals I've done with a JZ in a car. Lot easier than on an engine stand. No bobbing and bouncing. Cotton balls to avoid a keeper ending up in the oil galleys, luckily I had no issues with keepers.
Clearly the engineers at Toyota anticipated this being a job getting done on all JZ swapped MK3's so my ass fit comfortably in the area between the bumper and radiator support. I used a rope to keep the valves up, air is overrated.
Dwigg's and his NASA crew would be ashamed
End result
Just gotta decide on 264 cams or 272's. I like the idea of 272's so when I get the stones to take it to 9,000 rpm I still have power. Like the thought of 264's for more average power. Need to decide which and order it. The fuel system is a 160* fitting away from being done. Also gotta reassemble with the new cams and measure the valve lash. Going to shimless buckets which is going to help me rev a considerable amount higher.
Idea's for these? Lamp? Baseball bat? Prosthetic penis?