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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. My setup for under $600 excluding mouse, monitors, etc. Thermaltake cheapo $20 case Mobo- Gigabyte GA78LMT-USB3 CPU- AMD FX6300 Black edition $89.99 (mobo came free) PSU-EVGA 600w $65 GPU- Gigabyte Radeon R9 270x 2GB $100 (bought from a CR member) RAM- Crucial Ballistix 8gb $75 SSD- Crucial 256GB $110 These are prices before rebates. Also bought a cooler master evo heatsink and fan, OC'd my CPU from 3.5 to 4.1 with no issue, plan on going higher soon. GPU is maxed out as well as far as OC. It has run every game I have thrown at is with 50+ FPS. Worst game on it so far has been DayZ and I get 40-45 during the heaviest times (running in a city with other people and zombies around). I'd get a 12 core CPU with 16gb ram if I were to do it again. Maybe a bigger SSD but I play few games and only use this for gaming. nothing else.
  2. Sc300 has a 2JZGE, higher compression, different head/cams, water outlet location is different. Higher compression as well and lack oil squirters. Supposedly the crank and rods are the same. If it was me I would pick up a 1JZ (can be had in longblock form minus trans for $1,000). Then sell the harness and ecu for $150-$200. Get a good standalone, PTE 6766 and a single manifold and some big injectors with a -8 rail and boost the hell out of it. Twin scroll housing would be boobs for that setup. Hell you could even pull a 2JZGE out of a junkyard SC300 or GS300 and get a Front facing intake mani and turbo manifold and either run lower boost or a thicker HKS HG and it would put down some serious numbers on a 6766 and it would spool quick.. Mating a Th trans to a JZ engine is NOT cheap. An option for an auto would be the stock A340E but not sure how much power those hold. Otherwise the manual options are the W58(NA Mk3 Supra's) LOL, R154(Turbo Mk3 Supra's) which in stock form can hold 450-ish, building them isn't cheap, or a V160/161 which comes in the factory TT Mk4's which is not cheap. Most ad's I see anymore ask upwards of $3,000 for a stock trans. They are supposedly damn near indestructible in stock form though..Clutches are pricey though, as with everything else.
  3. Turbo Tax will let you. Not sure about anywhere else.
  4. Wow. Didn't even know. I flipped over to amazon really quick to see if they had what I wanted, sure enough they did. Even cheaper than where I was originally planning to buy plus free shipping.
  5. If you do your taxes with TurboTax you can get an Amazon gift card up to (at least for me) $1100. It takes 1-3 business days longer but if you have a big item on Amazon you've been eyeing now is the time to get 10% off! Figured I'd share for anyone else! This link explains it more since I am too lazy to go in detail. https://ttlc.intuit.com/questions/1899434-what-is-the-refund-bonus-offer
  6. So is the title still salvage or is it salvage rebuilt? Bought my Supra with a rebuilt title, one hell of a story as to how it got it, and I got a blazing deal on a huge pile of shit.
  7. wait, wat? As in you already filed and got your return?
  8. I told you my bottom dollar already, waiting to hear back
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions. I truly do appreciate them. Another thing I learned that I don't think I shared is that he has not seen or spoken with his parole officer since the child's birth, so almost 7 months now. Not sure about the stipulations on this stuff as I've never had anyone I know involved with it. I'd venture to guess this will result in a bench warrant being issued against him? The more I think about this situation the less I really know what to do, even after reading the responses here. I've asked a lot of long time friends who have known the situation a lot more in depth since I grew up with most of them. I know what the right thing for the kid is, but if I do anything odds will be half my family won't speak with me again, this includes my mother more than likely. Half of me wants to give my sister an ultimatum about this and give her until a certain date to straighten shit out, but she is a known pathological liar and will not let any family into that house she lives in. So odds are then that nothing will be changed and she will just lie about all of it changing. The other half wants to call it in right now and see what happens and try to keep my name out of it, or at least her knowing for now. In reality I can pretty confidently say nothing will change until the dad is thrown back into jail, and then I see things getting either one hell of a lot worse, or her moving in with my mom, which would be awesome for the kid.
  10. You didn't mention why you want to leave you current job other than you've topped out.
  11. Hoping to get back enough to cover the rest of my car part needs, or enough to cover all the stuff I wanna pay off or buy before I buy more so I can speed up the process lol.
  12. Forgot to update this: Quick update until I have time later on tonight. Basically the guys mother and step dad smoke a whole lot of weed in the house and my sister told my mom (while laughing) that they have harder drugs in the house. I guess the house isn't a complete shit hole (compared their neighbors who had a tarp for half their roof). This is the shortest version possible. Will edit this later.
  13. 1995 Chevy Silverado 2WD with Emerald Green Paint. I've never seen any others like it except the one pictured. Most didn't have the single tone paint with emerald green. Had a 5.7 Vortec and for being what it was would actually get up and run. Bought it from my dad for $800 with 276,000 miles. I have been trying to buy it back from who I sold it to for a year now. http://images.gtcarlot.com/pictures/12198856.jpg
  14. Hopefully it's not a neck tattoo. Only super trashy people get those.
  15. My dad died 4 years ago, my mom has tried but nothing really seems to work.. She knows that she lives in a shithole, laughs at the situation and will laugh at her boyfriend being a felon. I agree 100% with what you said. The idiots are pushing them out faster than cats, while the smartest are MAYBE producing...
  16. Nope, I'll see if I can get a pic of him today before I take her back home. I guess I'll be able to see what sort of living conditions they have then.
  17. Not raised there, was raised in the middle of BFE but apparently something is appealing to her about getting houses in your neighborhood shot at and living next door to a crack house. She was afforded every opportunity most people arent and she decided not to use them.
  18. I have thought a lot about this for most of the night. While I don't really want kids, especially at this point in my life, this is a different circumstance and a big decision. She does not live in Columbus, she lives in Dayton. She basically just says "well I know it is all wrong, but I don't want to say anything because I'm scared of her and really scared of her when she yells at me" Not joking. Still kind of at a loss for words. Was around her again tonight and this shit is way worse than I thought. 95% sure I heard her snorting a "substance" of some sort in another room while she was holding the kid in her arms. Walked back outta that room sniffling and coughing. I wonder what that could be....
  19. That is what is driving me nuts. He doesn't need to go down the same path as them. Both have history's of drug use. He is a felon for multiple convictions of possession of a schedule 1 drug IIRC. I would call CPS but I want to be involved in his life and watch him grow up. 10 years from now I don't want to imagine what will be going on with them. I mean I guess there is a chance CPS could come in and take him, but they would need solid proof, which I do not specifically have. Just stuff I've heard her say I'm assuming to be true. She seems like she is high all the time, or at least acts like it.
  20. So here we go with another WWCRD thread. So my sister has a 6 month old boy, it was a boo boo, she is 20, and the baby's father is 32-ish and a convicted felon. Not sure what she saw in him, but clearly she likes the winners. I am about 99.9999% sure her and her "fiance"/babydaddy/boyfriend are cheating all sorts of government stuff. She has been visiting with my mom the last few days and I have listened in on some conversations that gave some pretty good insights onto exactly what she is doing. She doesn't work, he does but for his brother and is paid under the table, they apply for all sorts of aide (Food stamps, medical, housing?) and claim he makes nothing and that she doesn't work. They use a fake address for an apartment that really doesnt exist within a building, and get extra money for that (I am guessing) and claim that someone they know pays their rent. Today I went to my mom's to grab some things and see my nephew and heard a conversation with her and the baby's dad about "who wants how much in food stamps and how much money they are giving us in exchange" and that basically pushed me over the edge. I know that their are programs in place to prevent this shit, but obviously it isn't working. I don't want to fuck them over since they have a young child, and he obviously needs a house, and proper upbringing, etc. But at the same time other shit has happened that prompts me to believe he will be subjected to abuse in the future. She seems like she doesn't give two shits about the kid 95% of the time. And the 5% of the time it seems she does is when family is around so she can impress them. Basically is there anything that can be done? I mean I know I could call this in and maybe something would happen, but what is holding me back is the kid. I love the little guy to death and for the conditions he is in he's the happiest little guy I've seen. His face lights up when you talk to him and interact with him and I feel like he is getting next to no attention at home. They (Baby daddy, sister, his mom and step dad) all smoke inside the house with him in it. I feel like shit for not doing something, but what can be done? Guess I am just pissed off and feel like I am wrong no matter what path I take. Is my judgement clouded here for my dislike of my sister, or do I really have something to be pissed/worried about? He is 6 months old and is unable to sit up on his own, and seems to have no idea how to even try and crawl. He's in the bottom 25% of height/ weight and is VERY small for being 6 months old. I know that is still very young, but I feel like undernourishment and neglect here is a very real possibility. She tried feeding him a forkload of chocolate cake last night and fortunately I caught her before she did. He has an older daughter that he lost custody of to her mother. Sorry if this doesnt make too much sense right now. Just irritated and extremely pissed off, can't really get my thoughts straightened out enough to put into words. But this has really struck a nerve with me that I can't hit my fuck it button with. TL;DR- Sister is obviously abusing government assistance and is treating her child like shit. What do?
  21. Tires, Suspension, Exhaust, Tune from DTM in that order.
  22. 3,750 is the interval. At least for 2014, doubt it was changed for 2015. The VQ35's in the new Maxima's require Esther oil, as well as the 370Z's. It is upwards of $10/ quart IIRC. I don't honestly think there is any difference between that engine and yours. When I was at Nissan we talked about "why the 370's and Maxima's needed it and the Altima's don't?" a lot and never got an answer from anywhere. Power ratings aside, to me it is the same engine.. I'd just run a good synthetic and change it between 3500-3750. The CVT loves to lug those engines around and the timing chain will be torn up because of that. Stay on top of the maintenance and do the 30/60k services and you'll be happy. BTW change the CVT fluid at 30k instead of 60k unless you wanna buy a new one at 90k
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