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Everything posted by everlight44

  1. Sounds like a good time. I will definitely take this class at a later date (helping my mom clean out her house for the next 3 weekends ) Bump for Joe!
  2. An all original 912 would be worth a lot more I'd think. No one pays top dollar for a Russian mail order bride with a heart transplant.
  3. Per google maps both have a fair bit of construction right now. :-( You might try the new route for something different.
  4. You've got the right idea. Do what you can and be able to show what you have done. Good insurance is better than any safe. I have a few "sentimental" firearms that my dad and uncle had, but nothing that can't be replaced with $300-600.
  5. Thanks for your opinion. Did your neighbor have a safe and or house alarm? Where did he live? Indeed, every system can be beaten and has flaws. Do I have a $500 stack on safe? No. Feel free to apply your assumptions elsewhere.
  6. Yep... the less people know about what you have makes it safer. No one is going to lug a plasma cutter into a house and risk jail time unless there's serious money to be had.
  7. While safes don't stop proficient criminals from getting your stuff they deter/delay most from trying to get in. If one gets a decent safe, bolts it to the floor, and gets an alarm, you are in pretty good shape to protect your investment.
  8. Gotcha. Will give them a shot sometime for sure
  9. Is Rayners open to the public or match only? Hard to tell from the website
  10. MSRP of $675 will probably come down over time. I wonder if the weight on the product page (31oz) is loaded or unloaded? If loaded it is roughly the same as a Glock 19... otherwise it would be sorta heavy for a polymer frame pistol. If I see one I'll try and shoot it Edit: http://www.guns.com/2015/04/28/nite-owl-renamed-new-order-firearms-plans-for-lefty-pistols/ Used to be a different company
  11. I guess Thunder Valley just looked a lot further away for some reason. Only 15 minutes further than Briar Rabbit for me and the range is longer. Bought a new scope for my uncle's 270 Winchester I inherited (Remington 721) so might try a really long range sometime.
  12. Sucks that all these outdoor places are so far away
  13. The top one is kinda neat
  14. Nice. Maybe I'll catch you at Briar again soon.
  15. Ahhhh! I'm going tomorrow morning :-(
  16. Back end reminds me of a g35/37
  17. I enjoy "Backed out tinted windows" on my cars
  18. Probably 100-200 yards. I haven't done a whole lot of long range shooting with my AR15 yet.
  19. Sounds good. I haven't been there before... do I need to bring a target stand?
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