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Everything posted by everlight44
If one believes the media (I mean, who wouldn't these days?) then there was constantly changing protocol for the Texas Ebola patient. Ideally even nurses need some form of hazard suits that can be washed off with bleach to deal with this virus... protective gowns and facemasks are not enough.
So... um... seems to be going well
Not a bad idea at all... finding a manual one would be somewhat challenging though. However, they do seem to exist in small quantities. The latest varieties are around 270hp / 250tq
As long as you don't have open cuts on your hands/body and are not getting said germs into susceptible places (i.e eyes and elsewhere) then in theory one should not get the Ebola virus. You're right that most peoples' hygiene is rather terrible. I work in a hospital and regularly see people walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands... I'm always tempted to say something.
The Kaiser M35a2 looks like a solid pickup
This made me laugh... well done. Ebola is at this point a virus spread by contact only, not airborne. If it becomes airborne then there is a more serious problem. In our society the transmission rate should in theory be quite low, as most people understand how viruses work and spread. The Hot Zone is a neat book on Ebola that I read. While I think it does make the virus seem a little too deadly/scary, it does have a lot of good information and is worth a read.
I do need to check on the insurance, but I turned 25 and haven't had any accidents/tickets for 7 years, so my rates should be relatively OK. For sure it will cost a lot more than my $44/month for my accord. A WRX or focus ST would probably be my preference at this point, as they have 4 doors and are plenty quick for me. The accord will last forever minus it needing painted. For whatever reason I see lots of 99 accords these days with paint problems.
Obviously a "judge" is the best choice... just kidding. If you can't kill get a good flashlight, a can of mace (or hornet spray for that matter), and/or a taser. Like others said, running lights, motion sensors, and an alarm are also effective means of dissuading crackheads. Make sure nothing too valuable is easily seen from the windows too.
Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate it. I don't really have the space to store my accord and own another car at this time, so I can't have the best of both worlds with daily beater + crazy evening/weekend car. RWD seems like it would be OK as long as I had good tires and was easy on the throttle (duh). I have to drive up and down 315 to get to work right now and sit in crap traffic a lot, so that may influence my decision a little bit too. Sounds like I have some test driving to do.... Well... hopefully, lol. My friend has a speed3 and its torque steer is pretty insane. In terms of the interior or...? I found a few v8 ones on autotrader. They don't have all the bells and whistles for sure though. Been thinking about test driving a focus and fiesta ST. Both seem to be popular and quick. Only bad things I've read are that they don't have limited slip and can have carbon buildup due to direct injection. Having a car with a warranty would be appealing too. Thanks all - Sean
Greetings fellow automotive enthusiasts, I like my old '99 accord v6 that I inherited from my dad, but I miss having a manual semi-fast car and am looking for ideas. I'd like something newer that is only lightly used and will last me awhile, as well as get me to and from work in the snow. I'm not opposed to buying snow tires but am unsure of RWD in the frozen tundra, as I have not owned a car with it before. Unfortunately the "fast, cheap, reliable: pick two" probably comes to mind here. Here are a few I've thought of: - Subaru WRX - haven't had much luck finding one for 20k that has less than 60k miles - 2011 Camaro - the RWD thing comes to mind, but I like them - 2011 Mustang - same as the Camaro - 2013 Ford focus ST - seems nice but is FWD, which makes putting power to the ground harder - Subaru BRZ - seems nice but not that powerful and RWD Any other cars to look out for? I like the WRX, but not much luck locating one. The mustang/camaro ideas is probably 2nd Thanks all - Sean
Airstrikes are effective against non-cohesive groups that don't have significant numbers in the field and only when there is adequate intelligence to eliminate their positions. Bombing ISIS/ISIL without good field intelligence will just waste money and time, and the group will just recede then surge once the airstrikes are over. This is a group of 20-30k embedded in cities... they aren't all standing out in the middle of the desert burning American flags waiting for the US to bomb them. Of course I'm saying what everyone not in this administration knows already. Leaving Iraq and Afghanistan so quickly was a mistake, and now we are paying for it.
At this point there are too many hands in the cookie jar... too many countries with their own interests trying to spin the war to their advantage. One could appropriately use the term "cluster" here. And I agree that arming rebel factions is somewhat ridiculous. After the war is over there will be more fighting over territory simply because we empowered groups to take advantage of others. On the other hand, deploying troops that could run these idiots into the ground in a matter of days would look bad. Oh well. I read the news every morning and just wait for it to get worse.
I don't think that they will. Russia probably hopes that the "west" will bleed from this endeavor, especially with the sanctions that are looming against them. The airstrikes in Iraq have started... Syria TBA. We will see how well training rebel soldiers works.
A majority of the funds and weapons dispersed to Pakistan and the Mujahedin resistance in the 1980's went to a warlord Hekmatyar, who was/is an Islamist with ties to terrorist groups. Perhaps the benefit of bleeding the USSR outweighed the costs of giving war materials to radical Islamists. Of course, this is in retrospect.
ISIS (or ISIL these days) will eventually be destroyed in its current iteration because they don't really have any "friends" whatsoever. Pretty much every state and religion has denounced their barbarity. However, as long as the area is impoverished, guns are available, and young men don't have a productive outlet for their energy (i.e joining a well structured military or getting a real job), these groups will continue to rise. Somehow I am doubting the "no boots on the ground" strategy will work though. If the group is ~17,000 strong that is a fairly significant fighting force capable of resisting on a wide front. Given that not everyone is well trained and some will surrender or flee when their world starts getting introduced to precision guided munitions though. I always wonder about giving arms to any group that isn't the US or a close ally. For example, funding and arming the mujahedin in the 80s was probably not the best decision.
Sadly one of the recurrent themes in history is that religious fundamentalism is used as a method of justifying the persecution of others - especially minorities - in society. Wielding religion as a tool to empower normal people to rape, murder, and kill others that are "lesser people" is something people have done for thousands of years. I could outline how poverty, lack of education, and lack of modernization of society leads to the rise of these groups, and how we could eliminate them socioeconomically... but honestly I think they will keep arising because people like killing other people. Glassing an area and eradicating one group will just drive the beliefs into hiding, where they will reemerge later in a different place. I guess I have a very fatalistic view. Groups like ISIS will also continue to develop in Islam due to the Shia/Sunni split. Most of the Muslim world is Sunni, and the groups have been killing each since right after the death of Mohammed. They will continue to do so until one or the other is eradicated. ... and off my soap box. I do wonder though if ISIS will eventually turn on Iran since ISIS is Sunni-fundamentalist and Iran is Shia.
Actual pics might help. I did a little searching and this thread has some nice info. Doesn't look like it is worth a whole lot but is still a neat gun http://www.shotgunworld.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?t=268731
Reviews seem to be mixed at this time... gunblast.com liked it, but seems like they have some QC problems
Cool gun, hope it serves you well.
Neat that you found this and thanks for sharing. I'd be curious to see the bolt
I'd also guess mid to low teens since it still needs a paint job. Disc brakes are a huge plus IMO
The 12ga upper is neat but the price is too steep for what it is. Perhaps the price will come down in the future. Found this randomly: http://www.gunsamerica.com/924184574/MKA1919_Akdal_Semi_Automatic_12Ga_20_5_1_AR_2mag_FREE_SHIPPIN.htm Might be crap. Edit: read here http://www.gunsumerreports.com/review_akdal_mka_1919_p1.php I read a lot about the bullpup unlimited stocks and they seem to be pretty solid. Only questionable piece was the trigger mechanism is connected by a bar.
My mom needs a basic laptop. Thoughts on this one?
everlight44 replied to Browning's topic in Dumpster
Seems pretty nice to me. Only thing is more RAM is always better, but 4gb is probably OK. -
Pretty amazing. Thanks for sharing
Well done, pretty car. Hope it serves you well