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Everything posted by vonrottes

  1. Didn't take pictures of my work, so did I really even do it? But what an absolute pita πŸ’€ Went to jegs and picked up a valve holder/air hose thingy on Saturday, was supposed to take a ΒΌ" NPT fitting, fitting was 5/16 compression thread... So ordered one with air fitting from Amazon, the hex on the spark plug fitting with that hose was to big to fit in the recesses on LS heads, so I had to grind down the fitting to clear.... Tried to use the cheap universal "pry bar" valve compressor and it ended up sending two valve keepers on an express one way flight to the abyss. Tried to get a hand full of replacements from the local autozone and they were useless (the hub store closest to me on West broad specifically is useless not the valve keepers) so I ended up having to go BACK to jegs and get a full set of comp keepers, and picked up the expensive bolt on valve spring compressor (because I forgot the one I already had was for LS3 style heads AND DONT FIT THE LS1 STYLE πŸ˜‚) Old seals were definitely crusty with lots of sludge around the valve stem and guide under the seal. Truck is back together and seems to be running maybe a little better, wideband looks a LOT more consistent, but I haven't plugged the laptop in yet. U joints are in, originals were pretty chewed up but not loose so I think that was some vibration and noise... But the crusty bearings sound is still there on left turns, might be wheel bearings so I ordered those today. Could also just be the diff, supposedly the F body Zexel torsen make a "rusty screw" sound.... Just because πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ idk it feels smooth when I rotate the wheels in park, and when I hold the wheels letting it idle in gear on Jack stands.. probably should have replaced the the bearing when I installed the rear brakes but they looked fine when I had the axles out.
  2. Remember kids don't daily drive your projects πŸ˜‚ After attempting a 1/4 mile pull the other day, the truck developed some odd noise that made me let off it before I even hit 60mph. thought it was the transmission, then I thought it was the differential or possibly the original 33 year old u joints.... after reviewing the under truck video I took trying to kind the noise, I THINK the rear strap for the fuel tank has come loose.... which would definitely cause some unsettling noises at speed.. So this weekend I'm still replacing u joints, I know they are loose but they don't seem sloppy yet, but preventative maintenance right? especially considering I'm planning on taking it down the track at least a few times in may. Also going to tackle the valve stem seals, occasionally a big ole cloud of smoke on start up. don't think it's a ring issue. valve stem seals are only 10 years old, when I had to swap the 862 heads from the 4.8 onto the new 5.3 since the 706 heads had cracks in the head bolt recesses. I deep cleaned the heads, lapped the valves and replaced valve stem seals... maybe I did it wrong, or maybe they were just crappy seals. hopefully the valves don't leak much because I don't want to pull the heads to fix the valves unless I'm doing a cam swap πŸ˜‚
  3. well.....last week I gave her a proper bath to get the salt and mud rain off πŸ˜‚
  4. Oh man, there is a bunch of small things since April. Got the "new" valve covers and coil brackets installed, along with a catch can Switched all the lights over to LED with some slightly sketchy H4 projectors and even did the interior lights finally. Got the rear brakes installed and also powder coated the diff cover and battery tray while it was all apart. for smaller simpler stuff... installed power studs on the tank because I'm sick of melting the racetronix bulkheads. Primitively did the trunnion upgrade since I had a spare set of rockers, got those put in last monday. FINALLY threw in a set of 2" blocks with JTR setback plates, also did a quick buff/seal to get the paint cleaned up a little and got compliments how clean the truck looked this year! And some pictures from the trip! First stop in PA, noticed the rear looked like it was squatting pretty bad because I was also delivering a GM 8.5 to carlisle for someone. only hit the bump stops on the expansion joints on the bridges, in hindsight I probably should have turned the compression on the shocks up a click or two... second stop was in MD at the welcome center, absolutely beautiful area! And sad sunday everyone packing up I was just getting some last photos since it rained off and on most of the day on saturday
  5. Featuring sportmachines and S10 Nation. I finally got to see, photograph and touch the LSR Syclone! Bonus I got to see the pikes peak truck! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12Oxd60IXfmwxI6XV2zpH8M2UBlCr-gA3 Photos here are original 36mp minimally compressed jpgs and the pngs that uploaded at 16bit 36mp for all the pixel porn 🀣 First time shooting with a new to me Nikkor 50mm f2 lens. And here's this from the hotel parking lot just because... Sonoma GT party .
  6. Wasn't today... But Thursday I washed my bike and got it started for the first time since 2018. New battery and drained the old fuel and.... just had to make sure it still worked after letting it warm up. still needs new tires, brakes, oil change and new plugs and it should be ready to go.
  7. I just feel like a dumbass, checked the ignition fuse and the starter fuse... didn't even think the accessory fuse would stop it from starting πŸ˜‚
  8. Nevermind, ask a stupid question before I checked the fuses.... was just the ACC fuse.
  9. Trying to get my bike back up and running this year after sitting in my garage since 2018... when I turn the ignition on the running lights come on and the turn signals and horn work but the neutral light doesn't come on and the starter button does nothing (kick stand up/down, clutch in/out, kill switch on/off, 1st and neutral), jumped the starter relay and it spins over no issue but no spark, so I'm assuming the ignition isn't getting power? it's got a newer 1600 engine swap, and an aftermarket dash/ignition switch. My dad gave me this bike in 2014 and the most I've ever done is change the oil, never had to actually work on it.... I know vintage dirt bikes and LS engines.
  10. Little things.... Got the rear calipers and a spare set of valve covers powder coated, so I can start making it look pretty, have some metallic grey I'm thinking about doing the coil brackets in. Soon as I have time to take the truck apart I'll get the front calipers done in the same red and make some silver reflective vinyls for them... As well as powder coating the front and rear caliper adapter brackets..
  11. Out here looking extra smol next to an obs 3500 crew cab 🫠 Recently the belt has started to slip REAL bad when it's wet, definitely not enough wrap around the crank pulley (between like 5 and 7 maybe 8 ) with the AC bracket and I think the belt is slightly too long as well. Getting real close to buying an SS so I can park this thing again and start repairing and upgrading
  12. Week off work has led me to finally tint the windows. 35% 3m ceramic... It's not great but idk not awful for my first time.. stuff is a lot less forgiving than 3m Scotchgard film πŸ˜… Need to swap out the back glass, bronze for clear and tint it as well. Will probably switch to Llumar film since it's significantly cheaper for a 10' roll. Other than that I got a broke ass sand blasting and powder coating setup in the garage so get ready for all the custom coated parts like this spare 0411 I used as a test piece And I hauled off a 300lb load of scrap metal from my garage, and subsequently got to weigh the truck 3440 with half a tank of gas and me in it, she a lil piggy πŸ–
  13. Trying to work on cars and still have time on the weekend to do stuff sucks... thats why the leaking heater core has been temporarily bypassed. But the tune has been fixed and it feels like it's running SIGNIFICANTLY better than before, though I screwed up and the original file from the yukon PCM got lost due to the flash drive I kept all my tunes on just....died. so it's stuck in MAF enhanced RTT. Not a big deal since I'm not planning on keep the gen 3 stuff much longer, Valley knock sensor are the bane of my existence. But other than that I've not really had any motivation to do any work to it so have a picture I took at the park...
  14. Oh mannnn late notice posting this one. https://www.facebook.com/MotorViceShow/ I try to go every year just becasue 90's shitbox but it's a lot of fun very 90's cringe, at Performance Auto Spa 3-7pm
  15. She made it back from Carlisle without any issues....other than the ac freezing up on the highway and blowing fog when it started raining πŸ˜‚ think it's still just slightly low Only issue on the way there Thursday morning was the cheapest reman alternator they had at O'Reilly's decided it couldn't do anymore than 12v with nothing but the radio on, so I threw in a NEW duralast gold Friday evening in the hotel parking lot, now holds 14v with EVERYTHING on.
  16. Finishing up on my Carlisle prep... Changed the oil and spark plugs (#7 looked a little sus and #2 the retainer was broken in the boot) Scrubbed the body for a good hour, and spent a little time on the wheels cleaning them up with the special sauce and rubbed a little protectant on the tires. Two applications of All wheel cleaner brought the wheels and calipers back to what I would call acceptable.. Still want to recoat the calipers, and the wheels I'd like to strip and recoat since they have a few scratches down to the aluminum. Just need to clean up the interior... Shampoo the floor mats, vacuum the carpet and seats, wipe down the plastics, and clean the glass . Then it will be ready for the road trip Thursday morning.
  17. New tires are on, chalked the tires and running 30psi in the front and 28 in the rear. ride is slightly stiffer, as expected with a lower profile tire, need to rebuild or replace the front shocks since winter destroyed them and the adjusters are locked up.. Also got a set of GMC center caps for a terrain so no mismatched logos. Probably not going to do much more until next spring, after I get my final raise at work money will no longer be an issue and I can afford a new daily and investing money in the truck. Future plans for upgrades are a Gen 4 6.0 or 6.2 and a 6l80, don't really care if I get an aluminum or iron block, just want something with rec port heads to keep parts interchangeability with my next car.. Switching to Corvette high mount alt accessory drive to clean up the front of the engine and also buy some clearance for a new radiator and bigger alternator. looking at ditching the ICT AC bracket and going cast Holley set up. Will also fix the crooked hood since the 105amp alternator is just barely touching the hood bracing with the truck bracket. Brembo calipers for the rear, already have the calipers in my garage, just need the backets and rotors. And once I get the engine and everything else sorted..... going full Restoration on the body, got some rust that needs to be fixed and paint needs to be redone, the epoxy primer my dad used is just too damn thick and its chipping like crazy.
  18. It's really not that hard to do, follow the instructions closely, keep track of everything and take your time. All of what you are doing is in the valve body, so you won't be working under the truck except to remove the valve body itself. Realistically it can be done in an afternoon after work, or if you want to take your time a Saturday. Now if you are going into the pump and stuff to install the FULL kit that is a lot more involved and does require removing the transmission.
  19. I'm not an expert, but I have installed a HD2 shift kit before. Is the transmission out?
  20. Officially part of big brake gang πŸ˜‚ Toom way longer than expected to grind down the belltech drop spindles. Then the lower ball joint REFUSED to let go, but was able to get it off after walking away for 24 hours. test fit a old G8 wheel with 245/40 tires and did NOT like how it looked, not enough tire. And the 245/50 on the Camaro wheels hit the inner fender at the rear but look SO GOOD. So I'm gonna try to run 245/45 tires and hope they don't hit and look good. Just need fluid to bleed the brakes and it SHOULD be good to go! Requested an appointment for new tires for this Wednesday. So maybe catch me doing burnouts at QSL on those nasty ass G8 wheels πŸ˜‚
  21. With the recent official loss of my G8, I've been back driving the sonoma and finally doing the upgrades and repairs I've wanted to do the last few years. Unfortunately I just was not able to keep the G8 for the engine/transmission to put in the sonoma since they wanted over $7,000 for the car that is now undrivable and deemed a total loss. But the money has been able to fast track these upgrades. First and probably most importantly THE AC WORKS! and when I say it's Ice cold, it's not like every used car listing "Ice cold AC" No the air coming out of the vents is physically painful if it's blowing at you. Rough estimate of 28oz of R134 and 8oz of PAG46, had an incident of finding out the compressor has a pressure relief valve that sprays oil all over the headers and HVAC box.... so I think I need to add a bit more refrigerant as it's fast cycling at 65mph Run into an issue where the ride height I like the way it looks was only about 1" from hitting the bump stops, which made for an awful time on Wilson road... so I've gone and added some preload to bring it back up to a stockish ride height and it looks goofy as hell but rides so much better. So to fix that problem I'm upgrading to Belltech blazer drop spindles, sealed hub and a normal rotor instead of the old school bearings in the rotor, along with that swap I'm also going to use the 4 piston brembos I had bought for the G8 but didn't get to install them, working on cleaning them up and preping to install them next weekend with cross drilled C6 Z06 rotors, which apparently are the same size as the Camaro/SS/CTSV rotors but has a 70mm center bore like the S-series trucks... Rears are coming soon but aren't a priority as the stock drums still function just fine, though they do look dumb inside the 19" camaro wheels that I'll FINALLY be installing in July after the front brakes are done.... Going with the same BFG G-force Comp 2 A/S plus tires that I had on the G8. And Lastly I need to fab a permanent mount for the trans cooler since there's no longer room for it behind the grille after the AC condenser got installed.. Currently it's securely zip tied in the same-ish location as the heat exchanger for a Sy/Ty So I thinking I might try to get some kind of little scoop made up too. Also noticed I REALLY need some kind of baffling or air dam between the front bumper and condenser, once the fan comes on it just pulls hot air from under the truck back through the radiator, Had this issue on my original S10 but It had the factory air dam that mounted to the core support and bumper. from my searching I seems like the Sy/Ty/SoGT NEVER had any such air dam Other than that It's just been repairing stuff I neglected in 2018 when I put it together or finding stuff that has happened during it's 3 year out door storage, like the headlights were shorting out and melted the passenger side plug, was actually the H4 bulbs in the Autopal housings. Uh the last electrical issue was the hot wire for the fuel pump was getting excessively hot, because the ground on the chassis has completely corroded, cleaned it up and relocated it to a more accessible spot and the wire still gets warm but not HOT I mean the pump is rated at 15-16amps at 60psi (Walbro 450) Today I spent a few hours trying to figure out why the brake pedal was so stiff with the hydroboost, turns out the pushrod was binding on the pedal so I got that addressed and it's feeling MUCH better now, hoping the new calipers are a better match with the C/K master cylinder I'm running so the pedal is a little softer and has a little more travel.
  22. Woah hey, hi. CR had moved so here's a Big'ole update on the car. Finally got the Replica SV6 spoiler at the beginning of 2022, made some little 3d printed plugs for the holes from the stock spoiler.. Recently had to replace the radiator after the top tank split in half, while I had it apart I went ahead and refinished the OE headlights, sanded all the original coating off with 5000 grit, buffed them out and then wrapped the lenses with Clear vinyl. and cut out the backing of the lower grille to the left and right to open it up for a later mod. Scotchgarde on the driver side and Vvivid on the passenger side....Because I accidentally ripped the expensive stuff. Oh yeah and April of this year I finally did some go fast mods. Summit 8715r cam, BTR .660 dual springs, .105 wall pushrods, M365 oil pump, Billet oil gallery barbell, Cloyes timing set, Comp Trunnions, ARP bolts where OE was/could not be reused, Stainless works Long tubes and all new gaskets + internal seals/orings... While I was apart also did new poly engine mounts and the Camaro trans pan Tried for a few months to tune it myself, but the Gen4 stuff just isn't as easy as the Gen3...So I had to take it to get a real tune and made a cool 406hp on 88 Octane This was a clip still on my....not so great tune. And these have been sitting in a box since July of last year, just haven't had the extra money to install them, plus I haven't been able to get my power coating stuff set up yet.
  23. vonrottes


    Still have to get a few more cars, I've got 5 cars. Trying to do a autumn shoot next and then I can get the months put together. Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  24. vonrottes


    Sorry guys, been busy with work and sleeping [emoji28] the next 3 weekends are going to be pretty busy for me, might be able to get something done this Saturday evening and next Saturday but no promises. Have a truck still in pieces and I'm supposed to leave for Carlisle, PA on the 5th. After that though I'm pretty open Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  25. vonrottes


    Still think it looks pretty dope [emoji122] but I do agree we need more people, and maybe try for a little later in the evening for better light. Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
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