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Everything posted by Coaster

  1. Coaster


    I thought it sounded so much like "The Dale" from day 1 that I couldn't take Elio seriously. https://jalopnik.com/murder-transsexuals-and-the-price-is-right-the-story-464820740
  2. If it has auto up/down then it should have limit switches for each direction. Maybe one of those has failed.
  3. I was a little disappointed in the official video after waiting all that time. Here is my video from this summers rally and our very indirect route home:
  4. Asked for: A quiet weekend on call Got: A flaming pile of broken shit.
  5. This is perfect. Just need to buy an orange one then add a lift kit and a rebel flag on the roof.
  6. Drove from Circleville to Cleveland yesterday. Left a little before 7am. Ice and rain the whole way up 71, it varied by county if they bothered to clear the 3rd lane or not. Blizzaks and common sense made it no big deal. The trip home sucked. More traffic, still raining, and very heavy fog until we hit Columbus. I was amazed there were no serious accidents, lots of spots where I'd lose sight of the taillights in front of me. Not to mention we still saw people, in the middle of all that, head down on their phones texting.
  7. There is no gun registration in Ohio. You see it in the movies and TV all the time because a couple of the more communist states do it and it usually makes the plot easier.
  8. As I understand it as long as he told the tax dept the same number that was on the title when it was transferred you're fine and they will probably never contact you.
  9. Best GMC dealer for service is wherever Cordell is working and ask for him specifically. Edit: Currently Dan Tobin GMC
  10. I'd mount a big diesel generator designed to roll coal to the trailer to recharge it with.
  11. Coaster

    F-22 fleet

    Potatoes at least have eyes. That looks like a 3 year olds watercolor painting.
  12. Try http://www.antennaweb.org it will tell you what you need for each station from your location.
  13. Antennaweb.org will help you decide what style antenna you need and what direction to point it.
  14. Can you go to a taller tire on the drive wheels on your current mower to get a higher top speed?
  15. Will 2" and 1mph really save you any time?
  16. Do you have any good links to transport groups. We can't really take in any more animals but if there's one thing we can do it's long distance driving.
  17. East side meet is moving again. "*** New spot!!! If you didn't hear, we got kicked out of Value City due to people not being respectful of the people that live in the area by blasting music, flying up and down the front of the stores, and leaving trash. After this last spot I have in mind, I will probably give up this page. I love the car community and love being able to meet up with people but I just don't have the time or resources to continue doing this just to be kicked out. Anyways... The old "Dicks Sporting Goods" at Easton. In the way back by Old Navy and there is steak and shake by there. Tonight and tomorrow starting at 9. We will try this spot out but no promises. No houses near by but if we leave trash, Easton will kick us out."
  18. Oh well while you're down there time for headers!
  19. Coaster

    Condo or House?

    Condo since you are gone so much. Maintenance would be a PITA with a house. I just wouldn't buy into a new development, seems to be the fast path to getting screwed. Everyone I know who has bought a new condo has lost their ass. Find something that's a couple years old, hell they will probably still be building in other parts of the development.
  20. How old are you. I'm not sure what the birth year was but us old geezers don't need a education course.
  21. Here is my video from the rally. Taking video or pictures were not really a priority but I put together what I had. I'll post some other pics later.
  22. Glad you enjoyed our range!
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