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Everything posted by aussiek2000

  1. I put a ported and blueprinted Melling M295 in my car when i did the Cam and DOD delete. Makes more pressure than it ever did, and I'm getting plenty of oil to the top end with valve covers off.
  2. Need to get a pair of drag radials next week. Anywhere in the columbus area stock 275/40-17 ET streets? I can go to summit if I have too, but columbus is closer.
  3. check what bushings are in it. if it has stiff poly or delrin, they tend to be loud. Rubber or some of the softer poly will quiet things down.
  4. Hit up NHRATA on here when you really want to gain some HP. He picked up quite a few CFM on my heads.
  5. I bet it does. My "small cam" G8 turns heads like crazy when its sitting there loping.
  6. Buddy live in the Canton area. We will probably take both cars to quaker city in a couple weeks
  7. A set of BTR springs should have no problem going 30k+
  8. Thank you. should have said something. I didn't know anyone else that was there. Tried a few different launch techniques and the track wouldn't hold any power. That turbo 3rd gen about at the wall.
  9. nice car. Have Brian see if he can pick up a little more power. should do more than 460
  10. You were right. Went to pacemaker tonight. It was no prep "street heat" night. Car wouldn't hook no matter what I tried. Best pass was a 8.5 @ 85 with 2.0 60ft will be ordering some hoosiers next pay day.
  11. Cops did their job. They retreated much further than i would have expected. I wonder if they were leery to drop the bad guy due to what media would say?
  12. Do you have power and ground at vent valve plug. Should ground when commanded on
  13. My car has a 224/236 .631/.621 122+4 with ported LS3 heads and 3600 stall. Drive it every day, not much different than non-cammed car once we got tune dialed in and turned off TCC in town.
  14. If you can get the light to stay on, call any ford dealer and see if they can at least pull codes and make an RO and note it. That way when you do have it in for service, there are t least codes to start with. So many times I've had people wait to bring their car in and the codes clear based on key/drive cycles. Makes it very hard to try and find the issue.
  15. 1 minute. that didnt last long
  16. Ran down to woodbury after work. got some win 296 and some primers.
  17. Buckeye outdoors hasn't had very much pistol variety last few times I've been there. Might run down to woodbury outfitters after work tomorrow. Figured I'd see if anyone had any they were looking to sell versus wasting time and gas for nothing
  18. Saw it today. Nothing to phone home about. But the Flaming Guitar player was pretty awesome.
  19. Looking for a pound of one the following powders if anyone has some. Alliant Blue dot Hodgdon h108 or h110 Hodgdon lil gun Hodgdon Clays Alliant Unique Winchester 296 Accurate No.7 or No.9
  20. Pulled this out of 13 equinox, unknown service history http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r39/aussiek2000/2C67C760-2659-4C3E-B90F-BB3509008CD7.jpg
  21. Does it indicate which cylinder is missing or just a random code?
  22. Hellcat did 658 on Smokey's superflow last weekend.
  23. Futral Motorsports spec'd me a Cam Motion 224/236 .631/.621 112+4 LSA. I run a 3600rpm FTI stall on stock gear and drive in town mon-fri and its not different than any other car
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