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Everything posted by Grudes

  1. I read about this earlier today. No better way to show black lives matter then killing yourself in dramatic fashion
  2. I would say average of 40 for the year. More during busy times less during slow times. Im not the service manager so Ill be honest about it, that way you dont get here and are pissed because he told you we were a high volume shop. You will probably turn more hrs because we are so short staffed though. Im guessing pay would be around $20/hr flat rate maybe more maybe less DOE
  3. I think pay is DOE, youll have to talk to Ryan to figure that out, Im sure you can negotate it. Hour's average right at 40 per week
  4. Watch out this morning, it snowed last night and we all know what happens to traffic when there is a snowflake in the air.
  5. We are in need of a Tech or 2 at Lash Chevrolet. I wont lie, its not a high volume shop but it is laid back and there are no weekends. We are down to 3 techs, I took a different position and the other tech probably wont be there much longer. So there should be plenty of work. They normally run with 4 line techs but they are about to be down to 1 or 2. They are pretty desperate to hire someone in and you can start immediately. If you have any questions PM me. Otherwise you can call or email Ryan @ 740-967-8021 or Ryan@lashchevrolet.com
  6. Lol nice NB It seems like the same thing when it comes down to Mustang vs Camaro; preference.
  7. Damn I hate Fords but that thing could make me go to the dark side. Sexy
  8. I wonder what will happen with the GT86 platform (FR-S and BRZ)? I think that some of the models will get re-branded, similar to what GM did with Saturn and Geo, then slowly phased out.
  9. Yea sounds like your hard drive died, but the fact that it wont read any other device makes me suspicous of your motherboard being bad
  10. Didn't you say the LS3 was crap in the SS thread? Get a Z06 C6 with an LS7
  11. Did he even have an air filter or is sucking all the crap of the road straight into the engine?
  12. Nice find, the older STi's are getting hard to find, I had to drive to Indiana to get my 04. Congrats on the new ride!
  13. Seems like they are going to be out of the price range for the people that love them and would buy them..
  14. AWD it doesn't just help in the snow but on wet roads too. 4wd is good too but you don't always remember to turn it on until your already in the ditch. Also if you leave a 4wd vehicle in "Auto" they have a tendency to eat up front differentials.
  15. From what I have seen it starts to be an issue around the 50K mark but there are a lot of products out there to help deal with it
  16. Love the Liscense plate BTW. Lol
  17. Sometimes you can get them down to ~40K, you just have to wait for the right GM incentives. You will probably have to wait a few months before GM does it with the 16's
  18. Grudes

    2016 C7 Z06

    If only I had the money... 'sigh' Lol
  19. Grudes

    Go Fund Me

    Its fucking ridiculous the bullshit people try to scam money for.
  20. Grudes

    Go Fund Me

    Damn Joe, something happen or are you venting about all the bullshit go fun me account?
  21. Great car and with only 120k, amazing. Is it rusting around the door check, or is that just discoloration?
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