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Posts posted by BuckeyeROC

  1. SAMTECH thinks it will make about 800 on the engine dyno spinning it to 7,500 on race gas. The biggest goal with this engine is reliability and ease of maintenance.


    Sounds about right. MIGHT be able to do 800 on 93, no? Depends on CR I guess.

  2. Does anyone plan on removing the plates from their DDs? I've never had a front plate on the Miata but my Sedona and CMax I can't see bothering with removing them and plugging the holes.


    I had the front plate on the dash of my DD, took it out last night. I'll leave the other DDs up to my wife and daughter. If I just had a shit CRV or something for a daily, I don't think it'd matter at all.

  3. Started practicing heel toe downshifts in the Z/28. The pedals were too far apart to do it well consistently with the side of my foot, so I ordered a set from SRP:





    I was too impatient to install anything but the gas pedal yet, but wow, what a difference. Took it for a test drive, heel toe is way easier now.



  4. I LOVE weightlifting. I've had a gym in my basement for many years now. But getting older, I'm starting to switch from lifting heavier weight to lifting using a high volume, bodybuilder style workout.


    I HATE cardio, but recently stepped up to doing 20-40 minutes of cardio every day and cut back on my calories.


    I don't do much away from the gym except work on things around the house or cars, or taxi kids to their activities. Seems like we always have some projects going.

  5. Unrelated, but if you guys wanna see a boom SpaceX Starship SN4 just blew up on the test stand at the build site in Texas following it's 5th static fire test. Unexpected, but not a big deal, SN5 was basically already done and SN6 is about done. For those who don't know, this is SpaceX's next gen methane rocket that will replace the Falcon 9 and go to the Moon and Mars. This one was actually supposed to make a test "hop" on Monday.




  6. I took a trip from west sunbury to east sunbury yesterday and had one of the most sloth-filled, un-enjoyable drives of my life. Multiple people doing 40-45 in 55mph zones.


    So glad to see everyone back...


    Bro, that is EVERY DAY!

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